Commissioner’s commitments made from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021

Complaint type Topic Date responded
Individual public complaint Improper attitude and neglect of duty 2021-03-30
Individual public complaint Mishandling of property 2021-03-30
Individual public complaint Improper attitude, improper use of force, neglect of duty, mishandling of property and improper search of premises 2021-03-30
Individual public complaint Neglect of duty and oppressive conduct 2021-03-30
Individual public complaint Improper attitude 2021-03-30
Individual public complaint Improper attitude, improper use of force, neglect of duty and improper search of premises 2021-03-30
Individual public complaint Improper use of force, neglect of duty, mishandling of property and improper arrest 2021-03-30
Individual public complaint Improper arrest 2021-03-25
Individual public complaint Improper use of force, irregularity in procedure, neglect of duty and statutory offences 2021-03-25
Public interest investigation Complaint about how the RCMP handled allegations against RCMP members 2021-03-22
Individual public complaint Improper attitude and improper search of premises 2021-03-17
Individual public complaint Improper attitude, improper use of force, neglect of duty, statutory offences and improper arrest 2021-03-17
Individual public complaint Improper use of force 2021-03-16
Individual public complaint Improper attitude, irregularity in procedure and neglect of duty 2021-03-15
Individual public complaint Neglect of duty 2021-03-15
Public interest investigation and chairperson-initiated complaint Complaint about conduct during sexual assault investigation 2021-03-11
Individual public complaint Mishandling of property 2021-03-11
Individual public complaint Neglect of duty 2021-03-10
Individual public complaint Improper use of force, neglect of duty and improper arrest 2021-03-04
Individual public complaint Improper search of premises 2021-03-04
Individual public complaint Improper arrest and neglect of duty 2021-03-03
Individual public complaint Improper attitude, improper use of force and neglect of duty 2021-03-03
Public interest investigation and chairperson-initiated complaint Commission's final report: chairperson-initiated complaint and public interest investigation into the Coquitlam use of force incident involving Mr. and Ms. Lee 2021-02-25
Individual public complaint Improper attitude, irregularity in procedure, irregularity – Evidence, neglect of duty, oppressive conduct, improper arrest and improper persons/vehicles search 2021-02-25
Individual public complaint Improper attitude, neglect of duty and improper arrest 2021-02-23
Individual public complaint Improper use of force, driving irregularity and neglect of duty 2021-02-23
Individual public complaint Improper attitude 2021-02-23
Individual public complaint Improper attitude, irregularity in procedure and neglect of duty 2021-02-23
Individual public complaint Improper attitude, irregularity in procedure and neglect of duty 2021-02-23
Public interest investigation and chairperson-initiated complaint Complaint about arrest and detention 2021-02-12
Public interest investigation Complaint about detention and quality of investigation 2021-02-08
Individual public complaint Improper attitude, neglect of duty, oppressive conduct, improper arrest and improper persons/vehicles search 2021-02-03
Individual public complaint Neglect of duty 2021-02-03
Individual public complaint Improper attitude, irregularity in procedure, improper arrest and improper persons/vehicles search 2021-02-03
Individual public complaint Improper attitude, irregularity in procedure, driving irregularity and improper search of premises 2021-01-28
Public interest investigation Complaint regarding detention in cells 2021-01-27
Individual public complaint Neglect of duty 2021-01-23
Individual public complaint Neglect of duty, improper use of force and improper arrest 2021-01-23
Individual public complaint Improper attitude, improper use of force and improper arrest 2021-01-23
Individual public complaint Neglect of duty, improper attitude and improper arrest 2021-01-19
Individual public complaint Improper attitude, improper use of force, improper use of Firearms, neglect of duty and improper arrest 2021-01-12
Individual public complaint Improper use of force and improper arrest 2021-01-12
Individual public complaint Improper arrest, mishandling of property and neglect of duty 2021-01-12
Individual public complaint Improper attitude, improper use of force, mishandling of property and improper arrest 2021-01-11
Individual public complaint Neglect of duty 2021-01-05
Individual public complaint Improper attitude and neglect of duty 2021-01-04
Individual public complaint Improper use of force, improper arrest and neglect of duty 2020-12-22
Individual public complaint Neglect of duty and improper arrest 2020-12-17
Public interest investigation and chairperson-initiated complaint Commission's final report regarding the RCMP's investigation of the death of a person and the events that followed 2020-12-17
Public interest investigation Commission's final report regarding the events and the actions of the RCMP members involved in the National Energy Board hearings in British Columbia 2020-11-20
Individual public complaint Irregularity in procedure and neglect of duty 2020-11-12
Individual public complaint Neglect of duty 2020-10-15
Individual public complaint Neglect of duty, statutory offences and oppressive conduct 2020-10-07
Individual public complaint Improper search of premises 2020-10-01
Systemic investigation Review of the RCMP's crime reduction-type units 2020-09-10
Individual public complaint Improper attitude and improper use of force 2020-09-09
Public interest investigation Complaint regarding interaction between serving and retiring members of Surrey detachment 2020-09-08
Systemic investigation Review of the RCMP's policies and procedures regarding strip searches 2020-09-02
Individual public complaint Neglect of duty 2020-08-27
Public interest investigation Complaint about a strip search 2020-08-26
Public interest investigation Complaint against actions taken during Kent county shale gas protests 2020-08-05
Individual public complaint Improper attitude, improper use of force, neglect of duty and improper arrest 2020-08-05
Individual public complaint Neglect of duty and irregularity in procedure 2020-07-30
Individual public complaint Irregularity in procedure, neglect of duty and improper arrest 2020-07-24
Public interest investigation Complaint against actions taken during Kent county shale gas protests 2020-07-17
Public interest investigation Complaint against actions taken during Kent county shale gas protests 2020-07-14
Individual public complaint Improper arrest and improper persons/vehicles search 2020-07-10
Public interest investigation Complaint against actions taken during Kent county shale gas protests 2020-07-09
Individual public complaint Improper attitude, improper use of force, neglect of duty, mishandling of property and improper arrest 2020-07-07
Individual public complaint Improper attitude and neglect of duty 2020-07-07
Individual public complaint Improper use of force and improper arrest 2020-07-07
Public interest investigation Complaint against actions taken during Kent county shale gas protests 2020-07-03
Individual public complaint Improper attitude and neglect of duty 2020-06-23
Public interest investigation and chairperson-initiated complaint Commission's final report into the RCMP's Response to Anti-shale Gas Protests in Kent county, New Brunswick 2020-06-17
Individual public complaint regarding improper attitude and neglect of duty
Date received: 2017-08-11 Date responded: 2021-03-30
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the RCMP clarify the meaning of "acutely agitated or delirious state" in its policy regarding mentally ill persons/prisoners and inform members that what may appear to be a sign of mental illness may in fact be a sign of a serious non-mental medical illness requiring immediate medical intervention. Supported Completed on 2024-01-05
