Thirty-seven-year-old Joshua Hearn of Harbour Grace was arrested this morning, February 27, 2023, on numerous charges, including excessive speeding, and was found to be in violation of conditions of a prior release order in relation to multiple Criminal Code and Highway Traffic Act charges.
At approximately 9:30a.m. today, an officer with RCMP Traffic Services East was on patrol in an unmarked vehicle on the Trans Canada Highway near Soldier's Pond. He observed a vehicle traveling at 158 km/hr in a 100 km/hr zone. A traffic stop was made and the driver, Joshua Hearn, was arrested after he was found to be on conditions not to operate a motor vehicle in the province and not to have contact with a passenger in the vehicle. In addition to criminal charges of violating release conditions ordered by the court, Hearn is charged with the following:
- Excessive Speeding
- Operating an Unregistered Vehicle
- Operating a Vehicle without Insurance
Hearn will be held in police custody until he appears in court to answer to these charges.
RCMP Traffic Services remain committed to maintaining public safety on the province's roadways.