Yukon RCMP Year in Review - 2020-2021

Message from the Commanding Officer


I am particularly proud of this report—not only because it is the first of its kind for M Division Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), but because it highlights the exceptional work our employees carry out on a daily basis across the territory. As you will see, there is a lot going on in Yukon when it comes to policing; from local engagement focused on specific community needs to federally mandated investigations on national priorities, it is all happening in Yukon.

Just as Yukon is unique within Canada, so to is our approach to policing. Notably, the activities the RCMP in Yukon engage in are diverse and many fall outside what would otherwise be considered the domain of conventional policing. But that is our history and legacy. Since the time of the gold rush, Yukoner's have relied on the RCMP to not only keep them safe, but to provide the many services most larger jurisdictions receive from other agencies. When those services are not available, or simply don't exist, communities turn to the RCMP.

While I remain confident we will continue to provide the services all Yukon residents want, we are ever mindful that much work remains. Our efforts towards rebuilding our relationship with First Nation communities are vital, as are our efforts reaching those groups within our communities who have not always felt themselves heard or represented by the policing profession.

I hope you enjoy going through this report and that it helps to inform you on our many efforts, assisted by numerous other government agencies and NGO's, to make Yukon the best place to live in Canada.

Chief Superintendent Scott O. Sheppard
Commanding Officer, M Division (Yukon)

Table of contents

From The Minister of Justice and Attorney General

Tracy-Anne McPhee
Minister of Justice and Attorney General

Yukon's population relies on the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) M Division for the entirety of its territorial policing services. As the body charged with the mandate to enforce our laws, the RCMP have an enormous responsibility to carry out their duty in a manner that is respectful of our citizens, their histories, cultures and experiences.

As Yukon's Minister of Justice, I am pleased to see the positive strides made by the Yukon RCMP in their efforts to improve services for all Yukoners and working towards reconciliation with First Nations.

I highlight the increased communication with allied service providers; relationship building with Indigenous and community leaders; implementation of culturally sensitive and trauma informed training for members; establishment of a specialized unit to respond to domestic violence and sexualized assault; and support towards integrating Indigenous-led restorative justice principles in the Yukon. Yukon's RCMP members have historically worked hard to adapt to the changing landscape of their demanding profession, and the members currently assigned to the territory continue to do so.

Even as we recognize these improvements, we must take care not to allow recent successes to overshadow areas that still require serious, ongoing attention. As a nation, we are in the midst of public conversations that focus on the difficult relationship between Canada's marginalized populations and agents of law enforcement. Here in the Yukon, the Yukon Police Council serves as a unique mechanism to collect citizen feedback about territorial policing. A consistent theme reported throughout engagements in 2019 was a lack of trust in the RCMP among specific demographics, as well as an overall desire to see increased community presence and positive local involvement. There is real work being done by Yukon's dedicated RCMP members to provide improved services and enable increased engagement and trust.

I commend and thank the Yukon RCMP for their ability to embrace change, and to rise to the logistical and environmental challenges of policing in the north and serve our citizens.

Tracy-Anne McPhee
Minister of Justice and Attorney General

From the Grand Chief of Council of Yukon First Nations

Grand Chief Peter Johnston
Council of Yukon First Nations

The Council of Yukon First Nations (CYFN) and the Yukon RCMP M Division have made positive progress in forging a renewed relationship between the RCMP and Yukon First Nations.

I am encouraged by the commitment that Yukon M Division Commanding Officer Scott Sheppard has demonstrated to the shared vision of establishing a strong and effective working relationship.

From the Commanding Officer's attendance at CYFN Leadership meetings to present and hear directly from Yukon First Nations Chiefs, to joining me on my radio show on CHON-FM and spearheading the formation of the Commanding Officer's Yukon First Nations Advisory Committee, I am confident that this relationship can be a powerful force for positive change.

Through a process of relationship-building, we are establishing the foundation for CYFN and the RCMP to work closely together in the future on projects of mutual interest.

We look forward to continued positive relations and deepening our relationship by working together on projects that will benefit the communities we serve.

Grand Chief Peter Johnston
Council of Yukon First Nations

From the Commanding Officer

Chief Superintendent Scott Sheppard
Commanding Officer

I am pleased and proud of the work Yukon RCMP employees have accomplished over this past year. From advancing Historic Case Unit investigations to front line Policing, to developing meaningful relationships with community members or supporting the most vulnerable, our employees have demonstrated the value they bring to Yukon residents. It has been a challenging year; while many of the services and supports Yukoners rely on either slowed down or stopped completely, the employees of Yukon RCMP carried on supporting the communities and other partners we serve without interruption. It is this reliable, consistent effort that Yukoner's have come to expect from the RCMP. Whether operational or in a supporting role, a dedicated team of employees remains focused on one key priority: keeping Yukon residents safe.

While this report highlights some of the key initiatives Yukon RCMP engaged in, it also highlights the continued need to focus our resources where they are most needed and effective. To that end, RCMP in Yukon will remain engaged with its many partners and community members to ensure we stay focused on what matters to Yukoner's.

Chief Superintendent Scott Sheppard
Commanding Officer, Yukon RCMP

Mission, vision and values of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police


The RCMP is Canada's national police service. Proud of our traditions and confident in meeting future challenges, we commit to preserve the peace, uphold the law and provide quality service in partnership with our communities.


We will be a progressive, proactive and innovative organization, provide the highest quality service through dynamic leadership, education and technology in partnership with the diverse communities we serve, be accountable and efficient through shared decision-making, ensure a healthy work environment that encourages team building, open communication and mutual respect, promote safe communities and demonstrate leadership in the pursuit of excellence.

Our core values

Recognizing the dedication of all employees, we will create and maintain an environment of individual safety, well-being and development. We are guided by integrity, honesty, professionalism, compassion, respect and accountability.

Our Commitment to Communities

The employees of the RCMP are committed to our communities through unbiased and respectful treatment of all people, accountability, mutual problem solving, cultural sensitivity, enhancement of public safety, partnerships and consultation, open and honest communication, effective and efficient use of resources and quality and timely service.

From the Officer in Charge of Criminal Operations, Yukon RCMP

Superintendent Chan Daktari Dara
Officer in Charge of Criminal Operations

The Yukon is one of the best places to live in Canada with its rich progressive culture, deep history and natural beauty. I am grateful for the extraordinary opportunity and responsibility to work with a team who serve and protect all Yukon citizens through good times and through adversity. Each and every Yukon RCMP employee contributes to the safety and wellbeing of all Yukon communities by continuously adapting and improving our services to ensure we meet the needs of all Yukoners.

