2018 Annual Report

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Committed to policing excellence and a safer New Brunswick
Table of Contents
From the Public Safety Minister
Representing the RCMP – At Home and Away
Going the Extra Mile for Communities
Connecting with New Brunswickers
Protecting our most vulnerable
Community and Indigenous Policing
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Part of your community
Every day, the RCMP in New Brunswick works hard, not only to solve crime, but to prevent it. From conducting checkstops to curb unsafe driving practices, leading investigations to help reduce the illegal drugs available on our streets, or simply reaching out to at-risk young people, we are committed to making a positive difference. While police have a vital role to play, our success rests heavily on strong partnerships within the communities we serve, with other law enforcement agencies and with our partners. Working together, we can achieve our collective goal in New Brunswick: to keep our beautiful province and its people safe and secure.
Tle'k Kwutanminaq
Te'sikiskik, Sikniktikewa'kikewaq Nuji-kla'qa'lua'tijik atikneta'jik, panuijkatmnew aqq naqa'tunew o'pla'tekemk. Nuji-kla'qa'lua'tijik jiko'taqatijik aqq enqa'la'tijik wenik kulaman ma' kepaqsayjimkuti'k, nikana'tu'tij tel-panuijkatmumk tel-piskwa'q wini-mpisun ntui'skasiktn wutank aqq apoqnmua'tijik nutqo'ltijik ta'n kitnma'tilijik, ketu' apoqntmek wula'siktn ta'n telo'ltimk. Nuji-kla'qa'lua'tijik keknue'k ta'n tel-lukuti'tij katu kulaman wul-pmiatew koqoey, nuta'tij apoqnmasuti wejiaq wutanl ta'n etl-lukutijik, pilue'l nuji-kla'qa'lua'timkl aqq wunaqapemuaq. Maw-lukuti'k, kisa'tesnu ta'n koqoey nuta'q maliaptasin Sikniktik: kulaman ne'kaw wla'sitew teli-anko'tmumkl aqq teli-westawikl wutanl aqq wulkaqnitew wikimk Sikniktik.
Wiciyawtomuhpon Ewikultiyeq
Ehtahsi Kiskahk, Nuci tqonkehcik yut nkitahkomikumon New Brunswick, sikoluhkhotuwok, kat tehpu 'kiluwapotomuniya memhuwi wapololuhkhotimok kenoq ona 'toqeci 'kolamatomuniya wapololuhkhotimok. 'Cipotuk tan tuci 'cuwi 'conelawa yuhut wosami kakawoqittucik, 'qeci nikani wewisiniya mesq petankuwetasikil wiwoneskahsuwikol awtik, kosona tehpu 'qeci 'qolopehlaniya yukt ewasisuwici mace wapolitahasulticik, nekayiw tehc wolluhkhotipon. Woli kcicihtasu nuci tqonkehcik ehcuwoluhkatomuhtit, ntahcuwapeman tena psiw etoluhkeweq naka psiw witoluhkemeq qaskuwiktaqiyil. Mawoluhkhotimok, komac ksahsonuwiw, 'kisihc mawi wicuhketomonen 'sankewawsuwakon yut nkitahkomikumon New Brunswick.
From the Minister of Public Safety