Individual public complaint regarding mishandling of property
Date received: 2019-04-23 Date responded: 2021-03-30
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That an appropriate member of the RCMP extend an apology to the complainant for the mishandling of his property Supported Unable to implement - complainant deceased
That the subject member receive operational guidance concerning the appropriate disposal of exhibits following the conclusion of a file Supported Completed on 2021-07-16
That since the RCMP provided a copy of its final report to its civil claims unit to settle complainant's claim against the RCMP, that the Commissioner provide a copy of this interim report to its civil claims unit to reassess the complainant's claim if necessary. Supported Completed on 2021-07-15
That the subject member receive operational guidance and/or remedial training in conducting criminal investigations. Supported Completed on 2021-07-16
Individual public complaint regarding improper attitude, improper use of force, neglect of duty, mishandling of property and improper search of premises
Date received: 2019-06-28 Date responded: 2021-03-30
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That an appropriate member of the RCMP extend an apology to the complainant for not providing her with medical attention in a timely manner. Supported Completed on 2021-04-09
That the RCMP Division Emergency Response Team be made aware of this finding to ensure that persons detained during an intervention receive prompt medical attention when necessary. Supported Completed on 2021-04-09
Individual public complaint regarding neglect of duty and oppressive conduct
Date received: 2017-10-30 Date responded: 2021-03-30
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That that a senior RCMP officer review the findings of this Interim report with both subject members. Supported Completed on 2021-09-17
Individual public complaint regarding improper attitude
Date received: 2019-08-13 Date responded: 2021-03-30
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the RCMP conduct a public complaint investigation and issue a report as soon as practicable. Supported Completed on 2021-05-10
Individual public complaint regarding improper attitude, improper use of force, neglect of duty and improper search of premises
Date received: 2019-10-21 Date responded: 2021-03-30
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That an appropriate member of the RCMP extend an apology to the complainant for the inappropriate comments made by the subject member. Supported Completed on 2021-04-14
That the subject member be directed to read this report. Supported Completed on 2021-07-15
That the subject District RCMP remind its supervisors, including the subject detachment Commander, of the duties respecting prisoner wellbeing found in RCMP Operational Manual chapter 19.3. "Guarding Prisoners and personal Effects." Supported Completed on 2021-04-14
Individual public complaint regarding improper use of force, neglect of duty, mishandling of property and improper arrest
Date received: 2019-07-24 Date responded: 2021-03-30
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That four subject members receive written direction from an appropriate senior member of the RCMP concerning the imperative and immediate nature of the rights pursuant to section 10 of the Charter. Supported Completed on 2022-01-11
That the Commissioner direct the Officer in Charge of the subject detachment to conduct a unit-level qualify assurance exercise to ensure that anyone arrested or detained by members of the subject detachment is afforded timely access to legal counsel in a manner consistent with section 10 of the Charter. Supported Completed on 2022-01-11
That the Officer in Charge of the subject detachment meet with one subject member separately to discuss their actions in relation to the use of force against the complainant. Supported Completed on 2022-01-11
That the RCMP ensures that one subject member is not using their personal devices to take photographs related to their duties. Supported Completed on 2022-01-11
That the Commissioner direct a senior and experienced member to meet with three subject members in person to discuss the overall shortcomings of the police conduct in this case including a review of this report. Supported Completed on 2022-02-28
That the Commissioner direct the Commanding officer of the Division to ensure that appropriate safeguards and access restrictions are placed on the operational and public complaint files associated to this matter to prevent unauthorized or inadvertent disclosures of information that may be injurious to the complainant's safety. Supported Completed on 2022-02-28
That one subject member receive written direction concerning notetaking, attitude, and the importance of maintaining public trust in the public complaint process. Supported Completed on 2022-02-28
Individual public complaint regarding improper arrest
Date received: 2017-12-15 Date responded: 2021-03-25
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the subject member read the Commission's Interim report and the Commissioner's response to this matter. Supported Completed on 2021-10-15
Individual public complaint regarding improper use of force, irregularity in procedure, neglect of duty and statutory offences
Date received: 2019-06-17 Date responded: 2021-03-25
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the subject member receive operational guidance or training concerning the operation of an in-car digital video system. Supported Completed on 2021-11-10
Public interest investigation – Complaint about how the RCMP handled allegations against RCMP members
Date received: 2018-12-07 Date responded: 2021-03-22
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That an assessment be conducted, without delay, of whether the witness member's June 2011, allegations support a reasonable suspicion that a criminal offence or offences were committed by two subject members. Supported In progress: E Division to implement
That a reasonably thorough criminal investigation be conducted, without
delay, should it be established that the witness member's allegations
support a reasonable suspicion of criminal conduct.
Supported In progress: E Division to implement
That the RCMP inform the complainant and the Commission, without delay, of the process engaged and its findings in response to these recommendations, subject to any legal constraints. Supported In progress: E Division to implement
That the Division engage a review forthwith to ensure that, whenever internal allegations of criminal conduct committed by RCMP members are made, reasonable case management practices are implemented without delay, including but not limited to:
  1. File number assignment
  2. Clear responsibility tasking in writing
  3. Assurance that responsibility tasking is known by all members assigned to the file
  4. Indication of the assigned file number on all documents created, obtained or relevant to the investigation
  5. File storage in accordance with secure file management practices
  6. Creation of diary dates to ensure compliance with time limitations set out in Part IV of the RCMP Act or otherwise
  7. Regular status reports to clearly identified senior management
  8. Adherence to conflict of interest rules
  9. Status updates to complainants and affected parties, subject to Privacy Act requirements and reasonable concerns about security of information during a criminal investigation
Supported In progress: E Division to implement
That the RCMP Commissioner provide a written apology to the complainant for the untimely and incomplete response to the subject member's allegations, which the complainant first provided on June 12, 2011. Supported Completed on 2021-11-10
That the RCMP review its obligations under the Privacy Act, and determine whether it is subject to a statutory obligation to inform the third party,
a subject member's first ex-wife, about the loss of her personal information.