Over the last year, despite COVID-19 challenges, our team has worked vigorously to meet or exceed the Yukon Policing Priorities set by the Yukon Minister of Justice as well as the expectations set by Yukon First Nations and other communities at large. Some of this work includes the sustained efforts by the Crime Reduction Unit to target illicit drug traffickers; the continued investigative efforts of the Historical Case Unit on a number of unsolved found human remains and historical homicide cases; the increased Traffic Safety Initiatives on Yukon roadways; and the increased RCMP capacity in its contribution to the Yukon Sexual Assault Response Team.

Our ongoing Community Policing engagement activities throughout the Yukon and our team's renewed efforts to collaborate with Yukon First Nations, partners and advocacy groups remain our top priorities. This includes advancing Reconciliation and Public Safety; enhancing our relationship and building trust with diverse groups such as the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, and Two-Spirit (LGBTQ2S+) and Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) communities.

We continue to strive to meet the expectations and the trust that Yukoners have bestowed on the Yukon RCMP.

Superintendent Chan Daktari Dara (Dak),
Officer in Charge of Criminal Operations, Yukon RCMP

RCMP policing priorities

National priorities

The following priorities are established nationally.

  • Serious and Organized Crime
  • Youth
  • Terrorism
  • Economic Integrity
  • Aboriginal Communities

Territorial priorities

The Minister of Justice identifies policing priorities for Yukon RCMP on an annual basis. The priorities are established through the work of the Yukon Police Council and the Department of Justice.

2021–22 policing priorities:

  1. Increase public trust
  2. Build on previous successes through increased policing efforts targeted at the opioid and hard drug crisis, as well as responses to serious and organized crime
  3. Engage with and support children and youth
  4. Strengthen relationships with First Nations, including Elders and youth
  5. Collaborate with community and justice partners to maximize the use of Restorative Justice
  6. Enhance prevention, investigation and enforcement activities related to violence against women, girls and the LGBTQ2S+ population.

Policing in the Yukon: Our people

From the Officer in Charge of Administration and Personnel, Yukon RCMP

Inspector Tom Beck
Officer in Charge of Administration and Personnel

I left the Yukon just after high school and joined the RCMP shortly thereafter, serving in posts around Western Canada. During my 20-year career I have always been looking to come home and this summer that goal was finally realized. I return to the Yukon with my spouse and rescue dog from Talladega, Alabama, (please pray for him this winter). Whitehorse has grown, but hasn't lost its small town feel and its sense of community which is something I now realize I was missing.

I returned to Whitehorse in May and was immediately impressed with the dedication of the members and employees serving here. Not only are they dedicated to our core service, keeping Yukoners safe, but I see a genuine and strong desire for reconciliation, ensuring we are working with our Indigenous partners and leaders. We have an obligation to rebuild trust, improve transparency and continue with the modernization of the RCMP; I am dedicated to these endeavors, as are my colleagues here in M Division. Serving here has unique challenges but many rewards and I cannot overstate my happiness on being home.

Inspector Tom Beck
Officer in Charge of Administration and Personnel, Yukon RCMP

Vision 150

As the RCMP moves towards their 150th Anniversary in 2023, there is a move towards taking the organization to a new level. This vision is organized into four themes, Our People, Our Culture, Our Stewardship, and Our Policing services.

Our people
  • Thrive on a wealth of knowledge and ideas
  • Draw from varied backgrounds, perspectives and experiences
  • Remove barriers that prevent diversity in our workforce
  • Give employees access to quality learning opportunities
Our culture
  • Empower employees, trust their judgement
  • Recognize and reward behaviours we value
  • Communicate decisions and reasons behind them
  • Respectfully hold ourselves and each other accountable
  • Value each other's expert input
Our stewardship
  • Get the most out of our tools and resources
  • Seek out best practices
  • Tolerate reasonable risks
  • Make sure we can meet our commitments
Our policing services
  • Build on existing strengths to deliver leading-edge service
  • Help make our communities safe

Yukon RCMP Reconciliation Strategy - Our approach to relationship building

Reconciliation - Our vision

It is recognized that reconciliation is not a single event or something that can be easily checked off a list. It is a commitment to foster a respectful relationship with Indigenous peoples and communities that is done in good faith, honour and fairness.

Although reconciliation is rooted in events of the past, it should not dwell upon the past; equally, each positive act of reconciliation should not be viewed so much as an accomplishment unto itself so much as a small step along a continuum. Effectively, reconciliation is a lens through which we monitor our decisions and actions, always with a view to the future.

In light of the work that has been done through this and other initiatives, our reconciliation strategy is rather our 'approach to relationship building'. This is our story.


  • The establishment of the Yukon Police Council.
  • A Specialized Response Unit was established within the RCMP to provide a more comprehensive and coordinated response to domestic violence and sexualized assault.
  • The Yukon First Nations History and Cultures program was developed.
  • The Yukon Sisters in Spirit (YSIS) project was designed to include the voices of missing and murdered Indigenous women's families and communities.
  • The Yukon RCMP continues to be an active participant in the Yukon Sexualized Assault Response Team (SART) implementation committee, as well as the development and training committee. Continuing to evaluate what has been done thus far, where we can improve, and what additionally is needed to enhance the program.

Current efforts

The following are some examples of both current and ongoing efforts.

Commanding Officer's Yukon First Nation Advisory Committee (COYFNAC):

The Commanding Officer's Yukon First Nation Advisory Committee was established in 1999 to foster a healthy and positive relationship between Yukon First Nations people and Yukon RCMP through discussion of issues and concerns.

RCMP dedicates heart gardens to local First Nations:

In honour of all residential school survivors and their families, the Yukon RCMP, along with community members, have built Heart Gardens. Each garden is beautiful and unique, much like the communities in which they are planted.

Restorative Justice:

The Yukon RCMP recognizes the importance of restorative justice programs in Yukon communities and the benefits of diverting appropriate criminal matters from the conventional court process. In order for a Restorative Justice Program to be successful in a community, it must be community based. Yukon RCMP, Department of Justice, Corrections Branch and The Public Prosecution Service of Canada have collectively signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Although dated, it identifies a commitment to work towards establishing a pre-charge diversion process for adults who commit federal offences where there is community engagement to establish a Restorative Justice Program (RJP).

Peacemaker Circle Training:

From September 3rd until November 20th, 2020, Corporal Tim Harper of Carcross Detachment was invited to participate in Carcross Tagish First Nation (CTFN) Peacemaking Circle Training Foundations. Corporal Harper is the first RCMP officer to attend this training and his participation was well received. "It was an honour to attend and it was a great experience that provided me with an opportunity to learn about the Carcross Tagish First Nation culture, practices, and traditional lands. It provided me with a new skill set and better understanding of the utilization of Peacemaking Circles as an adjunct to the judicial system to promote healing and relationship building. I participated in the program with some very passionate and excellent people from all different walks of life with very interesting stories. I feel that the RCMP being involved in this program is paramount to the continuous relationship building between the community and the RCMP." Corporal Tim Harper.