Hon. Carl Urquhart
Minister of Public Safety
The RCMP consistently demonstrates commitment to the safety of all New Brunswickers by providing exemplary policing services throughout the province, and the past year was no exception.
The RCMP played an instrumental role in responding to and investigating the tragic shootings that took place in Fredericton in August. I am grateful for the world-class specialized services, expertise and experience that members provided to assist and resolve this event, and I was inspired to see the entire province work together under such devastating circumstances.
Over the course of the year, the RCMP contributed to several important projects, including working closely with other law enforcement agencies and various levels of government to prepare for the impact of the legalization of cannabis and to ensure our roads and highways remain safe. The RCMP has also provided ongoing support toward the Department of Public Safety's Sexual Crimes Review stakeholder group, which continues to examine opportunities to provide the best response and support to victims and survivors of sexual violence.
I would like to thank the RCMP for its assistance in piloting the Changing Directions project for chronic repeat offenders in the Codiac and Miramichi regions. Through this project, the RCMP is working with health and social services workers, employment counsellors, case managers, and other law enforcement agencies to help clients end the cycle of being in and out of court and custody.
I would also like to highlight the RCMP's continued commitment to fiscal responsibility and stewardship. Its members demonstrate real leadership by ensuring resources are deployed at the appropriate classification and level to maximize the impact on frontline policing with the resources on hand.
The Department of Public Safety is always working to ensure New Brunswick is a safe place to live, work and raise a family, and the RCMP is a key partner in achieving that goal. I would like to thank all members of the RCMP for their hard work, and I look forward to our continued collaboration in the year ahead.
Hon. Carl Urquhart, Minister of Public Safety"The Department of Public Safety is always working to ensure New Brunswick is a safe place to live, work and raise a family, and the RCMP is a key partner in achieving that goal."
From the Commanding Officer

Assistant Commissioner
Larry Tremblay M.O.M
New Brunswick RCMP Commanding Officer
On behalf of the New Brunswick RCMP, I am proud to present our 2018 Annual Report highlighting our policing professionals and the extensive services we provide to our communities.
As New Brunswick's provincial police service, the RCMP has a unique mandate. In addition to delivering frontline policing services to 70 per cent of the province's population, the RCMP has provincial policing responsibilities that include a wide array of programs and services, as well as criminal investigative, technical and tactical expertise and leadership. These services are provided to all communities and support partner agencies across New Brunswick as required.
The New Brunswick RCMP is made up of police and policing professionals. This includes frontline specialists who are the first on scene at tragedies or volatile situations, investigators who tackle complex investigations, and all the people with unique and specialized skills that ensure police officers have the right tools and resources they need to do their jobs. The strength of this combined professional workforce has resulted in New Brunswick having one of the lowest crime rates in the country. Along with bolstering our intelligence and analytical capabilities, the integration of new technologies and assets continue to provide the public and our partner agencies the ability to ensure resiliency during major incidents and an ability to continue the delivery of day-to-day frontline policing.
As a professional policing organization, our employees demonstrate strong and enduring commitment to public safety and have the courage to challenge convention and create an environment of compassion for each other and the citizens we serve. This has been witnessed through the impact they make in mentoring young persons, guiding citizens to the resources required to enhance opportunities and progress through difficult situations and demonstrating acts of kindness which go above and beyond their regular course of duty.
In 2019, we focus ahead on our ability to sustain momentum and meet future demands with a renewed strategic plan aligning our provincial priorities with the RCMP's Vision 150 initiatives. The further refinement of these priorities includes new activities that will build on our recent successes in delivering timely, thorough, high-quality service while working collaboratively with our partners and stakeholders.
"The strength of this combined professional workforce has resulted in New Brunswick having one of the lowest crime rates in the country."
Larry Tremblay M.O.M, New Brunswick RCMP Commanding Officer
Our people

Superintendent Annie Pitre
Officer in Charge of Administration and Personnel
The New Brunswick RCMP is one of the 75 largest employers in the province, with employees in 40 detachments and offices Footnote 1
- 377 Civilian Employees
- 856 Regular Members
- 43.5% of NB RCMP employees are female, including 158 Regular Members
- 54.8% of NB RCMP employees were born in New Brunswick
- 77% of NB RCMP employees are bilingual
- 6.8% of NB RCMP members are Indigenous Footnote 2
Supporting a culture of excellence
The RCMP supports leadership programs to enhance and empower its policing professionals. In 2018, the New Brunswick RCMP launched its "Policing Professional and Officer Candidate Development Mentoring Program," and hosted a number of workshops and conferences in leadership, mentorship and innovation.
Every Regular Member has:
- A 26-week basic training program
- 6 months' mentorship with a field coach
- Annual pistol and carbine qualifications
- Annual physical fitness tests
- Regular training on the latest police technology and tactics
- Regular first aid qualification
- Career support, including a supervisor and management development program
The RCMP promotes mental and physical resilience at work through:
- Periodic health assessments
- Road to Mental Readiness training
- Critical incident stress management services
- Support for operational stress injury program
- A peer-to-peer system
- Employee assistance services
- Respectful workplace training
- Violence prevention in the workplace training
- Conflict management opportunities
- Block training
Criminal Operations Officer

