October 30, 2023
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories

Safety Tip


Halloween is an exciting time for kids of all ages. While the early sunsets in the Northwest Territories can add to the spooky ambience of All Hallows' Eve it can also make trick-or-treaters harder to spot. The Northwest Territories RCMP would like you to keep these safety tips in mind:


  • Trick-or-treat in well known-areas with an adult or if you're old enough to be on your own, stay with a group of friends;
  • Stay in well-lit areas and only visit well-lit houses;
  • Wear a costume that can easily be seen at night. Reflective materials are best!
  • Watch for cars pulling out of driveways and backing up;
  • Carry a flashlight so you can see where you are going;
  • Stay on the sidewalks (If there is no sidewalk, walk on the left-hand side of the street facing traffic).
  • Safety in numbers: Walk in groups and stay together.
  • Have your treats inspected by an adult before eating them. Though tampering is rare, a responsible adult should check out all treats and throw away any spoiled, unwrapped or suspicious items.;
  • Wear a light-coloured or bright costume, reflective tape or arm bands to heighten visibility.
  • Make sure your vision is not restricted when trying to cross the roadway – remove masks if needed.
  • Use caution around animals you don't know. Pets can get frightened on Halloween…they don't know its Halloween!


  • Motorists should drive with extra caution as there will be many children on the street, who will be very excited and may forget to cross safely, or who may not look to see a car backing out of a driveway.
  • Drive slowly and keep a keen eye on the roads for children crossing;
  • Do not wear costumes that interfere with the safe operation of a motor vehicle;
  • Never drive while impaired – ever;
  • If at all possible, avoid driving where there are high volumes of walking trick-or-treaters.

Halloween party-goers

  • Plan your ride home. Don't drink and drive; with extra patrols on local streets you will get caught.
  • Don't drink and drive. If you are planning to drink, drink responsibly.
  • "Fake" weapons in your costume? Choose fakes that look fake but always remember, not everyone can tell the difference.


  • Older children should know what to do to get in touch with you in case of an emergency.
  • Make sure your child knows the places along his or her route where they can get help.


Homeowners who plan to pass out candy should make sure their home and doorway are well lit and that sidewalks and pathways are clear. Please avoid using open flames in any displays.


Contact information

Cpl. Matt Halstead
Media Relations Officer
Northwest Territories RCMP – Yellowknife, NT

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