Healing Circles (Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls):

The Yukon Aboriginal Women's Council (YAWC) invited the Historical Case Unit (HCU) to participate in six Healing Circles within the Yukon Territory. YAWC delivers sharing circles, gatherings, and healing camps that bring families together to inform them about available resources and services. HCU's participation in the Healing Circles provides opportunity to share information and resources as well as building relationships with other participants. These gatherings have resulted in the re-opening and/or researching of several allegations of Missing Persons, or Sudden Death investigations not previously known to the Unit.

Fireweed Pins:

Many Yukon RCMP Officers have been the recipients of beaded Fireweed Flower Pins, which they proudly wear on their uniforms. Citizens of multiple First Nations in Yukon made these tokens of appreciation for frontline workers. The Fireweed Pins show support for front line workers across the Territory.

Tr'ondëk Hwech'in First Hunt:

Members of the Dawson City RCMP Detachment took part in the Tr'ondëk Hwech'in, First Hunt that ran from October 23 to the 26, 2020. The First Hunt was established to ensure the traditions and knowledge of honouring and consuming from the land and water are honoured. This years First Hunt activities took place at the Tr'ondëk Hwech'in camp at Cache Creek on the Dempster Highway, as well as the Hart River Road. Sixteen youth took part in the First Hunt with the group split in half each day. One group of youth would go hunting and the other group would remain in camp and work on things such as firearms safety and outdoor skills. The Dawson City RCMP members worked with the youth on their firearms safety and helped them with target shooting on the range.

Kwanlin Dün First Nation (KDFN) Youth Hunt:

Kwanlin Dün First Nation RCMP members in partnership with KDFN Justice, Recreation, Lands and Community Safety Officers planned and participated in a youth moose hunt in September of 2020. All parties, including a KDFN elder, took part in a three-day hunt/ land based learning experience on the traditional territory of the KDFN. During the event the elder provided participants with a valuable presentation on trapping and other traditional cultural training. During the event, participants were able to get out on the land alongside the elder who provided the participants with local and traditional knowledge. The elder showed participants a part of his trap line, traps, sets and presented participants with an opportunity to harvest a bull moose. The elder demonstrated how to properly dress the animal in a traditional method. Once field dressed specific parts of the animal were set aside and later delivered by the youth to community elders. This traditional practice in First Nations culture ensures that bonds between youth and elders are strengthened and remain a bridge for sharing customary skills between generations. Consistent with First Nation community ideals, the rest of the meat was shared with the KDFN community.

Reconciliation - The way forward

Our Strategy is focused on relationship building with our First Nations community members. It is fundamental to policing in the Yukon Territory and is supported at all levels of our Division.

The RCMP has shared a great deal of history with First Nations communities across Yukon. And while much of that history has been well intended and positive, there have been some troubling times as well. The legacy of residential schools is a painful memory for the many who endured and survived it, and an important lesson for all of us to remember. This is not an opinion of mine; it is a simple fact. From a divisional perspective, it is our sincere wish that each employee will think about reconciliation, and what each employee can do to contribute to it.

The steps that employees of the Yukon RCMP take towards reconciliation do not have to be complex or lengthy, but they must be meaningful and sincere. Reconciliation should be a step-by-step progressive endeavour to not only learn from our past, but how we must move forward together, nation-to-nation. It is an endeavour to learn, at every stage, the impact of our actions, the positive and the negative, and build upon these impacts in a meaningful way. Contributing to a respectful nation can take on many different shapes and sizes. Small acts of reconciliation can have as much impact as large scale initiatives.

Chief Superintendent Scott Sheppard, Commanding Officer Yukon RCMP

Policing in Yukon: Calls for service

Monthly calls for service - April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021
Month Calls for services
April 2,027
May 2,174
June 2,272
July 2,392
August 2,340
September 2,046
October 1,983
November 1,752
December 1,728
January 1,664
February 1,576
March 1,692
Annual calls for service - April 1 to March 31 - 2016/2017 to 2020/2021
Year Calls for services
2016-2017 20,477
2019-2020 24,547
2017-2018 22,316
2018-2019 23,297
2020–2021 23,581

The Yukon Bureau of Statistics Population report, First Quarter, 2021 indicates the population of Yukon to be 43,025, an increase of 2.3% compared to the previous year. This represents thirteen percent (13%) population growth in Yukon in the past five years (2016).

The Yukon RCMP have seen a steady increase in annual calls for service in the past five years. The occurrence count for 2020/2021 indicates a slight decrease over the previous year; this variance can be attributed to COVID-19.

Policing in Yukon: Responding to the call

Operational Communications Centre

The Yukon RCMP's Operational Communications Centre (OCC) houses our telecommunication operators who are responsible for controlling RCMP dispatch, communications, and monitoring of officers. These telecommunication operators answer 911 calls for the Yukon Territory, respond to urgent and non-urgent requests for police assistance and are a crucial unit that helps to ensure officer and public safety.

Telecommunications operators are often the first point of contact between the public and the police. They are the lifeline between people in critical, and sometimes dangerous, situations and the help that they need. Operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, they are committed to providing the highest quality of service to the officers and the people of Yukon.

Public service employees

Proudly serving the Yukon every day, Public Service Employees work alongside their regular member and civilian member colleagues to support law enforcement as part of Team RCMP. Though not on the front lines, public servants work diligently in the background, every role supporting the delivery of policing services in our territory.

Yukon RCMP officers are supported by multiple operational and non-operational units and positions, these include:

  • Operational Communications Centre (911)
  • Detachment Service Assistants
  • Detachment Watch Clerks
  • Operational Record Management Systems
  • Specialized Unit Assistants
  • Operational Strategy Branch (Communications)
  • Corporate services
  • Radio Technology
  • Information Management
  • Information Technology
  • Human Resources
  • Departmental Security
  • Administrative Assistants

From the Officer in Charge of Whitehorse Detachment, Yukon RCMP

Inspector Lindsay Ellis
Officer in Charge of Whitehorse Detachment

I was excited to take on the role of Officer in Charge of Whitehorse Detachment in December 2019 from my role as the Officer in Charge of District and Support Services. I went on Maternity Leave for the birth of my first child in March 2020 as the Covid-19 Pandemic struck, and was equally keen to return to my role in March 2021. Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Whitehorse Detachment is thriving, and I am proud to continue to lead this amazing team of Public Service staff and Regular Members. Given that 79% of the Yukon's population resides in the vast Detachment area, made up of both city and rural environments, the calls for service continue at a steady but high volume and pace as the largest Detachment in the Yukon. However, our folks are balancing competing priorities to maximize our police service and our wellness. Whitehorse Detachment has expanded some areas of community engagement in order to continue to be approachable and build public trust, and working with many of our partners in the community to achieve our goal of a healthy and safe Whitehorse. The Yukon RCMP's Operational Communications Centre is also a unit within Whitehorse Detachment, and is a team of highly trained public safety telecommunicators who are the primary answering point for 9-1-1 calls in the Yukon, and responsible for dispatching and being the first line for keeping Yukoners and all Regular Members in the Division safe.