Chief Superintendent Ross White
CORE Policing Officer - Criminal Operations
Core Policing
The New Brunswick RCMP's Criminal Operations-Core Policing is committed to ensuring quality investigations and providing oversight to help achieve even higher rates of crime solvency and reduction. Included in this report are some of the significant investigations we have encountered throughout 2018.
Protecting our youth
The RCMP's Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) Unit is the provincial leader investigating cases that target one of our most vulnerable groups, our children. The unit is diligent in the pursuit of those responsible for making, importing, exporting, selling, distributing, accessing and possessing child pornography. In 2018, the work of this unit led to the removal of seven children from horrific, abusive conditions and criminal charges against those responsible.
Major Crime Unit (MCU)
In 2018, our Major Crime Unit (MCU) solved 10 of 11 murder cases and one attempted murder that occurred in our province. In each of those solved investigations, we have been able to bring those responsible to justice. The MCU team continues to investigate several other unsolved homicides, with the hope of bringing closure to those families who have lost loved ones.
In pursuit of public safety
Every year we see too many lives lost or changed due to injuries sustained in preventable motor vehicle collisions. We remain committed in focusing our efforts on education and enforcement to change driver behaviours with the goal of reducing death and injury.
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
Our dedicated resources are continuing a thorough review and analysis of all unsolved cases of Indigenous women and girls reported as missing or murdered within New Brunswick. The New Brunswick RCMP remains responsive to the requests of the 2016 National Commission of Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG), while maintaining a dedicated focus in support of the organization's own review.
In 2019, we will continue to strive to make our province even safer and more secure. This is a shared effort between the RCMP, provincial and municipal enforcement agencies, government partners, as well as all New Brunswickers.
"In 2019, we will continue to strive to make our province even safer and more secure."
Chief Superintendent Ross A. White, M.O.M., Criminal Operations Officer – Core Policing
Major investigations
44-year-old Moncton man charged with first-degree murder
In September 2018, the Codiac Regional RCMP was contacted to locate a missing 35-year-old Moncton woman. Three days later, police were called to a home on West Lane in Moncton where a body had been discovered, which was later identified as the missing woman, Candice Kennedy-Faguy. Members of the Major Crime Unit arrested 44-year-old Claude Blanchard, who was charged with first-degree murder in her death. The matter remains before the courts.
Outlaw Motorcycle Gang member facing 10 charges
The New Brunswick RCMP's Federal Serious and Organized Crime (FSOC) section concluded a key investigation targeting members of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club Nomads N.B. chapter. In June 2018, Emery "Pit" Martin was arrested on a total of 10 charges. He was charged with conspiracy to traffic in cocaine, possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking, laundering the proceeds of crime, and instructing the commission of an offence for a criminal organization. This significant arrest and subsequent charges are the result of the continuing efforts to dismantle organized crime in New Brunswick, specifically the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club and other Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs.
Four sentenced after drugs, loaded weapon seized
In April 2018, the Codiac Regional RCMP's Crime Reduction Unit, along with the Emergency Response Team (ERT), executed a search warrant at a home on King Street in Moncton under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. The residence had been barricaded with a reinforced steel door and steel plating on the windows. As a result of the search, police arrested three women and two men, and seized a significant quantity of cocaine, cash, a firearm, scales and other trafficking paraphernalia. One of the men was charged and sentenced to 30 months in prison, and the second was charged and received a suspended sentence for a firearm breach and offences. One woman was charged with resisting arrest and sentenced to 45 days in jail, and a second woman was charged and sentenced to 30 days in jail for possession of drugs for the purpose of trafficking.
