The Life of a Musical Ride Horse: Part 2


The Life of a Musical Ride Horse: Part 2

(A female trainer adjusts a horse's tack, while a male trainer pets the horse.)
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At three years of age, horses move from our breeding farm to the Musical Ride stables.

(Multiple horses, mounted by riders, train in an indoor riding arena.)
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They're ready to start training for the Musical Ride.

(Riders walk their horses on reins in single file down a hallway.)
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Remounts, or "replacement mounts," are horses between the ages of three and six.

(Two horses, mounted by a male and a female trainer, move towards the camera.)
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They train for at least three years before going on tour.

(A trainer adjusts a horse's saddle.)
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They get used to basic riding aids, crowds and noises, and performing close together.

(A Musical Ride instructor holds two lances, while a male and a female trainer are mounted on horses in the background.)
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They're exposed to many experiences during their training.

(A horse trotting around a pen.)
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Their early training includes: round pen work

(A horse lunging around an outdoor riding arena, led by a female trainer holding a rein.)
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and basic moves like "lunging."

(With the camera filming from the point of view of the trainer, a horse walks through trees.)
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The horse and handler get used to each other.

(A male and a female trainer on horses doing lance work.)
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And the horse gets used to the equipment in a safe environment.

(Two horses, mounted by a male and a female trainer, trot across an indoor riding arena.)
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It also improves the horse's gait, balance and rhythm.

(With the camera filming from the point of view of the trainer, a horse double lunges while the trainer holds the reins.)
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Next, they learn double lunging.

This introduces the harness and rein aids required for driving a carriage.

(With a rider in Red Serge seated on a carriage holding their reins, two horses pull the carriage. Two riders in Red Serge follow on horseback in behind.)
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Specially chosen remounts will further develop in this area.

They pull the carriage a few times a week.

This ensures the paired horses develop routine and discipline.

(A slow motion shot of a horse jumping while mounted by a rider.)
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Finally, jumping helps both the horse and rider. It builds confidence and balance.

(A group of horses runs into a paddock and towards the camera.)
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And lots of free time outside is important to our horses' health and happiness!

(A group of riders in Red Serge on their horses perform in a previous Musical Ride show.)
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After their training is complete, the remounts are ready to move on

to become performers on the Musical Ride.

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Royal Canadian Mounted Police / Gendarmerie royale du Canada signature
© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 2020.

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Canada Wordmark


The use of this video is restricted for the promotion of RCMP Musical Ride performance(s). You must receive prior written consent from the RCMP Intellectual Property Office for any other use.

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