The people who make up the Detachment frontline and support staff; General Investigations Unit; the Kwanlin Dün Policing Unit and the Operational Communications Centre all share the vision of contributing to a healthy workplace, healthy communities and public safety through quality investigations and professional, effective police service. I will continue to seek feedback and consult with the community, stakeholders, and leadership on the policing issues in our community, and for all Yukoners.

Inspector Lindsay Ellis
Officer in Charge of Whitehorse Detachment, Yukon RCMP

Whitehorse Detachment

Whitehorse Detachment provides policing service to the Yukon's largest city. Close to 79% of the total Yukon population lives in the community of Whitehorse, according to the Yukon Bureau of Statistics (First Quarter 2021) the population of Yukon is currently 43,025. Whitehorse is located within the shared traditional territory of the Ta'an Kwach'an Council (TKC) and the Kwanlin Dün First Nation. Whitehorse Detachment General Duty officers provide 24/7 coverage to the community of Whitehorse and surrounding areas within their jurisdiction. These front line officers respond to all types of calls for service from the public including; crimes against persons, crimes against property, traffic complaints and collisions, and other criminal and non criminal complaints, to name a few. Officers also participate in a number of community and youth events and committees, which include:

  • Engaging with community stakeholders to provide strategic direction to its work
  • Focusing on visibility initiatives within the City to remain proactive in crime enforcement and engage in community initiatives with the public
  • Involvement in the schools and engages in regular safety planning with school administration
  • Provides online crime reporting as a low barrier and convenient alternative to traditional methods of criminal investigation
  • Maintain an online warrant board which shares information and engages the public in locating some of our City's most prolific offenders
  • Coordinated enforcement efforts with Child and Family Services, Victim Services, Yukon Liquor Corporation, City by law, SART, Public Prosecution Services of Canada
  • Coordinated efforts with the Whitehorse Emergency Shelter, Downtown Resident's Association, Mental Health, Anti-Poverty Committee, Blood Ties, Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Office of the Chief Coroner, Together for Safety, the City of Whitehorse and Community Advocacy Groups in a strategic effort to alternatively deal with social issues through the appropriate lens before criminality
  • Engages in a plan for Restorative Justice, Reconciliation

Whitehorse Detachment has several speciality units within to enhance service to Whitehorse residents, including General Investigation Section (GIS) and Kwanlin Dün First Nation (KDFN):

General Investigation Section

Whitehorse RCMP GIS is an investigational support unit and is responsible for investigating a broad range of Criminal Code offences including, but not limited to: fraud, arson, aggravated assault, and robbery. These investigations are often complex in nature and require multiple judicial authorizations.

Kwanlin Dün First Nation Policing

KDFN Policing has three dedicated officers. These officers work closely with the Kwanlin Dün First Nations and Community Safety Officers and engage in strategic policing in line with Letter of Expectations for policing service delivery signed by the RCMP and KDFN. The letter engages officers in "enhanced policing" which highlights community engagement, education, problem solving, and working with youth.

From the Officer in Charge of District Policing, Yukon RCMP

Inspector Rob Nason
Officer in Charge of District Policing

I am honoured and humbled to represent Yukon RCMP District Policing and Support Services Teams. These teams have provided exceptional service to keep Yukoners safe over the past year in a dynamic ever-changing pandemic environment. The District covers a vast area of about 4.8% of Canada's total land area which is a diverse wilderness frontier encompassing the traditional territory of the fourteen Yukon First Nations.

Policing is equally diverse with frontline detachments ensuring they provide quality investigations, timely responses to Search and Rescue, engaging with community youth on and off duty, and supporting local partners and stakeholders. Detachment members, public servants and their families continued to support the communities they serve during the pandemic: leading Food Bank initiatives, delivering food hampers, chopping wood for Elders, delivering groceries, helping communities prepare for funerals and supporting community COVID check stops. These activities show the District Detachments go beyond their core policing duties to provide an enhanced service built on compassion, engagement and respectfulness.

Detachment Commanders and District Leadership are committed to increasing communication and enhancing trust with community leaders by ensuring ongoing consultation with community stakeholders. The Support Services Teams, which are made up of Traffic Services, Police Dog Services, Air Services, Forensic Identification Services, Relief Team and the Critical Incident Program, are all dedicated highly professional teams that have specialized skills which contribute day in and day out to Yukon safety. The RCMP employees that make up these teams are devoted to providing a quality service by being available all hours, day and night, and sacrificing time with their families to ensure Yukoners stay safe.

Inspector Rob Nason
Officer in Charge of District Policing, Yukon RCMP

District policing

The Yukon communities of Beaver Creek, Carcross, Carmacks, Dawson City, Faro, Haines Junction (includes Burwash Landing and Destruction Bay), Mayo, Old Crow, Pelly Crossing, Ross River, Teslin, and Watson Lake all have RCMP Detachments. These communities and their detachments are part of the District Policing Unit.

Each Yukon community is unique, with their own traditions and culture, and shaped by the geography and resources of the area. Yukon RCMP in these communities top priority remains public safety, however the smaller populations within these communities provides RCMP officers more time to engage with their community in other meaningful ways. Officers participate in numerous and diverse community events:

  • Regular and ongoing consultation and engagement with community stakeholders
  • Monthly attendance at Mayor and Council and/or Chief and Council Meetings
  • Community consultation on Annual Performance Plan to establish community policing priorities annually
  • Engaging with Community Safety officers where applicable
  • Participation regularly in and/or initiating numerous community events
  • Engagement with youth through sports, both participation and coaching
  • School Programs, such as Top Cop Reading Program and Anti-bullying programs

Forensic Identification Services

Forensic Identification Services (FIS) provides critical support services on criminal investigations. FIS is responsible for detecting, recording, and documenting the crime scene through photography and note taking, in addition to collecting and processing exhibits. This includes analyzing fingerprint, footwear, and tire track evidence, as well as obtaining all physical evidence. FIS supports all Yukon RCMP detachments and units as well as exterior partner agencies, which can extend to other police units across the country or overseas when required.

The FIS Unit is staffed with two police officers, it is the first time in Yukon RCMP history that the unit is solely staffed with female members.

Types of investigative files:

  • Property crimes; such as break and enter, theft of/from motor vehicle, hit and run, general theft and drug investigations.
  • Persons crimes; Homicide, assault, sexual assault, suspicious sudden death, missing persons, and child exploitation.

Both FIS members have extensive training in the field of forensics, some of which include: forming part of a Forensic Search Evidence and Recovery Team, specializing in fire death investigations, and post disaster training.

The FIS unit has acquired a state of the art crime scene scanner. This is a fully operational, independent system that captures the most complicated of crime scenes.