The NB RCMP's Specialized Policing Services (SPS) at a glance
Operational Readiness and Response unit (ORR)
The Operational Readiness and Response unit (ORR) is responsible for emergency management and business continuity operations for the RCMP, including responding to all-hazards emergencies and disasters through advanced planning. The program is comprised of the following components:
- Emergency planning
- Exercise coordination
- RCMP Business Continuity Planning (BCP)
- Incident management
Police Dog Services (PDS):
The PDS unit provides investigative support to RCMP units, as well as other police and law enforcement agencies. RCMP dogs are crossed-trained for narcotics or explosives detection. They are also trained for:
- Search and rescue operations
- Locating missing persons
- Tracking suspects and searching crime scenes
- VIP protection
- Firearms detection
Emergency Response Team (ERT):
ERT is a group of highly-trained RCMP members capable of employing specialized weapons, equipment and tactics to resolve extremely high-risk situations. Incidents the team responds to include:
- Armed and barricaded persons
- High-risk searches and arrests
- Aircraft or marine interventions
- VIP and witness protection duties
- Covert surveillance and intelligence gathering
- Rural tracking operations
Forensic Identification Services (FIS):
The FIS unit provides support to frontline police officers, and to the provincial law enforcement community. The work of the team is focused on the scene of the crime, where it is responsible for:
- Identifying and collecting exhibits
- Detecting, examining, recording, collecting and preserving physical, biological, and other trace evidence that can be sent for scientific analysis
- Forensic facial imaging
Explosives Disposal Unit (EDU):
EDU, as part of Federal Policing, responds to incidents throughout New Brunswick relating to:
- Unwanted, abandoned, or illegal possession of commercial explosives
- Improvised explosive devices and booby trap devices sometimes found at illegal drug operations
- Explosives clearance of buildings and automobiles for high-level VIP visits
Underwater Response Team (URT):
Members undertake a five-week URT training course at the National Underwater Recovery Training Centre in Nanaimo, B.C., to become certified. The Underwater Recovery Team provides assistance on police operations that require underwater investigation, including:
- Missing persons
- Evidence retrieval
- Search and recovery
Special Tactical Operations (STO):
The STO team is a group of regular RCMP members who make themselves available, on top of their regular full-time duties, to deploy for tactical or critical policing functions such as:
- Major incidents requiring a public order response
- Riots and unlawful assemblies
- Rapid deployment for natural or human-caused emergencies
- Supplemental resources for major event policing and community safety patrols
Crisis Negotiation Team (CNT):
The Crisis Negotiation Team (CNT) is composed of highly-motivated Regular Members with above-average interviewing, communicating and listening skills who are available for calls requiring crisis intervention on short notice. The team's goal is to gain influence and develop co-operation with subjects, to de-escalate and resolve incidents. Calls they might respond to include:
- Hostage taking
- Kidnapping
- Barricaded persons
- Emotionally distraught individuals
Integrated Technological Crime Unit (ITCU):
The Integrated Technological Crime Unit provides technological investigative support to RCMP units, other police forces and law enforcement agencies, for crimes using digital devices or computers. Assistance from members of the unit might include:
- Collecting, analyzing and providing criminal intelligence
- Analyzing electronic media to assist during investigations
- Providing expert testimony in court proceedings
Providing critical frontline expertise to policing
Specialized Policing Services include these crime-solving techniques and units:
- Forensic Identification Services
- Forensic Collision Analysis Team
- Forensic Facial Imaging Artist
- Indigenous Policing Services
- Innovation and Crime Reduction (including Community Program Officers and Community Program Officers-Indigenous Community)
