RCMP Traffic Services East issues nearly twenty charges in two hours

February 27, 2020
Holyrood, Newfoundland and Labrador

News release


RCMP Traffic Services East seizes vehicle traveling at 151 kms/hr on TCH near Middle Gull Pond on February 25, 2020.
RCMP Traffic Services East issues nearly twenty charges on the TCH near Middle Gull Pond with the use of laser speed detection device.

Nearly twenty drivers were issued speeding tickets by RCMP Traffic Services East within a two-hour time frame on February 25, 2020.

Police focussed their efforts on speed enforcement on the Trans-Canada Highway near Middle Gull Pond with the use of a laser speed detection device. In one incident, a 30-year-old Conception Harbour man was charged for travelling at 151km/h. His vehicle was seized and impounded. He was further found to be operating the vehicle with a beginner's permit which had been expired for eight years.

RCMP NL remains committed to road safety and continues the enforcement of aggressive drivers.


Contact information

RCMP Traffic Services East

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