Air Services

Air Services provides safe, effective and cost efficient air service to the RCMP to:

  • meet operational policing needs
  • provide a valuable service to front line operations

The RCMP's unique operational environment including armed pilots and policing service agreements necessitates that the RCMP continue to own and control its air operations and unmanned aerial system.
The Yukon RCMP Aircraft C-FMPB Pilatus PC12/45 primary use is operational policing. Operational flights include core business such as but not limited to:

  • prisoner, witness, evidence and supplies transport;
  • transport of relief members urgently or where there is no road or chartered access with their heavy police gear;
  • transport of specialized response teams (ERT);
  • transport of members to conduct investigational tasks or operations;
  • transport of dangerous goods (i.e. explosives for Explosives Unit); and
  • transport of contractors only to work on maintaining critical force owned assets and / or health and safety (i.e. heating repairs in a detachment or building).

Policing in Yukon: Crimes against persons

The following graph represents fluctuations in the volume of Crimes against Person offences reported to the Yukon RCMP over the past five years. As the Yukon's population base is smaller, changes in statistical results, year-over-year, can appear significant. This five-year comparison notes an increase in all categories of persons-based crime in the Yukon.

Figure 1: Crimes against persons - April 1 to March 31 - 2016/2017 to 2020/2021
Bar chart representing criminal offences committed agains persons. Text version below.
Figure 1: Crimes against persons - April 1 to March 31 - 2016/2017 to 2020/2021 - Text version
Crimes against persons - April 1 to March 31 - 2016/2017 to 2020/2021
Offence category 2016 to 2017 2017 to 2018 2018 to 2019 2019 to 2020 2020 to 2021
Sexual assault 180 177 212 226 235
Robbery offences 684 675 716 837 857
Offences related to death 9 21 10 11 14
Kidnapping/hostage/abduction 23 30 24 26 38
Assault 1576 1445 1679 1741 1682
  • Sexual Assault includes; all Criminal Code sexualized offences, Luring, Distributing intimate image, etc.
  • Robbery includes; Robbery, Criminal Harassment, Harassing Communications, Uttering Threats etc.
  • Offences related to Death includes; Murder, Attempted Murder, Arson-Disregard for Human life, Mischief-causing danger to life, Abandoned child.
  • Kidnapping/Hostage/Abduction includes; Kidnapping, forcible confinement, Trafficking (persons) and Abduction
  • Assaults includes; all criminal code assault offences, Discharge Firearm, Assault Police Officer, etc.
Change in rate of crimes against persons, committed from April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2021
Offence category Change in rate
Sexual assault Increase 31% (55)
Robbery offences Increase 25% (173)
Offences related to death Increase 55% (5)
Kidnapping/ abduction Increase 65% (15)
Assault Increase 7% (106)

Major Crime Unit

The Major Crimes Unit (MCU) has the primary responsibility for the investigation of serious or high profile incidents in Yukon.

Serious/High Profile incidents include:

  • homicides, attempted homicides, or suspicious death
  • missing persons where foul play is suspected
  • death where RCMP members are involved
  • in custody deaths
  • escapes of high risk offenders
  • motor vehicle collisions that are complex and require the use of "Major Case Management"
  • discharge of firearms by members causing death / injury
  • serious injury or death to members on duty
  • criminal explosive incidents causing injury or death
  • complex sexual assaults and serial sex offences
  • complex arsons
  • robbery with violence and robbery at a financial institution
  • non-parental abductions

Major Crimes Unit can provide support to Detachments in less serious investigations.

These investigations are typically complex and time consuming and require specialized skills and training.

Historical Case Unit

It has long been realized by all police forces nationally, that best practices in solving historical investigations is done by dedicating full time resources. In 2018 the Historical Case Unit (HCU) was stood up as a three year project. This project also includes the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two Spirit (MMIWG2S+) liaison responsibilities. Since inception HCU investigators have made significant progress and are continuing to fulfill their mandate. Thus far, the HCU have made significant advancements in historical investigations with the ultimate goal of providing closure and maintaining public confidence in the RCMP.

HCU investigators are required to have extensive Major Crime and Homicide investigative experience, as well as ongoing training related to evolving modern investigative techniques.

Historical Case Unit's Mandate:

  1. Historical Homicides and Missing Persons
  2. Divisional Missing Persons Occurrences
  3. Family Liaison and MMIWG2S+ Liaison
  4. Found Unidentified Human Remains

Specialized Response Unit

The Yukon RCMP Special Response Unit (SRU) is a specialized unit that provides assistance and support to ensure the appropriate police response in incidents of sexualized assaults, serious and complex domestic violence, child/elder abuse, human trafficking, and any other investigation of a sensitive nature. Utilizing their investigational expertise, the SRU provides guidance, direction, and assistance in these investigations, ensuring a victim-centered, trauma-informed response. SRU is the primary investigative unit for all serious, complex, historical and child involved sexual assault investigations.

In Yukon Violence in relationship totals in Yukon have increased 43% (224) over the past four years. Approximately 74% of Victims of Intimate partner violence in Yukon are female.

In addition, Sexualized Assault totals in Yukon have increased 27% (48) over the past four years.

Policing in Yukon: Crimes against property

The following chart represents fluctuations in the volume of Crimes against property offences reported to the Yukon RCMP over the past five years (April 1 to March 31). Crimes against property continue to be of concern to Yukon citizens.

Figure 2: Crimes against property - April 1 to March 31 - 2016/2017 to 2020/2021
Bar chart representing criminal offences committed against property. Text version below.
Figure 2: Crimes against property - April 1 to March 31 - 2016/2017 to 2020/2021 - Text version
Crimes against property - April 1 to March 31 - 2016/2017 to 2020/2021
Offence category 2016 to 2017 2017 to 2018 2018 to 2019 2019 to 2020 2020 to 2021
Theft under $5000 1190 1125 1305 1314 952
Theft over $5000 285 254 248 271 208
Possession of stolen goods 49 50 67 87 67
Mischief 2385 2612 2725 3109 3272
Fraud 278 225 367 354 440
Break and enter 353 286 335 322 244
Arson 21 17 26 23 18
  • Theft under $5000 includes; All Criminal Code Theft under $5000 offences, Shoplifting, Identity Theft, etc.
  • Theft Over $5000 includes; All Criminal Code Theft over $5000 offences, Theft of Motor Vehicles, etc.
  • Possession of Stolen Goods includes; All Criminal Code Possession offences, Trafficking in stolen goods, etc.
  • Mischief includes; Mischief-Damage to enjoyment of property, property offences, etc.
  • Fraud includes; All Criminal Code Fraud offences, Forgery, Identity Fraud, etc.
  • Break and Enter includes; Break and Enter Residential, Business, other, and Break and Enter to steal firearm, etc.
  • Arson includes; Arson-Damage to property
Change in rate of crimes against property committed from April 1, 2016 to March 31 2021
Offence category Change in rate
Theft under $5000 Decrease 20% (−238)
Theft over $5000 Decrease 27% (−77)
Possession stolen goods Increase 37% (18)
Mischief Increase 37% (887)
Fraud Increase 58% (162)
Break and enter Decrease 31% (−109)
Arson Decrease 14% (−3)

Policing in Yukon: Drug offences

The following chart represents fluctuations in the volume of Drug Trafficking and Possession for the purpose of Trafficking offences reported to the Yukon RCMP over the past five years (April 1 to March 31). In the past five years Drug Trafficking offences have increased 90%.

