RCMP lay new Child Exploitation Charge

November 18, 2024
RCMP Headquarters, Prince Edward Island

News release

November 18, 2024.

PEI RCMP's Internet Child Exploitation Unit has arrested and charged 39-year-old Matthew Alan Craswell of Cornwall PEI.

On November 15, 2024 RCMP arrested Matthew Alan Craswell and laid a Making Child Pornography charge. He is now charged by PEI RCMP for a total of three child sex offence incidents. This latest offence stems from a historical incident that is not connected to Craswell's employment. Out of respect for the victim in this case no further information concerning the victim will be shared.

Craswell is in custody and will appear in provincial court on November 18, 2024 to answer to a new charge of Making Child Pornography.

"Crimes of this nature deeply affect victims, families and communities as a whole. We remain dedicated to providing professional and empathetic services to all those who are affected" said Chief Superintendent Kevin Lewis, Commanding Officer for the Prince Edward Island RCMP.

This investigation was assisted by the RCMP Major Crime Unit and the Provincial General Investigation Unit, the PEI RCMP Digital Forensic Section and the Queens District RCMP.


Contact information

Corporal Gavin Moore / Caporal Gavin Moore
Media Relations Officer / Agent des relations avec les médias

File number: 2024-886465

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