- Tactical Traffic Enforcement Unit
- Emergency Response Team (including the Critical Incident Program, Crisis Negotiator Team, Emergency Medical Response Team, and the Underwater Recovery Team)
- Police Dog Services
- Operational Readiness and Response
- Special Tactical Operations
- Serious Crimes Section
- Polygraph testing
The RCMP's Specialized Policing Services in New Brunswick provides critical frontline operational support services not only to the RCMP, but also to provincial law enforcement and criminal justice partners, as well as to national and select foreign organizations.
The NB RCMP employs 114 specialized policing employees who are ready to deploy 24/7 to respond to emergencies and provide world-class expertise and investigative support in specialized fields.
Police Dog Services helps locate and rescue man
In April 2018, the West District RCMP responded to a call from a man in Douglas, N.B., who told the operator he was lost in the woods. With the help of Police Dog Services, the man was found off a trail in a wooded area, showing the effects of hypothermia and fading in and out of consciousness. With the assistance of the Fredericton Fire Department's all-terrain vehicle, the man was transported to a main road, where an ambulance was waiting. He spent several days in hospital, but fully recovered.
DNA analysis helps in sex assault conviction
The Codiac Regional RCMP worked with the RCMP's Forensic Identification Services (FIS), to gather and analyze evidence that helped bring an ongoing sexual assault investigation to a successful close. In September 2017, a man broke into a residence and sexually assaulted his female victim. He was identified by security camera footage, and arrested and charged in the assault. DNA evidence collected from the scene and suspect proved vital in court proceedings in 2018. Twenty-five-year-old Michael Jollie was subsequently sentenced to 12 years in prison for sexual assault.
Sketch leads to roadside assault suspect
The co-ordinated efforts of the Keswick RCMP and the RCMP's Forensic Facial Imaging Unit's sketch artist helped locate a suspect in an assault in Taymouth, N.B., in March 2018. RCMP members responded to a complaint in February 2018 in which a suspect had chased another vehicle and then stopped at the bottom of a blind hill, causing a collision. The man who had been driving the parked vehicle exited and assaulted the 55-year-old male driver of the other vehicle through the driver's side window, then left the scene. After a thorough investigation, a composite sketch by the RCMP's forensic facial imaging artist resulted in the suspect's identification, charge and conviction. A 23-year-old man was charged with assault and dangerous operation of a motor vehicle and given a three-month conditional sentence order, plus six months of probation.
EDU robots aid ERT operations
In October 2018, members of the RCMP's Explosives Disposal Unit (EDU) were deployed to an incident at the border at Woodstock, N.B., where members assisted the Canadian Border Services Agency, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the Federal Services and Organized Crime Unit. Members also conducted multiple VIP sweeps and supported the Emergency Response Team (ERT) in numerous 2018 operations. In one, the EDU robot was used to enter a home and locate an unresponsive subject of a complaint. After contact was made, the man was taken into custody by ERT members without incident.
The New Brunswick RCMP's Explosives Disposal Unit (EDU) assisted several partner agencies in 2018, including the Saint John Police Force, Bathurst Police Force, Fredericton Police Force, Natural Resources Canada, and Sûreté du Québec. The EDU also provided training to several municipal police forces and increased its own number of members trained in Post Blast Investigation, Explosives Forced Entry and Homemade Explosives Investigations.
SPS fast facts
- 6 - the number of RCMP police dog teams in NB
- PDS received 609 calls for assistance in 2018
- $80,000 - the training cost for an RCMP dog and handler
- ERT has 16 Regular Members
- STO has 66 on-call Regular Members
- Each ERT member spends 1,000 hours in training per year
- The Explosives Disposal Unit has: 4 Post Blast investigators; 5 Explosives Forced Entry experts; and 5 Homemade Explosives investigators
- 23 - the number of calls for ERT service across NB in 2018
Representing the RCMP at home and away
Showing support for Oromocto youth

