On Monday, November 19, 2018, Port Saunders RCMP, in partnership with the Town of Port Saunders, officially opened the Port Saunders Youth Centre.
The RCMP are committed to educating the youth of Port Saunders on a number of issues such as violence in relationships, family violence, aboriginal awareness and drug awareness.
The centre, which includes a multi-purpose room and the use of a gymnasium, is staffed by Youth Recreational Coordinator, Sheila Doucette and, although geared to the pre-teen and teenager group, is open to youth from age six and up. The centre will be primarily used for youth recreation and activities. The RCMP and community partners will use it from time to time to connect with youth by delivering educational presentations in an effort to maintain and build positive relationships with youth in the community.
RCMP funding for this initiative came from the Family Violence Initiative Fund, which was created as a federal commitment to reduce the occurrence of family violence in Canada. The RCMP distributes funds to eligible non-profit community organizations and municipal, provincial and territorial partners.
Space for the centre was provided by the Town of Port Saunders. With the funding provided by the RCMP, along with donations and discounts from various community groups and businesses, the centre is equipped with TVs, gaming consoles, ping pong, pool, air hockey tables, a dart board, craft materials, board games, computer, furnishings and numerous other items.
RCMP Chief Superintendent Garrett Woolsey, Superintendent David Cook, Constable Mark Seward and Sergeant Desmond Mollon were in attendance and presented certificates of appreciation to the Town and staff for their continued commitment to the youth of Port Saunders.