Supported In progress: E Division to implement
Individual public complaint regarding improper attitude and improper search of premises
Date received: 2019-07-08 Date responded: 2021-03-17
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the subject member receive operational guidance concerning the provision of assistance in property removal matters. Supported Completed on 2021-05-04
Individual public complaint regarding improper attitude, improper use of force, neglect of duty, statutory offences and improper arrest
Date received: 2019-04-02 Date responded: 2021-03-17
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the RCMP provide the complainant with a written apology for the unreasonable strip search that was conducted. Supported Completed on 2021-05-26
That the RCMP consider amending the direction regarding bras and similar undergarments in section 5 of the current RCMP policy on personal search to address the concerns noted by the Commission. Supported Completed on 2021-03-17
Individual public complaint regarding improper use of force
Date received: 2019-06-17 Date responded: 2021-03-16
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That that a senior RCMP member review with two subject members the importance of making detailed notes as required by RCMP national operational policy on note-taking and provide both members with written direction to that effect. Supported Completed on 2021-10-13
Individual public complaint regarding improper attitude, irregularity in procedure and neglect of duty
Date received: 2018-08-13 Date responded: 2021-03-15
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That an appropriate member of the RCMP extend an apology to the complainant for the manner in which the complaint was initially dismissed. Supported Completed on 2021-07-12
That the RCMP provide guidance and/or mentoring to one subject member with an aim of improving their level of empathy towards involved parties. Supported Completed on 2021-07-12
That the RCMP Commissioner direct the subject detachment Commander to ensure that detachment-level policy concerning the release of information to third parties is sufficient and that all detachment members be reminded of the policies concerning the release of information. Supported Completed on 2021-07-12
That the RCMP review the disclosure of information by one subject member to a third party to determine whether further remedial actions are necessary. Supported Completed on 2021-07-12
Individual public complaint regarding neglect of duty
Date received: 2019-05-17 Date responded: 2021-03-15
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That a senior officer review this Interim report with the subject member and consider the need for operational guidance or training taking into account the intervening passage of time. Supported Completed on 2021-06-01
Public interest investigation and chairperson-initiated complaint – Complaint about conduct during sexual assault investigation
Date received: 2017-10-13 Date responded: 2021-03-11
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That one subject member be provided training concerning sexual assault investigations. Supported Completed on 2021-03-23
That one subject member be provided operational guidance and mentoring concerning the findings in this report. Supported Completed on 2021-03-23
That the current supervisor assess one subject member's sexual assault investigation skills. The onus will be on that supervisor to determine a suitable course of action, if any, to address the issues identified in the Commission's interim report. Supported Completed on 2021-03-23
That the RCMP explore options to provide a training program to all police officers in the territory concerning the sexual assault investigation protocols within the territory, interagency collaboration, and the availability of resources. Supported Completed on 2021-03-11
That the RCMP ensure that it retains briefing notes in such a manner that they are preserved for an appropriate period and that such briefing notes can be readily retrieved. Supported Completed on 2021-07-21
Individual public complaint regarding mishandling of property
Date received: 2017-11-30 Date responded: 2021-03-11
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the appropriate senior member of the RCMP apologize to the complainant on the force's behalf for its failure to secure the ATV. Supported Completed on 2021-04-12
That the Commissioner determine whether the complainant received compensation for the loss of the ATV following the referral to the RCMP's Claims and Litigation Unit and, if not, follow up as deemed appropriate in this regard. Supported Completed on 2021-06-30
That the Commissioner indicate whether findings or remedial actions were taken toward one subject member regarding the communication with the complainant subsequent to the theft complaint. Supported Completed on 2021-04-12
That if no remedial actions have yet been taken concerning one subject member, that he be given operational guidance on his duty to avoid any actual, apparent or potential conflict of interests. Supported Completed on 2021-04-12
That in my response to this Interim report, I indicate whether findings or remedial actions were taken toward two subject members as a result of their failure to reasonably secure the ATV as required by RCMP policy on exhibit handling. Supported Completed on 2021-04-12
That if no remedial actions have yet been taken concerning the failure to reasonably secure the ATV, that two subject member be given operational guidance on the RCMP policy on exhibit handling. Supported Completed on 2021-04-12
That one subject member, who conducted the RCMP's public complaint investigation, and the Commissioner's delegate for the purposes of the RCMP's report, receive a copy of this Interim report in order to take note of the Commission's second and fourth findings relating to the issues that were not addressed in the RCMP's report. Supported Completed on 2021-04-12
Individual public complaint regarding neglect of duty
Date received: 2018-05-01 Date responded: 2021-03-10
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the RCMP apologize to the complainant for not conducting a reasonable family violence investigation. Supported Completed on 2021-11-02
That one subject member be given operational guidance on how to conduct a reasonable family violence investigation. Supported Completed on 2021-11-02
Individual public complaint regarding improper use of force, neglect of duty and improper arrest
Date received: 2018-05-29 Date responded: 2021-03-04
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That one subject member receive operational guidance with respect to section 129 of the Criminal Code. Supported Completed on 2021-07-12
That two subject members receive operational guidance on the substance and application of the following: Chapter 2.6 and chapter 100.3 of the Division's Operational Manual concerning the requirements to apprehend children; the scope of their duties and authorities under the common law to enter a home for exigent reasons; and the scope of their duties and powers under the Child, Family and Community Service Act. Supported Completed on 2021-07-12
Individual public complaint regarding improper search of premises
Date received: 2017-04-05 Date responded: 2021-03-04
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That one subject member should be provided with operational guidance as to securing premises following the execution of a search warrant. Supported Completed on 2021-04-07
That the RCMP should give consideration to developing a policy regarding the securing of premises following an entry to search, especially following a forced or "dynamic" entry. The policy should require members to make reasonable efforts to secure premises in all cases except where exigent circumstances exist, such as the preservation of life. There is existing operational policy on search Warrants (OM 21.3) that could be amended by adding another line in OM Supported Completed on 2021-09-03
Individual public complaint regarding improper arrest and neglect of duty
Date received: 2019-02-11 Date responded: 2021-03-03
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the RCMP review its policies relative to ensuring the safety and well-being of children whose parents or caregivers are arrested or otherwise indisposed. Supported Completed on 2023-07-31
Individual public complaint regarding improper attitude, improper use of force and neglect of duty
Date received: 2018-01-08 Date responded: 2021-03-03
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the RCMP apologize to the complainants for not providing them with the opportunity to provide a Victim Impact Statement. The apology for any breakdown in communications with Victim Services in the final report Letter dated March 6, 2017, was not sufficiently broad to cover this aspect. Supported Completed on 2021-04-07
That the Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge of the subject RCMP detachment clarify the lines of authority and responsibility between the provincial Victim Services and the detachment as they relate to providing services to victims of crime. Supported Completed on 2021-04-07
Public interest investigation and chairperson-initiated complaint – Commission's final report: chairperson-initiated complaint and public interest investigation into the Coquitlam use of force incident involving Mr. and Ms. Lee
Date received: 2019-03-05 Date responded: 2021-02-25
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That two subject members be directed to read this report to emphasize the value of using proper problem-solving techniques to resolve calls for service. Supported Completed on 2021-03-10
That two subject members be reminded of the importance of clearly articulating grounds of arrest. Supported Completed on 2021-03-10
That three subject members be given operational guidance on the importance of ensuring the well-being of children after the arrest of caregivers. Supported Completed on 2021-03-10
