As we reflect on the 150-year anniversary of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, I see great opportunities. I see opportunity for my community and the good members of the RCMP to continue to build a solid foundation of open dialogue, mutual understanding, and respect. With regular communication and willingness, a relationship can be forged and used as an example of how police and Indigenous communities can work better together, walk side-by-side to address reconciliation issues, collaborate on training and create opportunities to build lasting relations. On this 150th anniversary for the RCMP, it promotes opportunity to set forth with an open heart and an open mind to strengthen relationships between the RCMP and Indigenous communities. This gives me hope that in the next 150 years that our partnerships built now set the standard for the generations to follow. As we say, it takes a community to raise a child. Let's partner up to raise our children together, be present in their lives and make a difference.
Gis 150 te'sipunkek'l pemi'ag, Welalieg, ninen J Division Inu'e Gast'pl Lugowinu'k
Tes nige nestuita'tiuq kiis gasq'ptnnaqan je nanisk'aq kiis pemiaq tan peji'lugwet'eg RCMP. Pukwelk nemitu luguwaqan etek. Nemitu etek luguwaqan utjit Utan'n aq RCMP ewijik, tan tel siawa'tuten lugwaqan utjit kelulk agnumata'qan, nestuiteta'qan, aq gepmiteta'qan. Ne'gaw weltesti'gatesnug aq menaqa luguwatesnuk. Kiis mawita'tesnuk aq toq luguwa'tiuk na nemit'es tan kiss toq lugwetesnuk utjit Utan'n, toq pemlagultinej utjit Apigsituaqan mena kiis Toq lugwatesnuk aq eltutesnuk kelukel mimajuwaqan. Kiskuk, Gasq'ptnnaqan je nanisk'aq, iigatuek lukuwaqn toq pantepit en' gamulamun Aq nsituwoqan utjit melgiknatun tan tel lukutiuk ginuk RCMP'aq aq L'nu e'gatil, Utanjitl. Wel'tetem nige, wejkuwaq ap igtek Gasq'ptnnaqan je nanisk'aq, tan tel toq lugutiuk na Kiis kenuwatuwaten tawen majulkwej. Teluwejik, amujpa emset mawiamatel mijuwajij'l. Toq ankweiwa'nej genjanin'aq, mawi'amanej, kelulk'tew mimajuaqan.
'Qotatq cel naninsk Tuciw-kisitpiyak kinuwehtikon 'ciw J Division Skicinuwey mawoluhkewakon
Tepitahatomeq 'qotatq 'cel naninsk kehsikoton tuciw amsqahs mace lukhotitit RCMP, nomihtunol kisi leyikil. Nomihtun eli yut wikultiyeq Skicinuwihkuk naka teppiyacik RCMP aqamihtutit sakolihtasik apqotehtek lewestuwakon, 'sotawotultimok, naka kcitomitahatomuwakon. Wiciw sasoki-lewestuwakon naka pawatasik, kisi oc mawlukhotipon naka wehkasu tan eli nuci-tqonkaticik naka Skicinuwihkuk kisi woli nislukhotitit, nisuhsatiniya weci luhkatomuhtit wolitpiyamok, kehkitikon naka tan eli kisi mawlukhotitit sipkiw. Yut 'qotatq 'cel naninsk kehsikoton 'ciw RCMP milkunen keq weci sipkiw mawlukhotiyeq. Wiciw apqotepihtit moshunnuk naka litahasuwakon weci piyemsonuwik nisluhkewakon 'ci RCMP naka Skicinuwihkul. Milkunen kinitahasuwakon weckuyewik 'qotatq 'cel naninsk kehsikoton tokec elukhotiyeq oc wolessu 'ciw yukt weckuwapasihtit. Tahalu itomuhtiyeq, psiw ote mawi kisikonan wasis. Mawlukhotine weci kisikoneq wasisok mawiw, ktiyultinen yut 'ciw nekomaw naka weci psi keq wolessik.