RCMP Traffic Services Central conducts speed enforcement in Terra Nova National Park

April 17, 2024
Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador

News release


An unmarked police car is parked on the side of the highway behind a speed limit sign of 90 km/h.
A collage of four images showing speeds obtained on a police radar unit.

RCMP Traffic Services Central conducted speed enforcement in Terra Nova National Park on April 16, 2024, resulting in a number of motorists charged with speeding violations in a short amount of time.

On Tuesday, RCMP Traffic Services Central set up in a 90 km/h speed zone in Terra Nova Park monitoring traffic for speeding violations. During an approximate two-and-a-half-hour period, nine motorists were stopped and ticketed for speeds that were in excess of 30 km/h above the posted limit.

Motorists who speed place themselves and all others who share the roadway at an increased level of risk. Traveling at increased speeds shortens a driver's reaction time and increases the level of force or impact during a collision or crash.

RCMP Traffic Services Central remains dedicated to road safety. Please report incidents of dangerous driving, including high speeds, to your local police.


Contact information

Strategic Communications and Media Relations Unit

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