That the RCMP review its policies relative to ensuring welfare of children whose parents or caregivers are arrested or otherwise indisposed. A review of OM 18.1 arrest & Detention is to be conducted and amended to include information identified in this recommendation. Supported Completed on 2023-07-31
That the RCMP apologize to a complainant for a subject member throwing the cell phone on the ground. Supported Completed on 2021-03-10
That the RCMP offer to reimburse a complainant for the damage to the cell phone. Any offer for reimbursement is to be based on the actual receipt from replacing the cell phone or on a reasonable amount based on current rates for similar product. That a claim be opened through the Division Claims Unit to contact the person to gather the necessary information, review, quantify and assess the claim. Supported Unable to complete: efforts made to notify complainant and recommendation will be implemented once complainant comes forward
That one subject member receives operational guidance concerning the actions with respect to a person's cell phone. Supported Completed on 2021-03-10
Individual public complaint regarding improper attitude, irregularity in procedure, irregularity – Evidence, neglect of duty, oppressive conduct, improper arrest and improper persons/vehicles search
Date received: 2017-10-25 Date responded: 2021-02-25
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the subject member's supervisor receive a copy of this report and review it with the subject member so that proper mentoring, guidance and supervision can be provided Supported Completed on 2021-09-28
That the subject member be given supplementary training on the authority to arrest. Supported Completed on 2021-09-28
That the subject member be given operational guidance on the retention of records, including digital imaging. Supported Completed on 2021-09-28
That an appropriate member of the RCMP extend a written apology to the complainant on behalf of the RCMP for their unreasonable arrest and use of force. Supported Completed on 2021-09-28
That two subject members be given supplemental training on the authorities to search. Supported Completed on 2021-09-28
That two subject members be given operational guidance on the right to counsel, and the right to remain silent. Supported Completed on 2021-09-28
That the subject member be provided operational guidance on the foregoing findings. Supported Completed on 2021-09-28
That the subject member issue a written apology to the complainant for the improper impression they gave when they said that they would inform the complainant's employer. Supported Completed on 2021-09-28
Individual public complaint regarding improper attitude, neglect of duty and improper arrest
Date received: 2018-10-04 Date responded: 2021-02-23
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the RCMP issue the complainant an apology for unlawfully arresting them. Supported Completed on 2021-07-23
That two subject members receive operational guidance regarding the elements of the offences of mischief and public mischief. Supported Completed on 2021-07-23
That two subject members receive additional training on de-escalation and/or informal dispute resolution. Supported Completed on 2021-07-23
Individual public complaint regarding improper use of force, driving irregularity and neglect of duty
Date received: 2018-12-04 Date responded: 2021-02-23
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the RCMP apologize to the complainant for not conducting a reasonably thorough family violence investigation and for entering the residence without lawful authority. Supported Completed on 2021-04-09
That three subject members be given operational guidance respecting the family violence protocol and on the jurisprudence concerning warrantless police entry into dwelling houses. Supported Completed on 2021-04-09
That the RCMP apologize to the complainant for the force used in arresting them without lawful authority. Supported Completed on 2021-04-09
In addition to the CRCC recommendations, the Commissioner directed that the subject members be given operational guidance on the elements necessary to arrest a person for obstruction, given that once they began the entry to residence without grounds, they were no longer engaged in the lawful execution of their duty as required by sec 129 of the Criminal Code. Supported Completed on 2021-04-09
Individual public complaint regarding improper attitude
Date received: 2018-10-04 Date responded: 2021-02-23
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That one subject member be directed to read this report to assist in recognizing and responding to conflicts of interest in particular, the distinction between actual and apparent or perceived conflicts of interest and the need to avoid both. Supported Completed on 2021-07-30
Individual public complaint regarding improper attitude, irregularity in procedure and neglect of duty
Date received: 2018-04-04 Date responded: 2021-02-23
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the RCMP provide operational guidance to one subject member regarding the duty to conduct reasonably thorough investigations which includes taking detailed notes. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
That a senior member of the RCMP provide operational guidance to one subject member regarding the responsibility to perform duties impartially. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
That a senior member of the RCMP provide operational guidance to one subject member regarding the duty to act in a professional manner. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
That a senior member of the RCMP apologize to the complainant and the complainant's father for one subject member's inappropriate remarks. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
Individual public complaint regarding improper attitude, irregularity in procedure and neglect of duty
Date received: 2018-04-04 Date responded: 2021-02-23
CRCC Recommendation Commissioner's Response Implementation Status
That the RCMP provide operational guidance to one subject member regarding the duty to conduct reasonably thorough investigations which includes taking detailed notes. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
That a senior member of the RCMP provide operational guidance to one subject member regarding the responsibility to perform duties impartially. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
That a senior member of the RCMP provide operational guidance to one subject member regarding the duty to act in a professional manner. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
That a senior member of the RCMP apologize to the complainant and the complainant's father for one subject member's inappropriate remarks. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
Public interest investigation and chairperson-initiated complaint - Complaint about arrest and detention
Date received: 2018-03-16 Date responded: 2021-02-12
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the RCMP review the National Headquarters Operational Manual chapter 18.1, section 7.2, to consider whether the principles related to detention of persons for public intoxication and seeking alternatives to their detention may be applicable to other circumstances where intoxication is the overriding reason for detention. Supported Completed on 2018-06-01
That the RCMP remind the subject District supervisors of the requirement to be thorough in their review of occurrence reports, and in particular, of the importance of ensuring that all occurrence reports are properly documented, especially those involving the arrest and detention of a person. Supported Completed on 2021-11-18
That one subject member provide a written apology to the complainant for the arrest and detention. Supported Completed on 2021-11-18
That the Officer in Charge of the subject detachment provide an apology in person to the complainant for the arrest and detention. Supported Completed on 2021-11-18
That the RCMP consider replacing the complainant's glasses, or reimbursing for the cost of replacement glasses, after the glasses were lost during the arrest. Supported Unable to complete: efforts made to notify complainant and recommendation will be implemented once complainant comes forward
Public interest investigation – Complaint about detention and quality of investigation
Date received: 2018-05-29 Date responded: 2021-02-08
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That one subject member be provided operational guidance concerning the taking of statements. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
That the RCMP consider amending policy or procedures – either at the national or divisional level to address the concerns noted by the CRCC. Supported In progress: Pending publication
That one subject member be provided operational guidance concerning evidence collection. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
That the RCMP consider adopting a national policy consistent with the "M" Division policy concerning photography of injuries Supported In progress: Pending publication
That two subject members be providing additional training or mentoring by a subject matter expert on the topic of domestic violence investigations. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
That one subject member be provided operational guidance concerning supervision of domestic violence investigations. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
That the subject detachment ensure that adequate measures are in place to regularly assess and document whether prisoners should be released. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
Individual public complaint regarding improper attitude, neglect of duty, oppressive conduct, improper arrest and improper persons/vehicles search
Date received: 2017-08-22 Date responded: 2021-02-03
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the RCMP provide one subject member with operational guidance relating to bias-free policing and provide the complainant with the details of the subject member's operational guidance under this allegation. Supported Completed on 2021-03-17
That the RCMP apologize to the complainant regarding the confusion caused by its findings under this allegation. Supported Completed on 2021-03-17