Figure 3: Drug Offences - April 1 to March 31 - 2016/2017 to 2020/2021
Bar chart representing drug offences. Text version below.
Figure 3: Drug Offences - April 1 to March 31 - 2016/2017 to 2020/2021 - Text version
Drug Offences - April 1 to March 31 - 2016/2017 to 2020/2021
Offence category 2016 to 2017 2017 to 2018 2018 to 2019 2019 to 2020 2020 to 2021
Trafficking offences 138 139 159 199 262
Production offences 6 4 0 1 2
Possession offences 130 105 96 40 59
Import/Export 0 0 0 2 0
Drug enforcement other 10 30 13 19 42
  • Trafficking Offences includes: Trafficking and Possession for the purpose of Trafficking; Heroin, Cocaine, Other, Cannabis, Methamphetamine, Ecstasy, Opioid
  • Production Offences include; Schedule IV, Methamphetamine
  • Possession Offences include: Heroin, Cocaine, Other, Cannabis, Opioid
  • Import/Export offences include: Heroin, Cocaine
  • Drug Enforcement Other include: Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA) Section 46, CDSA other Activities
Change in rate of drug offences from April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2021
Offence category Change in rate
Trafficking Increase 90% (124)
Production Decrease 66% (−4)
Possession Decrease 55% (71)Table 5 note i
Import/export No change (0)
Drug enforcement other Increase 320% (32)
Figure 4: Drug offences - Trafficking and possession for the purpose of trafficking, by drug type - April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021
Pie chart representing trafficking and possession. Text version below.
Figure 4: Drug offences - Trafficking and possession for the purpose of trafficking, by drug type - April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021 - Text version
Drug offences - Trafficking and possession for the purpose of trafficking, by drug type - April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021
Drug type Rate of offence
Cocaine 78%
Opioid (other than heroin) 8%
Undetermined 7%
Heroin 3%
Methamphetamine (crystal meth) 1%
Methylenedioxyamphetamine (ecstacy) 1%
Prescription Drugs 1%
Marijuana 1%

Crime Reduction Unit

To address the significant increase in trafficking and possession of illicit Drugs, the Yukon RCMP has established the Crime Reduction Unit (CRU). The Crime Reduction Unit is a significant initiative to address drugs and organized crime and is comprised of re-purposed positions. While it is a core policing activity, it is deeply rooted in the Yukon RCMP efforts towards reconciliation, the minister's policing priorities, and the RCMP's commitment to the protection of some of Yukon's most vulnerable citizens. The Crime Reduction Strategy is built on intelligence through: Targeted Prevention; Suppression; Apprehension; and Offender Management. CRU's focus is on investigation and enforcement activities relating to Criminal Code, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and Territorial Legislation.

Critical Incident Program

The Critical Incident Program (CIP) encompasses a variety of dedicated police teams who have specialized training and equipment to enable them to respond to high risk incidents. These duties are performed in addition to their Core policing duties. The Yukon RCMP CIP has a partnership with several other RCMP jurisdictions to provide mutual support.

  • Critical Incident Commanders (CIC) take command of critical incidents, providing direction to the various CIP elements.
  • Emergency Response Team (ERT) is a highly trained tactical team capable of hostage rescue, response to armed and barricaded situations, high-risk search warrant and arrest operations, covert rural surveillance and VIP escort.
  • Explosives Disposal and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclearfix Unit (EDU/CBRN) specialists are capable of responding to a variety of explosive-related incidents
  • Crisis Negotiator Team (CNT) has highly trained communication specialists, capable of dealing with people in crisis and achieving non-violent resolutions
  • Police Dog Services (PDS) unit has a handler and police dog trained in a variety of skills, including tracking of lost people and criminal apprehension
  • Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) Yukon RCMP has a number of officers trained to operate our fleet of RPAS (drone) aircraft for a variety of situations including critical incidents, and search and rescue.

Federal Investigation Unit

The Yukon RCMP Federal Investigations Unit (FIU) undertakes strategic, large-scale, long-term investigations led by intelligence gathered from law enforcement and the community.

FIU has the mandate of being responsible for all federal policing activities throughout Yukon including, but not limited to:

  • investigating trans-national drugs and organized crime
  • border integrity
  • foreign interference
  • economic crime
  • VIP Protection
  • National Security

Policing in Yukon: Other Criminal Code

The following chart represents fluctuations in the volume of Other Criminal Code Offences reported to the Yukon RCMP over the past five years (April 1 to March 31).

Figure 5: Other Criminal Code offences - April 1 to March 31 - 2016/2017 to 2020/2021
Bar chart representing other Criminal code offences. Text version below.
Figure 5: Other Criminal Code offences - April 1 to March 31 - 2016/2017 to 2020/2021 - Text version
Other Criminal Code offences - April 1 to March 31 - 2016/2017 to 2020/2021
Offence category 2016 to 2017 2017 to 2018 2018 to 2019 2019 to 2020 2020 to 2021
Public order offences 8 7 5 3 5
Other Criminal Code 4055 3278 3042 3437 3277
Offensive weapons 145 81 90 136 182
Offences against morals 25 18 25 45 43
Corruption 69 74 91 99 76
  • Public Order Offences include: Forcible Entry, Obstruct clergy, Common nuisance
  • Other Criminal Code Offences include: Failure to comply with Undertaking, Failure to comply with order, Disturbing the peace, Resists Obstructs peace officer, Being unlawfully at large, trespass at night, Uttering threats against property or animal, libel, SOIRA offences, etc.
  • Offensive weapons includes: Weapons trafficking, possession of weapon for dangerous purpose, unauthorized possession of a firearm/prohibited weapon or restricted weapon, unsafe storage of firearm, careless use of firearm, etc.
  • Offences against Morals include: Indecent Act, Child Pornography offences, etc.
  • Corruption Offences include: Disobeying order of court, public mischief, obstruct justice, etc.
Change in rate of other Criminal Code offences from April, 2016 1 to March 31, 2021
Offence category Change in rate
Public order offences Decrease 4% (−3)
Other Criminal Code Decrease 19% (−778)
Offensive weapons Increase 26% (37)
Offences against morals Increase 72% (18)
Corruption Increase 10% (7)

Internet child exploitation

The Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) investigator's role is to investigate a wide range of Internet Child Exploitation, which includes: Luring a Child, Extortion, Child Pornography possession; transmits; makes available; distributes; print/publish; and possession for the purpose of distribution/sale. While the ICE investigator receives most of the investigations through the National Child Exploitation Crime Centre in Ottawa, the unit assists or takes the lead on investigations reported directly to the Yukon RCMP.