In June 2018, Constable John Daley showed support of youth and the LBGTQ2 community with his extensive involvement in Pride activities at Oromocto High School. Later the same month, he led the procession in his Scarlet Tunic as the OHS Class of 2018 marched in for their graduation ceremony.
Military veterans honoured

Superintendent Shelly Dupont, Northeast District Commander, represented the New Brunswick RCMP at the annual Remembrance Day ceremonies in Belledune in November 2018, where she was honoured to meet military veterans in the community, including Second World War veteran Robert (Robbie) Killoran, and his wife of 67 years, Gertie.
GG honours Codiac members

In July 2018, 10 Codiac RCMP members were among those awarded Medals for Bravery by the Governor General of Canada, Julie Payette, during a ceremony at the Citadelle of Québec. Constables Eric Dubois, Mathieu Daigle, Nicolas Gilfillan, Shelly L. Mitchell, Robert Nickerson, and Erik White, and Corporal Peter Cyril MacLean received the prestigious medals for their role in protecting the community during the 2014 Moncton shootings. Fallen Codiac Constables Douglas Larche, Dave Ross and Fabrice Gevaudan, who lost their lives June 4, 2014, were also honoured posthumously, with family members receiving their medals on their behalf.
Women in law enforcement unite

In November 2018, members of the New Brunswick RCMP hosted and joined nearly 200 other female police officers at the annual Atlantic Women in Law Enforcement training conference and awards banquet in Moncton. An organizing committee from J and H Divisions and the RCMP Firearms Centre helped raise nearly $5,000 for the Special Olympics in just three days. More than 33 Atlantic Canadian police forces were represented at the 26th-annual event, which featured compelling keynote addresses by retired RCMP Commissioner, Sen. Beverly Busson and motivational speaker Lisa (Longball) Vlooswyk.
Raising impaired driving awareness

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), with the support of the New Brunswick RCMP, launched its Red Ribbon campaign in November 2018, with 120 white crosses outside Fredericton's RCMP Headquarters. The crosses represented the monthly average number of lives lost in Canada as a result of impaired driving crashes. A pair of crutches marked thousands more whose lives are forever altered by injuries sustained in crashes involving alcohol or drugs. In 2018, in the RCMP's jurisdiction in New Brunswick, alcohol and/or drugs were a factor, or the main cause, in nearly a third of motor vehicle fatalities.
Going the extra mile for communities
Traffic stop prompts Halloween treats

On Halloween day 2018, Saint-Léonard Constable Cathy Doucet brought smiles to the faces of one family when she pulled up behind the vehicle, and surprised the costumed youngsters inside with treats. "I just wanted to take the time to thank the female officer who pulled up behind us and gave candy to our children," David Calder wrote in an email to the NB RCMP. "I'm not sure why that touched me so much but it gave me a lump in my throat. Of all the things officers see and do in their jobs and what they face every day, this officer took the time to give children candy and even let us take a picture … My heartfelt thanks!!!!"
Act of kindness caught on camera

In November 2018, Constable Jean- Sébastien Legault from the Campbellton RCMP Detachment assisted several people to their vehicles, after snow and then freezing temperatures made driving and walking treacherous. A passerby captured Constable Legault on video helping one of the seniors, and posted it to Facebook, where it was shared hundreds of times and liked more than 45,000.
Officers serve up thanks with BBQ

Corporal David Swansburg and a dozen Codiac Regional RCMP colleagues brought new meaning to the term serving the community, by handing out 200 hot dogs, treats and Mountie colouring books to attendees at a barbecue in Sumner Park. The July 2018 event was planned to help ease concerns of residents about safety, by showing a strong police presence after an earlier assault in the park.
Teens get a taste of police work

In November 2018, a dozen Grade 9 students got a taste of a career in policing, as part of "Take Your Child to Work Day." The teen participants experienced a mock homicide investigation, met the New Brunswick RCMP's Commanding Officer, tried out the Emergency Response Team's gear, including night vision scopes and remote cameras during the information-packed day.
Skating with Southeast students