The RCMP respond to the complainant's requests that the photographs of a relative be destroyed. Supported Completed on 2021-03-17
Individual public complaint regarding neglect of duty
Date received: 2019-10-11 Date responded: 2021-02-03
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That two subject members be directed to read this report. Supported Completed on 2021-10-04
Individual public complaint regarding improper attitude, irregularity in procedure, improper arrest and improper persons/vehicles search
Date received: 2018-01-19 Date responded: 2021-02-03
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That one subject member apologize to the complainant for arresting them or, if the subject member is unwilling or unable to do so, the RCMP apologize for the arrest. Supported Completed on 2021-04-29
That two subject members be provided with operational guidance with respect to the procedures for warrantless arrests. Supported Completed on 2021-04-29
That the RCMP provide operational guidance to one subject member regarding the limitations of the Privacy Act with respect to the disclosure of personal information. Supported Completed on 2021-04-29
That one subject members be provided with operational guidance with respect to RCMP policies related to note taking. Supported Completed on 2021-04-29
Individual public complaint regarding improper attitude, irregularity in procedure, driving irregularity and improper search of premises
Date received: 2019-11-08 Date responded: 2021-01-28
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the RCMP members involved be provided with operational guidance concerning the legal and policy requirements related to warrantless searches of a dwelling. Supported Completed on 2021-02-03
That the public complaint investigator receive operational guidance with respect to the importance of completing a thorough and comprehensive public complaint investigation. Supported Completed on 2021-02-03
That the RCMP consider introducing cultural protocol references to its "National OM – 37.6 Victim Assistance", in similar fashion to the amendments to its Notification of death policy. Such amendments would be tailored to place greater emphasis on victim services specifically with respect to being sensitive to "traditional, cultural and spiritual needs" of Indigenous Peoples. Supported Completed on 2022-03-09
That the new communications protocols and strategies adopted in "F" Division (Saskatchewan) be considered for implementation at the national level in order to review all media releases regarding serious or sensitive matters that involve Indigenous peoples or communities. Supported Completed on 2022-01-20
That a case study be develop from this incident for use in future communication training, this will allow us to increase awareness and understanding of unconscious biases and the power of the media when drafting releases. Supported Completed on 2022-01-20
Public interest investigation – Complaint regarding detention in cells
Date received: 2018-09-04 Date responded: 2021-01-27
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the RCMP detachment Commander inform Crown counsel of the concerns with accepting long-term prisoners in the detachment cells. Supported Completed on 2021-07-29
That the RCMP review the recent Ontario Superior Court decision of R v Black to determine whether judicial review may be an appropriate remedy in future similar situations. Supported Completed on 2021-07-29
That two subject members be provided with operational guidance on the requirement to document in their notebook the reasons for refusing a prisoner access to medical treatment. Supported Completed on 2021-11-22
That two subject members be provided with operational guidance respecting search obligations when informed of contraband in cells. Supported Completed on 2021-11-22
That the RCMP detachment Commander determine whether this is a systemic problem and take remedial action as appropriate to ensure that chemical-dependent prisoners are afforded every opportunity for a treatment plan. Supported Completed on 2021-07-29
That the RCMP apologize to the complainant for providing only one shower during the time spent in cells. Supported Completed on 2021-07-29
That the RCMP amend its policies on prisoners to provide showers each day commencing with the second day of consecutive custody and to mandate the offer of appropriate toiletries if no shower facilities are available. Supported Completed on 2024-05-30
That the detachment Commander remind all members of the subject detachment of the importance of documenting actions taken during the course of their duties and that the members acknowledge this requirement in writing. Supported Completed on 2021-07-29
Individual public complaint regarding neglect of duty
Date received: 2018-05-09 Date responded: 2021-01-23
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That two subject members be given operational guidance on:
  1. the requirements of a reasonably thorough investigation
  2. the requirements and analysis of the offence of criminal negligence, as set out in section 219 of the Criminal Code
  3. the requirements of reasonable file management
Supported Completed on 2022-01-10
That the RCMP apologize to the complainant for the omissions in the investigation. Supported Completed on 2022-04-25
That the RCMP undertake a fresh review of the investigation to assess the reasonableness of further investigation of the accident at this time. Supported Completed on 2021-03-16
Individual public complaint regarding neglect of duty, improper use of force and improper arrest
Date received: 2016-11-24 Date responded: 2021-01-23
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the Commanding Officer of the Division apologize to the complainant for the unreasonable use of force. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
That a senior RCMP officer review with one subject member the findings of this report and provide him with operational guidance regarding the reasonable use of force, as well as operational guidance regarding the duty of care owed to individuals in the custody of the RCMP. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
That one subject member receive operational guidance with respect to facilitating an arrested person's right to counsel in compliance with paragraph 10(b) of the Charter and RCMP policies. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
That any notation or documentation concerning the seventh allegation against one subject member within the RCMP be corrected to reflect the record as provided to the Commission that they did not mislead the complainant. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
That the Commissioner ensure that [she] is provided with all the information relevant to the review of this complaint, and that [she] include any additional information and relevant materials [she] obtained with the Commissioner's Response to this Interim report. Supported Completed on 2021-01-23
Individual public complaint regarding improper attitude, improper use of force and improper arrest
Date received: 2017-10-30 Date responded: 2021-01-23
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That a senior member of the RCMP extend an apology on behalf of the RCMP to the complainant for the unreasonable arrest. Supported Completed on 2021-04-21
That the RCMP provide operational guidance or mentoring to one subject member with respect to arrest at a dwelling house. Supported Completed on 2021-04-21
That one subject member receive operational guidance concerning their attitude. Supported Completed on 2021-04-21
Individual public complaint regarding neglect of duty, improper attitude and improper arrest
Date received: 2017-06-02 Date responded: 2021-01-19
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That a senior member of the RCMP offer an apology to the complainant concerning the detention. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
That two subject members be provided with operational guidance concerning law and policy surrounding section 10 Charter rights. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
That two subject members be provided with operational guidance concerning note-taking, specifically with regard to the articulation of the legal grounds for a detention. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
That two subject members be provided with operational guidance concerning apprehensions under provincial mental health legislation. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
That two subject members apologize to the complainant for the use of force or, if they are unwilling to do so, that the RCMP apologize to the complainant. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
Individual public complaint regarding improper attitude, improper use of force, improper use of Firearms, neglect of duty and improper arrest
Date received: 2017-10-17 Date responded: 2021-01-12
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That an appropriate member of the RCMP extend an apology on behalf of the RCMP to the complainant for the manner in which was released from custody. Supported Completed on 2021-02-24
Individual public complaint regarding improper use of force and improper arrest
Date received: 2019-05-03 Date responded: 2021-01-12
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the RCMP provide the complainants with an apology for being detained in cells for an unreasonably prolonged period of time. Supported Completed on 2021-02-10
That the RCMP apologize to the complainant for being unreasonably denied their right to counsel. Supported Completed on 2021-02-10
That those members involved in the public complaint investigation, be required to review the contents of the CRCC's final report. Supported Completed on 2021-02-10
Individual public complaint regarding improper arrest, mishandling of property and neglect of duty
Date received: 2018-11-06 Date responded: 2021-01-12
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That one subject member be provided operational guidance on the need for more thorough note-taking. Supported Completed on 2021-01-28
