PEI RCMP facility dog Lola and our team visit Lennox Island

April 23, 2024
Lennox Island, Prince Edward Island

In your community


Yesterday, PEI RCMP has the pleasure of visiting Lennox Island First Nation day care, John J. Sark Memorial School and stopped in to the Band Office. Thanks to the outstanding work of Constable Amy Handrahan, PEI RCMP's First Nation's liaison officer with Lennox Island, we received a very warm welcome!

Corporal Allen brought RCMP Facility Dog Lola and she got some great attention from the day care, and school. Corporal Peters came along with Simba and Harleen from our Recruiting Team too.

The relationship between Lennox Island and PEI RCMP isn't just about enforcement; it's about understanding, trust, and partnership. It's about working together to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone in our community, regardless of background or heritage.

A huge thanks to Chief Bernard for taking some time to meet with us, and share a quick update on activities in Lennox Island. Building trust and understanding is key to creating safer, stronger communities for generations to come. We will continue to stand together, learn from one another, and celebrate the richness of our diverse cultures.

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