The following chart represents fluctuations in the volume of ICE offences reported to the Yukon RCMP over the past five years (April 1 to March 31). The volume of Internet Child Exploitation investigations has increased 83% (15) over the last five years in Yukon, likely due to the accessibility of internet and technology.

Figure 6: Internet child exploitation offences - April 1 to March 31 - 2016/2017 to 2020/2021
Bar chart representing internet chile exploitation offence categories. Text version below.
Figure 6: Internet child exploitation offences - April 1 to March 31 - 2016/2017 to 2020/2021 - Text version
Internet child exploitation offences - April 1 to March 31 - 2016/2017 to 2020/2021
Offence category 2016 to 2017 2017 to 2018 2018 to 2019 2019 to 2020 2020 to 2021
Luring a child 2 0 6 5 8
Sexual exploitation 4 2 5 0 3
Child pornography 12 8 13 18 22
Change in rate of Internet child exploitation offences from April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2021
Offence category Change in rate
Luring a child Increase 300% (6)
Sexual exploitation of a young person Decrease −25% (−1)
Child pornography offences Increase 83% (10)

Policing in Yukon: Traffic offences

Traffic offences

Keeping Yukon Roadways safe continues to be a priority for all Yukon RCMP officers.

Figure 7: Traffic offences - April 1 to March 31 - 2016/2017 to 2020/2021
Bar chart representing traffic offences violating groups. Text version below.
Figure 7: Traffic offences - April 1 to March 31 - 2016/2017 to 2020/2021 - Text version
Traffic offences - April 1 to March 31 - 2016/2017 to 2020/2021
Offence category 2016 to 2017 2017 to 2018 2018 to 2019 2019 to 2020 2020 to 2021
Municipal bylaws 14 18 2 0 17
Traffic accidents 868 711 867 927 802
Territorial traffic offences 3364 2981 3726 3591 3201
Other traffic related duties 742 1092 1661 1817 2096
Other Criminal Code traffic offences 59 71 54 48 57
Off road vehicle collisions 14 13 11 7 9
Impaired operation related offences 888 874 895 1039 925
Dangerous operation of motor vehicle 46 46 40 55 57
  • Territorial traffic offences include: Moving Traffic, Speeding, Intersection, Seat Belt etc.
  • Other traffic related duties include: Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP), Checkstops
  • Other Criminal Code traffic offences include: Operation while prohibited, failure to stop after accident
  • Impaired related offences include: Operation of Motor Vehicle while impaired by Alcohol or Drugs or both, Failure or Refusal to comply with demand (drugs or alcohol
  • Dangerous operation of motor vehicle include: Motor Vehicle, Vessel/aircraft/railway, flight from police officer.
Change in rate of trafficn offences from April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2021
Offence category Change in result
Municipal bylaws Increase 21%(3)
Traffic accidents Decrease 8% (−66)
Territorial traffic offence Decrease 5% (−163)
Other traffic related duties Increase 182% (1354)
Other Criminal Code traffic offences Decrease 3% (−2)
Off-road vehicle collisions Decrease 36% (−5)
Impaired operation related offences Increase 4% (37)
Dangerous operation of motor vehicle, vessel, aircraft, railway Increase 24% (11)

Impaired driving offences

Impaired driving offences continue to be of concern to both the Yukon RCMP and the citizens of Yukon. The following chart indicates the break down of impaired driving offence by category.

Figure 8: Impaired driving offences - April 1 to March 31 - 2016/2017 to 2020/2021
Bar chart representing impaired driving offences. Text version below.
Figure 8: Impaired driving offences - April 1 to March 31 - 2016/2017 to 2020/2021 - Text version
Impaired driving offences - April 1 to March 31 - 2016/2017 to 2020/2021
Offence category 2016 to 2017 2017 to 2018 2018 to 2019 2019 to 2020 2020 to 2021
Operation of motor vehicle while impaired/over 80 mg% (alcohol) 819 804 816 909 753
Operation while impaired (drugs) 27 34 46 47 52
Failure/refusal to comply with demand (alcohol or drugs) 44 36 33 49 47
Operation while impaired (alcohol and drugs) 0 0 0 34 73
Change in rate of impaired driving offences from April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2021
Offence category Change in result
Operation of motor vehicle while impaired/over 80 mg% (alcohol) Decrease 8% (−66)
Operation while impaired (drugs) Increase 93% (25)
Failure/refusal to comply with demand (alcohol and drugs) Increase 7% (3)
Operation while impaired (alcohol and drugs) Increase 730% (73)

Traffic Services Unit

The Yukon RCMP Traffic Services Unit is responsible for approximately 4,750 km of roadway across the Yukon. They work towards Road Safety for all road users through education, awareness and enforcement. The unit is committed to reducing impaired driving, aggressive driving, criminal driving behavior, speeding and distracted driving. The unit focuses on strategic traffic enforcement to reduce serious injuries and collisions on Yukon roadways. Within the Yukon RCMP Traffic Services unit is the collision analyst, this position has specialized training on collision reconstruction and analysis.

Policing in Yukon: Search and rescue/missing persons

Search and rescue/missing persons

The RCMP is responsible for Ground Search and Rescue in the Yukon Territory, including inland waters. Many searches involve the use of Police resources, aircraft, watercraft, all-terrain vehicles and police dog to assist these individuals to return safely to their home.

Calls for assistance from the public relating to wilderness travel, overdue travelers or those that have met with some mishap that prevents them from returning safely home are reported to the RCMP from various sources. These calls for service may come in the form of a Wellbeing Check, Assistance to General Public or Missing Person Complaint.

To address the challenge of policing in the Yukon, many specialized training courses are offered. These include: Water Transport Training/ Courses, Snowmobile Operator Training, All Terrain Vehicle/ Utility Terrain Vehicle Drivers Training/Course, Avalanche Skills Training, as well as the Wilderness Operations/Outdoor Skills Training Course.

Wilderness Operations/Outdoor Skill Training Course 2020

The Wilderness Operations/Outdoor Skill Training Course was developed in 2013 by Yukon RCMP to provide the skills, attributes and orientation for police officers in the Yukon Territory. In the Yukon, the majority of police deaths have occurred due to the environment — mostly cold weather and water.

Sixteen candidates took part in the Wilderness Operations/Outdoor Skill Training Course in February 2020. During the six days of training the participants learned navigation, shelter building, cold-water rescue and numerous survival safety skills. The training is important for officers in the north, as many of them may not have been previously exposed to the sometimes-extreme conditions of Yukon. The M Division Wilderness Operations/Outdoor Skill Training Course has developed over the years, there is no other course like this offered by the RCMP.