That the RCMP review its policies and procedures on the provision of medical care to prisoners and ensure that training for members and guards includes enhanced instruction on stroke symptoms, particularly amongst intoxicated or seemingly intoxicated persons. Supported In progress: Contract and Indigenous Policing are leading this initiative
That the RCMP consider posting the F.A.S.T. stroke assessment tool poster (freely available from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada) in all detachment cell blocks. Supported In progress: Contract and Indigenous Policing are leading this initiative
Individual public complaint regarding improper attitude, improper use of force, mishandling of property and improper arrest
Date received: 2018-11-26 Date responded: 2021-01-11
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That an appropriate member of the RCMP extend an apology on behalf of the RCMP to the complainant for the unreasonable manner of the arrest. Supported Unable to implement - complainant deceased
That two subject members receive operational guidance or training concerning arrests in dwelling houses. Supported Completed on 2021-04-09
That the specified detachment Commander consider whether it is necessary to review the law concerning police entry into dwelling houses with the members under their command. Supported Completed on 2021-04-09
That the RCMP consider reimbursing the complainant for the repair costs to his door. Supported Completed on 2021-02-03
Individual public complaint regarding neglect of duty
Date received: 2017-10-13 Date responded: 2021-01-05
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the subject member be provided with operational guidance on the requirements of a timely and diligent sexual assault investigation. Supported Completed on 2021-04-19
That the RCMP apologize to the complainant for not conducting a timely and diligent sexual assault investigation. Supported Completed on 2021-04-19
Individual public complaint regarding improper attitude and neglect of duty
Date received: 2017-10-02 Date responded: 2021-01-04
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the subject detachment establish a written protocol to ensure that personnel changes are effectively managed in order that relevant material requests made by the Commission are addressed in a timely manner, and that the complainant be informed of same. Supported Completed on 2021-05-27
Individual public complaint regarding improper use of force, improper arrest and neglect of duty
Date received: 2018-05-16 Date responded: 2020-12-22
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the subject member be provided with operational guidance as to the importance of consulting RCMP policy at the first opportunity. Supported Completed on 2021-02-10
Individual public complaint regarding neglect of duty and improper arrest
Date received: 2019-09-06 Date responded: 2020-12-17
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the subject member be provided with operational guidance concerning the grounds required to issue a 24‐hour suspension and the necessity to articulate these grounds in police reports or notes. Supported Completed on 2021-02-12
Public interest investigation and chairperson-initiated complaint - Commission's final report regarding the RCMP's investigation of the death of a person and the events that followed
Date received: 2020-01-23 Date responded: 2020-12-04
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the two subject members be provided with operational guidance with respect to RCMP policy regarding the interviewing of witnesses. Supported Completed on 2021-07-20
That the subject member be directed to review the reasons for detention listed in subsection 497 1.1 of the Criminal Code. Supported Completed on 2021-07-20
That the RCMP review its policy OM 24.1. ("Interviews/Statements: Suspect/Accused/Witness") to address the treatment of in-custody witnesses interviewed in criminal investigations in which they are not suspects. Supported In progress: Contract and Indigenous Policing preparing amendments to Operational Manual
That the RCMP provide guidance, mentoring and/or training to the members of the Command Triangle with respect to witness handling. Supported Completed on 2021-07-20
That three subject members be directed to review the RCMP's national policy OM 24.1. (''Interviews/Statements: Suspect/Accused/Witness"). Supported Completed on 2021-07-20
That the RCMP provide a subject member with guidance, mentoring and/or training regarding the timely drafting of an Information to Obtain a search Warrant. Supported Completed on 2021-07-20
That the RCMP ensure that adequate resources are available in a timely manner for the investigation of major crimes. Supported Completed on 2021-07-20
That RCMP senior management in the Division consider acquiring a Mobile Command Centre. Supported Completed on 2021-07-20
That the involved members of the Major crime Unit and Forensic Identification Services be directed to review the findings in this report with a senior member of the RCMP. Supported Completed on 2021-07-20
That the involved members of the Major crime Unit and Forensic Identification Services receive operational guidance with respect to RCMP policies and procedures related to the preservation and protection of evidence. Supported Completed on 2021-07-20
That a senior member of the RCMP provide operational guidance to a subject member regarding the importance of protecting and preserving evidence at a crime scene. Supported Completed on 2021-07-20
That, in future cases, the Major crime Unit Commander ensure that a member of the Unit attend the crime scene in a timely fashion. Supported Completed on 2021-07-20
That two subject members be directed to review the policy OM 25.2. "lnvestigator's notes" . Supported Completed on 2021-07-20
That one subject member be directed to review this report with a senior Forensic Identification Services member and discuss the significance of the involvement of a bloodstain analyst at a blood-letting crime scene. Supported Completed on 2021-07-20
That two subject members be directed to review this finding with a senior member of the RCMP. Supported Completed on 2021-07-20
That one subject member as well as the three members of the Command Triangle be directed to read this report with a senior member of the RCMP. Supported Completed on 2021-07-20
That cultural awareness training be provided for all RCMP employees bearing in mind the factors identified in recent inquiries. Supported Completed on 2021-07-20
Public interest investigation – Commission's final report regarding the events and the actions of the RCMP members involved in the National Energy Board hearings in British Columbia
Date received: 2017-07-05 Date responded: 2020-11-20
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the RCMP consider implementing a specific policy regarding video-recording protests and demonstrations, setting out criteria and limits for video-recording protests and demonstrations and for video retention periods. Supported Completed on 2021-04-14
That, in particular, all recordings and images of peaceful protests and demonstrations be destroyed as soon as is practicable. Supported Completed on 2021-04-14
That the RCMP provide clear policy guidance describing what personal information from social media sites can be collected, the uses that can be made of it, and what steps should be taken to ensure its reliability. Supported Completed on 2021-04-26
That the RCMP policy require the destruction of records obtained from social media sources containing personal information (such as screen captures of social media sites) once it is determined that there is no criminal nexus regarding the information. Supported Completed on 2021-04-26
That the RCMP develop a policy providing that where the RCMP obtains personal information that is determined to have no nexus to criminal activity, the information should not be retained. Supported Completed on 2021-04-26
That the RCMP develop a policy providing that where a licence plate number and any associated personal information has no nexus to criminal activity, the information should not be retained. Supported Completed on 2021-04-26
That the subject detachment review all policies concerning the collection, retention, and disclosure of personal information and take action to ensure that personal information is disclosed in accordance with legislation and policy. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
In addition to the CRCC recommendations, the Commissioner directed that the Division Criminal Operations Officers review the same policies as Recommendation 7. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
In its final report, the CRCC added a recommendation that the RCMP provide the Commission with an annual update on its progress in implementing the Commission's recommendations until the implementation is completed. Supported Completed on 2022-01-26
Individual public complaint regarding irregularity in procedure and neglect of duty
Date received: 2017-11-30 Date responded: 2020-11-12
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That a senior RCMP member provide operational guidance to the subject member by reviewing the storage requirements of the Firearms Act regulations with that member. Supported Completed on 2021-02-10
Individual public complaint regarding neglect of duty
Date received: 2018-02-23 Date responded: 2020-10-15
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the RCMP issue a report pursuant to section 45.64 of the RCMP Act, with respect to the first and third allegations of the complainant's 2016 complaint (Neglect of duty). Supported Completed on 2020-12-08
In addition to the CRCC recommendations, the Commissioner directed that Commissioner's delegate in this matter be provided with operational guidance with respect to the responsibilities when drafting letters of disposition and managing the investigation of public complaints. Supported Completed on 2021-06-07
Individual public complaint regarding neglect of duty, statutory offences and oppressive conduct
