Northern New Brunswick students learn about the consequences associated with drinking and driving

June 14, 2024
Fredericton, New Brunswick

In your community


Over 400 grade 9 and 12 students from Campbellton, Dalhousie, Kedgwick, and Saint-Quentin participated in the annual "Prevent Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth" (P.A.R.T.Y.) program on May 22 and 23, 2024. This national initiative, which has been active in the region for 18 years, aims to raise youth's awareness about the dangers and consequences of drinking and driving.

The organizing committee, including the New Brunswick RCMP, community partners, and government agencies, conducted a mock multi-agency response to an accident. The mock-simulation involved police, firefighters, ambulance services, the coroner, and a funeral home. Students participated in scenarios such as a mock-emergency room scenario and a scene where a mother identified her deceased child, with explanations of the roles of professionals in such situations.

In total, students participated in seven sessions with various professionals to understand the impact that driving while impaired could have on their lives. Thanks to Superintendent Stéphane Roy and Staff Sergeant René Labbé for speaking to the students, and to Corporal Yves Desroches, Véronique Guitard, and Candace Legacy-Parent for their support during the event.

As graduation season approaches, the New Brunswick RCMP urges drivers and those who are celebrating to prioritize road safety for a safe journey home. You have a long future ahead of you but a single moment can alter many lives forever.

Photo credit: Michael Levesque

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