Course candidates included Yukon Conservation Service, Whitehorse Search and Rescue and fourteen Yukon RCMP officers.

Community policing

Yukon RCMP members are fully engaged within their communities, participating regularly in and/or initiating numerous community events.

These community events are as diverse as the communities of the Yukon. Members can be seen:

  • Serving at or attending community potlucks or pancake breakfasts
  • Calling Community Bingo
  • Curling, Hockey, Volleyball, Dodgeball, Bocce and Indoor soccer
  • Participating in Beading or Sewing Circles
  • Participating in or attendance at healing circles
  • Snow clearfixing for community elders
  • Engaging with seniors and elders, enjoying a cup of tea or listening to stories
  • Grooming cross country ski and snow shoe trails
  • Supporting Yukon Quest Dog Sled Race logistics
  • Reconciliation initiatives in their communities
  • Law Enforcement Torch Run Polar Plunge
  • Youth Bison Hunt and Moose Hunts

Establishment/Human resources

Detachment Regular members
(Territorial Police Service Agreement)
Regular members
(First Nations Policing Program)
Public service employee Civilian employee
Beaver Creek 2 1 no data no data
Carcross 2 1 0.5 no data
Carmacks 2 1 no data no data
Dawson City 6 1 1 no data
Haines Junction 3 1 0.5 no data
Mayo 2 1 no data no data
Old Crow 2 1 0.5 no data
Pelly Crossing 2 1 no data no data
Ross River/Faro 4 (2 and 2) 1 no data no data
Teslin 2 1 no data no data
Watson Lake 5 4 1.5 no data
Whitehorse 40 3 15 no data
Comcentre (911) no data no data 8Table 9 note i 11Table 9 note i

Detachments with limited or no clerical support are supported by 3 public service employees (District Support Unit)

Unit name Regular members (Territorial Police Service Agreement) Regular members (Federal) Special constable (Territorial Police Service Agreement) Public service employee Civilian employee
Commanding Officer 1 no data no data 1 no data
Strategic Communications/Business no data no data no data 3 no data
Criminal Operations (includes Crime Reduction) 4 no data no data 4 no data
Criminal Operations Officer 1 no data no data 2 no data
District Policing Officer (Forensic Identification, Relief, Police Dog Services, Traffic Services and Air Services) 15 no data no data 4 1
Federal Policing no data 12 no data 2 no data
Administration and Personnel Officer (Professional Responsibility, Human Resources, Corporate Services/Finance, Information Management) 2 no data no data 11 no data
Human Resources (Staffing, Training) 2 no data no data 2 no data
Major Crime Unit/Historical Case Unit 11 no data no data 1 no data
Specialized Response Unit 3 no data no data no data no data
Tech Support (Informatics) no data no data no data 3 2

Yukon RCMP organization chart

  • Commanding Officer
    • Criminal Operations
      • District Policing
        • 12 Community Detachments
        • Forensics, Aircraft, Police Dog Service, Traffic Services, Relief
      • Whitehorse Detachment
        • Operational Communications Centre
        • General Investigation Section
        • Kwanlin Dün First Nations
      • Operational Records Management
      • Criminal Operations Supervisor
        • Crime Reduction Unit
        • National Sex Offender Registry
      • Plainclothes Commander
        • Criminal Analyst
        • Major Crime Unit, Historical Case Unit, Federal Units
        • Specialized Response Unit
    • Strategic Communication/Business
      • Senior Business Analyst
      • Communications Advisor
    • Administration and Personnel
      • Corporate Services, Finance, Assets, Fleet and Inventory
      • Computer Services
      • Mobile Communications
      • Professional Responsibility Unit
      • Information Management
      • Human Resources
      • Training


Finance, did you know?

  • The Yukon RCMP responsible for Contract Policing is paid by both the Government of Canada and the Government of Yukon. Canada pays 30% of the total cost while Yukon pays 70%.
  • The Yukon RCMP responsible for First Nations Policing is paid by both the Government of Canada and the Government of Yukon. Canada pays 52% of the total cost while Yukon pays 48%.
  • 911-services in Yukon is fully covered by the territorial government.
  • Federal Policing, Professional Responsibility, and Specialized Policing Services are 100% paid by the federal government.
  • Internal Services that supports all policing activities is a cost split calculation on an annual basis such that each type of policing funds at the percentage used throughout the year.
RCMP four year expenditures (in thousands of dollars)
Expenditure 2017-2018
Salaries, operations and maintenance costs:Table 11 note i
Contract Policing 32,756 33,437 33,634 33,910
Federal Policing 1,671 1,963 1,480 1,704
Specialized Policing 1,125 1,094 1,150 1,206
Internal Services 2,656 2,392 2,422 2,288
Total of salaries, operations and maintenance costs 38, 208 38,886 38,686 39,109
Capital funds, infrastructure and construction:Table 11 note ii
Contract Policing 1,381 1,184 2,228 4,302
Federal Policing 47 117 52 84
Specialized Policing - (no data) 2 47 55
Internal Services - (no data) 9 21 26
Total of capital funds, infrastructure and construction 1,428 1,312 2,348 4,415
Total of all expenditures 39,636 40,198 41,034 43,523


A career with the RCMP starts with you

There is no other police force in Canada that provides the levels of services and variety offered by the RCMP. With over 150 specializations, a career with the RCMP is full of opportunity for continued learning and growth.

Police Officer Careers

The RCMP offers an exceptional career, letting you make a real difference in your community and your country. As a police officer, you help ensure public safety and security, investigate crimes and enforce the law. Find out more at RCMP Careers.

Telecommunications operators

Telecommunications operators are the people who answer calls to 911. Their role is critical to the delivery of RCMP services. Moreover, they are lifelines for RCMP officers on duty, providing accurate, immediate information to keep officers safe. Find out more at Application and selection process.

Civilian employees

Civilian employees make a meaningful difference to public safety. From IT technicians, to criminal analysts, to administrative support, they play a critical role in delivering services to our communities. The RCMP has two categories of non-police officers or civilian employees:

  • Civilian Members (hired under the RCMP Act)
  • Public Service Employees (hired under the Public Service Employment Act)

Go to Government of Canada jobs to learn about current opportunities under GC Organizations search Royal Canadian Mounted Police force members and public service employees.

Did You Know?

Since COVID-19, the Yukon RCMP Recruiting has worked diligently to provide applicants with the same services as before. The written RCMP Police Aptitude Test is still conducted with additional sessions to process more applicants.

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To stay up to date with how we're working to keep Yukon safe:

  • Follow us on Twitter: @YukonRCMP
  • Like us on Facebook: Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Yukon

You'll be among the first to know about public safety issues.

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