Date received: 2020-01-15 Date responded: 2020-10-07
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the subject member be directed to read this report. Supported Completed on 2021-01-12
Individual public complaint regarding improper search of premises
Date received: 2017-11-03 Date responded: 2020-10-01
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the subject members apologize to the complainant for entering the home without consent or, if they are unwilling or unable to do so, that the RCMP apologize. Supported Completed on 2021-01-07
That three subject members receive operational guidance with respect to the legal requirements to enter a residence. Supported Completed on 2021-01-07
In addition to the CRCC recommendations, the Commissioner directed that three subject members to read the interim report and that they be provided with operational guidance on the importance of note-taking. Supported Completed on 2021-01-07
In addition to the CRCC recommendations, the Commissioner discussed with all Commanding Officers about their obligations with respect to note-taking and urged them to consider including note-taking in their next annual Unit Level Quality Assurance review process. Supported Completed on 2020-10-01
Systemic investigation – Review of the RCMP's crime reduction-type units
Date received: 2020-07-22 Date responded: 2020-09-10
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the RCMP should explore the benefits of its crime reduction units exchanging information regarding their good practices. Supported Completed on 2023-10-11
That the RCMP should share best practices across divisions and districts about the manner in which criminal intelligence analysts and business analysts are employed in order to more effectively capitalize on a strength of the CRU program. Supported Completed on 2023-10-11
The RCMP's crime reduction initiatives and programs should explore a more comprehensive approach to coordination and cooperation with external partners. Supported Completed on 2023-10-11
That the RCMP should develop a national policy regarding the operations of its crime reduction units. Supported Completed on 2019-09-01
Individual public complaint regarding improper attitude and improper use of force
Date received: 2016-10-21 Date responded: 2020-09-09
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the Commanding Officer of the Division apologize to the complainant for the unreasonable strip search. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
That a senior RCMP officer review with one subject member the findings of this report and provide operational guidance regarding the legal definition of strip search and the criteria for the conduct of a reasonable strip search as set out in Golden and the current jurisprudence. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
That a senior officer review with the subject member the obligation to make contemporaneous notes in accordance with RCMP national operational policy on note-taking. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
That the definition of "strip search" in the RCMP national operational policy be amended to ensure consistency with the definition adopted by the Supreme Court of Canada. Supported Completed on 2016-08-23
That Division operational policy be amended by removing the mandatory requirement for removal of a prisoner's bra for inspection in order that it aligns with the requirements for a reasonable strip search consistent with the jurisprudence. Supported Completed on 2018-04-27
That a senior officer review section 25 of the Criminal Code with the subject member. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
That the RCMP reimburses the complainant specifically for out-of-pocket expenses incurred for physiotherapy and rehabilitation for the broken right arm sustained while in RCMP custody. Valid receipts for the physiotherapy and rehabilitation must be presented to the Division claims department for settlement. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
That the Commanding Officer of the Division apologize to the complainant for the unreasonable and degrading manner in which they were escorted to a cell. It is appropriate that the apology also take into consideration the unreasonableness of the strip search itself, as indicated by the Commission in the first recommendation above. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
That the RCMP appoint an independent facilitator agreed to by both the complainant and the RCMP to facilitate a meeting between the complainant and a senior member of the RCMP to discuss the means by which the RCMP can restore complainant's trust in the police and the RCMP. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
That the RCMP reimburse the complainant for the fees associated with hiring an advocate to be present at the facilitated meeting. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
That a senior RCMP officer provide to the two subject members operational guidance regarding the duty of care owed to individuals in the custody of the RCMP. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
That a senior RCMP officer review the suitability of the subject member to the duties of cell block supervisor. Supported Unable to implement - member retired from RCMP
That the RCMP perform a Code of conduct investigation with respect to the subject member's decision to escort the complainant to the cell naked from the waist up. Supported Unable to implement - member retired from RCMP
That the subject member receive retraining on the proper care and handling of individuals in RCMP custody. Supported Unable to implement - member retired from RCMP
That operational guidance regarding the RCMP national operational policy on providing medical assistance be provided to the subject member. Supported Unable to implement - member retired from RCMP
That a senior RCMP officer review with the subject members the importance of making detailed notes as required by the RCMP national operational policy on note-taking. Supported Completed on 2021-04-30
That a senior RCMP officer provide the three subject members with operational guidance on their duty to complete a Subject Behaviour/Officer Response report in accordance with RCMP national operational policy. Supported Completed on 2021-01-11
Public interest investigation – Complaint regarding interaction between serving and retiring members of Surrey detachment
Date received: 2017-08-11 Date responded: 2020-09-08
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That one subject member receive refresher training on the law governing vehicle searches. Supported Completed on 2021-01-25
Systemic investigation – Review of the RCMP's policies and procedures regarding strip searches
Date received: 2020-07-13 Date responded: 2020-09-02
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the RCMP amend the national Operational Manual Chapter 21.2. "Personal search" to ensure adequacy, appropriateness, clarity, and consistency with established jurisprudence. Supported Completed on 2022-03-10
That Depot Division enhance basic training, including scenario-based training (online or in person), to ensure that cadets are aware of the legal requirements and relevant policies and procedures for all types of personal searches. Supported Completed on 2021-04-02
That the RCMP introduce divisional-level mandatory training to ensure that members are cognizant of the legal requirements, policies, and procedures for strip searches, and that the RCMP include this training in the Operational Skills Maintenance Re-Certification. Supported Completed on 2022-03-10
That the RCMP, particularly in Nunavut, provide operational guidance to members with respect to the handling of vulnerable persons detained (as it relates, for example, to mental health issues and self-harm), and that it consider providing trauma-informed training. Supported Completed on 2022-02-18
That RCMP divisions provide operational guidance to members regarding strip search policies, proper articulation of the required reasonable grounds, documentation of the manner in which the search took place, and proper documentation of supervisory approval. Supported Completed on 2022-02-18
That the RCMP consider the Prince George RCMP detachment's cell block Operational Manual ("PRISONERS: Guarding Prisoners/Personal Effects") and Prisoner report form ("Prisoner report - personal searches [Strip searches]") as good practice for relevant detachments force-wide. Supported Completed on 2022-03-10
That the RCMP consider providing relevant detachments with copies of the "Strip search Policy Advisory" poster utilized at the Surrey RCMP detachment. Supported Completed on 2022-03-10
Individual public complaint regarding neglect of duty
Date received: 2018-03-02 Date responded: 2020-08-27
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That two subject members receive operational guidance on the requirements of Operational Manual chapter 19.2., section 2.1. (Prisoners – Assessing Responsiveness and Medical Assistance) Supported Completed on 2020-11-05
Public interest investigation – Complaint about a strip search
Date received: 2019-02-15 Date responded: 2020-08-26
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the RCMP provide the complainant with a written apology for the unreasonable strip search that was conducted. Supported Completed on 2021-01-28
That the RCMP consider amending the direction regarding bras and similar undergarments in section 5 of the current RCMP policy on personal search to address the concerns noted by the Commission. Supported In progress: Contract and Indigenous Policing preparing amendments to Operational Manual
Public interest investigation – Complaint against actions taken during Kent county shale gas protests
Date received: 2019-04-02 Date responded: 2020-08-05
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
In situations such as public order policing when members may be required to arrest persons using plastic tie wrap handcuffs, the restraints must only be applied with as much force as is necessary to safely restrain the arrested person Supported Completed: already in line with RCMP's operational practices
