The Quarterly: The magazine of tradition, history, and stories of the RCMP
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Since 1933, The Quarterly has celebrated the RCMP's rich traditions, histories, and stories.
Now published by the RCMP Veterans' Association, The Quarterly provides current and former regular members, employees, and other readers with a chance to keep in touch with the organization.
What you'll find inside
The Quarterly appeals to its more than 6000 subscribers with features such as:
- Information about upcoming activities and events
- Articles about innovative programs, new police technologies, and more
- Light-hearted and humourous stories
- Features that are specifically for RCMP veterans
- Stories about members and employees who are involved in community policing initiatives at home and abroad
- The latest life events for members and employees
- Book news and reviews
Find out how you can contribute to The Quarterly.
How to subscribe to The Quarterly
Subscribing to The Quarterly is easy.
- Download the subscription form (or find it at the end of every issue of The Quarterly)
- Fill it out and send it to us at:
The Quarterly
1 Sandridge Rd.
Bldg. E, Room 205
Ottawa ON K1A 0R2
We accept payment via:
- Credit card (Visa only)
- Cheque or money order (please make payable to The Quarterly)
Serving members or pensioners can ask for their subscription to be deducted from their RCMP pay or pension.
If you have any questions about the subscription process, please call us at 613-993-3738.
Subscription rates
Our subscription rates vary depending on your address:
- Canadian: $40 per year
- United States: $48 per year
- Foreign: $54 per year
All rates are in Canadian funds and include taxes and shipping and handling. Maximum allowable subscription renewal is two years.
Extra copies or back issues
Extra copies or back issues cost $10 each (taxes included). Issues published before 2002 cost $25 each, due to their limited availability.
If you'd like extra copies or back issues, please contact us at:
The Quarterly
1 Sandridge Rd.
Bldg. E, Room 205
Ottawa ON K1A 0R2
Telephone: 613-993-3738
Fax: 613-993-4353
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