Originally from Whitbourne, Peter has 23 years of service with the RCMP in Newfoundland and Labrador and recently took on a new role with the RCMP's Pro-Active Recruiting Program.
His career aspiration to join the RCMP started as a child. In 1991 he became a guard at the Whitbourne Detachment and in 1993 he joined the auxiliary program. He later applied for the RCMP and, in April 2000, he departed for the RCMP Training Academy (Depot) in Regina, Saskatchewan. Cpl. Gosse had always wanted a career with an interesting day-to-day schedule and the RCMP has not disappointed! All of his service has been in Newfoundland and Labrador, with postings to Detachments in Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Holyrood, and Hopedale; Happy Valley-Goose Bay General Investigation Section, and Major Crime based in St. John's. Cpl. Gosse is also the Team Leader for the Crisis Negotiator Program and a member of the Interview Assistance Team.
In his new recruitment role, he will be travelling throughout the province promoting the RCMP as a challenging but very rewarding career, with plans to visit high schools, community organizations and postsecondary programs. The RCMP offers exceptional career opportunities.
If you have questions about any aspect of the recruiting process, please feel free to reach out to Cpl. Gosse at NLRecruiting@rcmp-grc.gc.ca.
Please also review the How to Apply section of our website: https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/how-to-apply
Cpl. Peter Gosse is #YourRCMPNL!