Individual public complaint regarding improper attitude, improper use of force, neglect of duty and improper arrest
Date received: 2017-12-15 Date responded: 2020-08-05
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the subject member receive operational guidance with respect to his duty to receive complaints from members of the public in accordance with paragraph 45.53(8)(b) of the RCMP Act. Supported Completed on 2021-01-27
Individual public complaint regarding neglect of duty and irregularity in procedure
Date received: 2018-03-13 Date responded: 2020-07-30
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
If the operational guidance recommended by the Commissioner's delegate was not provided to the subject member, such guidance should be provided with respect to the policies and law governing the handling of private information. Supported Completed on 2021-02-03
Individual public complaint regarding irregularity in procedure, neglect of duty and improper arrest
Date received: 2017-06-26 Date responded: 2020-07-24
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the subject member be provided with operational guidance with respect to the proper documentation of prisoner screening. Supported Completed on 2020-09-04
Public interest investigation – Complaint against actions taken during Kent county shale gas protests
Date received: 2019-04-02 Date responded: 2020-07-17
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That, once the new Indigenous Awareness Guide is completed, a national communique be sent to all employees requesting that they review both the current Native Spirituality Guide and the newly developed Indigenous Awareness Guide. Supported In progress: Contract and Indigenous Policing preparing amendments to Operational Manual
That the Commanding Officers of each division ensure that collaboration is initiated with their relevant local Indigenous stakeholders in order to develop appropriate and culturally sensitive procedures providing guidance to members with regard to the handling of sacred items in various contexts. Supported Completed on 2022-05-13
Public interest investigation – Complaint against actions taken during Kent county shale gas protests
Date received: 2019-04-02 Date responded: 2020-07-14
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That, once the new Indigenous Awareness Guide is completed, a national communique be sent to all employees requesting that they review both the current Native Spirituality Guide and the newly developed Indigenous Awareness Guide. Supported In progress: Contract and Indigenous Policing preparing amendments to Operational Manual
That the Commanding Officers of each division ensure that collaboration is initiated with their relevant local Indigenous stakeholders in order to develop appropriate and culturally sensitive procedures providing guidance to members with regard to the handling of sacred items in various contexts. Supported Completed on 2022-05-13
Individual public complaint regarding improper arrest and improper persons/vehicles search
Date received: 2017-08-22 Date responded: 2020-07-10
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the subject member receive operational guidance with respect to the accurate articulation of observations forming the grounds for a traffic stop; and with respect to search authorities in the context of a traffic violation and controlled substances. Supported Completed on 2020-10-05
Public interest investigation – Complaint against actions taken during Kent county shale gas protests
Date received: 2019-04-02 Date responded: 2020-07-09
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
Particularly when policing a public protest, members must be cognizant of the limits of their powers, specifically in relation to curtailing protesters' ability to assemble and express themselves in a lawful manner. Supported Completed on 2020-06-17
Individual public complaint regarding improper attitude, improper use of force, neglect of duty, mishandling of property and improper arrest
Date received: 2017-10-13 Date responded: 2020-07-07
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the two subject members be provided operational guidance on RCMP policy and procedures as it pertains to the detention of persons for being drunk in public and the importance of documenting the consideration of the relevant factors. Supported Completed on 2020-11-05
Individual public complaint regarding improper attitude and neglect of duty
Date received: 2017-11-03 Date responded: 2020-07-07
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
The Commission encourages the RCMP to ensure that public complaint investigators are in a reasonable position to conduct their investigation in an impartial manner. Supported Completed on 2020-07-07
Individual public complaint regarding improper use of force and improper arrest
Date received: 2017-11-20 Date responded: 2020-07-07
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the subject member and the member, who acted as the RCMP Commissioner's delegate in the preparation of the RCMP's report in this complaint, be provided a copy of the Commission's Interim report. Supported Completed on 2020-09-09
Public interest investigation – Complaint against actions taken during Kent county shale gas protests
Date received: 2019-04-02 Date responded: 2020-07-03
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
In situations such as public order policing when members may be required to arrest persons using plastic tie wrap handcuffs, the restraints must only be applied with as much force as is necessary to safely restrain the arrested person. Supported Completed: already in line with RCMP's operational practices
Individual public complaint regarding improper attitude and neglect of duty
Date received: 2017-08-11 Date responded: 2020-06-23
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That the subject member be provided operational guidance concerning the proper documentation of operational files. Supported Unable to implement - member retired from RCMP
Public interest investigation and chairperson-initiated complaint - Commission's final report into the RCMP's Response to Anti-shale Gas Protests in Kent county, New Brunswick
Date received: 2019-04-02 Date responded: 2020-06-17
CRCC recommendation Commissioner's response Implementation status
That members involved in public order policing operations be provided with a review of law and policy related to search and seizure, including the warrant requirement and the legal grounds establishing exceptions for warrantless searches. Supported In progress: Contract and Indigenous Policing preparing amendments to Operational Manual
That the OM 55.2 "Aboriginal Demonstration or Protests", as well as any other RCMP policy requiring that members enforce injuctions, such as OM 37.7 "Labour Disputes", be amended to provide that the incident Commander and/or Critical incident Commander should ensure that members under their command are briefed on the conditions and interpretations or any injuction that they are expected to enforce and are provided with all the nuances and unique background information regarding the specific protest or public order event. Supported Completed on 2021-11-15
That the RCMP develop a policy on public assemblies, which will provide for all protests, not only protests involving Indigenous matters and that a section similar to the one mentioned above concerning the conditions and interpretations of any injunction that members are expected to enforce be included in this new policy on public assemblies Supported In progress: Contract and Indigenous Policing preparing amendments to Operational Manual
That, once the new Indigenous Awareness Guide is completed, a national communique be sent to all employees requesting that they review both the current Native Spirituality Guide and the newly developed Indigenous Awareness Guide. Supported In progress: Contract and Indigenous Policing preparing amendments to Operational Manual
That the Tactical Operations Manual (TOM) Part 3 "Crisis Negotiations Team" should be modified to provide that the CNT Team Leader be made privy to the overall operational strategy being pursued by the command team. This modification should also specify that it would be the responsibility of the CNT Team Leader to share with the other members of the team only the information necessary to fulfil the CNT's role. Supported In progress: Pending publication
That the TOM 3.1. "Crisis Negotiation Responsibilities" should be modified to better reflect the different roles played by the CNT, specifically its role in the context of public order policing. Supported In progress: Pending publication
That the Commanding Officer of each division identify training specifically aimed at understanding the cultural issues of the Indigenous communities found in their division and ensure that its members take said training. The results will be recorded on the members training record through HRMIS. Supported Completed on 2022-05-13
That the Commanding Officers of each division ensure that collaboration is initiated with their relevant local Indigenous stakeholders in order to develop appropriate and culturally sensitive procedures providing guidance to members with regard to the handling of sacred items in various contexts. Supported Completed on 2022-05-13
That the RCMP launch a Sharepoint collaborative environment site dedicated to Tier 2 and Tier 3 practitioners to ensure that they are kept current with the latest changes in legislation, techniques, methodologies, and case law related to the collection, use, and retention of OSI. Supported Completed on 2022-03-31
That the RCMP develop a course covering the acceptable use of open-source intelligence with a focus of providing employees with an understanding of existing legislation, policy, privacy impacts, and case law related to the use of open-source intelligence. Once this course is completed, it should be made available online via the Infoweb Agora platform and communicated as such to all RCMP employees. Supported Completed on 2022-03-31
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