In January 2018, Southeast District members assisted students at Hampton Elementary School, by taking the Grade 3 class skating. Members tightened up students' skates and joined them on the ice for a few laps around the rink. Constable Paula Hernandez and her daughter, Eva Hussey, stopped for a quick photo.
Traffic and Road Safety
The Tactical Traffic Enforcement Unit (TTEU):
While all New Brunswick RCMP Regular Members are tasked with traffic duties, in 2017 a specialized intelligence-led unit was established to supplement the New Brunswick RCMP detachments and districts in traffic enforcement.
The TTEU works alongside detachments, to improve road safety by conducting targeted operations against drivers who put public safety at risk. The TTEU also combats organized crime groups by intercepting the transport of contraband. The unit works to decrease serious injuries and deaths from motor vehicle crashes by targeting:
- Impaired drivers
- Distracted drivers
- Speeding or aggressive drivers
- Drivers and passengers not wearing seatbelts
Traffic Reconstructionist:
The Collision Reconstruction Program is a forensic service specializing in technical investigations of motor vehicle and other collisions. Collision analysts and reconstructionists provide expert technical evidence, and apply forensic techniques to investigate motor vehicle, pedestrian, commercial vehicle, motorcycle, and bicycle collisions. The program develops the knowledge and skills required to lend expert opinions and evidence to help investigators and the courts to interpret collision scenes.
Drugs located in spare tire

In May 2018, during a traffic stop on Highway 2 near Hanwell, TTEU members seized 20 grams of cannabis resin (hashish), two kilograms of marijuana, and 10 grams of an unknown blue substance concealed in a vehicle's spare tire. The driver, a 64-year-old man from Kitchener, Ontario, was arrested and charged and the matter remains before the courts.
Handgun and cigarettes seized

In March 2018, during a traffic stop, TTEU members seized a quantity of contraband cigarettes and tobacco products, as well as a handgun. The driver, from Guelph, Ontario, was arrested, remanded and charged with weapons offences, as well as violations under the Excise Act and Tobacco Tax Act. The 59-year-old man was also fined more than $8,000 and prohibited for life from owning firearms.
In September 2018, members of TTEU in the Northeast District conducted two traffic stops within a few hours, seizing more than 50,000 contraband cigarettes in Campbellton and Petit-Rocher. Both incidents resulted in guilty pleas under the Tobacco Tax Act.
Move Over, it's the law
In late 2018, the RCMP conducted a postcard campaign during checkstops, handing out some 10,000 postcards illustrating the proper way to proceed when passing emergency vehicles pulled over with their lights flashing. In 2018, RCMP members issued 127 tickets to those who failed to comply with the Move Over Law. Helping spread important safety messages like this one is invaluable in helping keep the province's first responders and the public safe.
Traffic by the numbers
In 2018 there were:
- 60 fatal motor-vehicle crashes
- 67 fatalities
- 8 fatal off-road collisions
- 7 fatal motorcycle collisions
- 19 fatalities in crashes in which people were unrestrained (with seatbelts available)
- 19 fatalities in crashes involving alcohol or fatalities drug impairment
- 9,898 total vehicle collisions
- 1,446 collision-related injuries
There were 364,055 vehicles checked and 5,590 checkstops by the RCMP in New Brunswick in 2018, as well as:
- 334 roadside suspensions
- 461 vehicles impounded
- 18,430 tickets issued
Connecting with New Brunswickers
Social media has become an important channel for the New Brunswick RCMP to disseminate vital information to the public. In 2018, followers and activity on Facebook and Twitter helped police to locate several missing persons and suspects of crime, including those wanted on arrest warrants, often within the first 24 hours of posting.
@RCMPNB/GRCNB reaches Twitter milestone In 2018, @RCMPNB and @GRCNB reached 100,000 followers on Twitter, expanding the New Brunswick RCMP's reach for communicating important information about public safety – including road closures, weather advisories, missing persons and trends in criminal and suspicious activity.
Social media raises Brayden Thibault investigation profile

Text description
Amanda Frigault, Mother of Brayden Thibault
"I love you more, Mama" were the last words I heard my son say. that was more than 7 months agao and since then,
In February 2018, the New Brunswick RCMP released a video featuring Brayden Thibault's mother, Amanda Frigault, making a plea for members of the public to come forward with any information they may have about her son's disappearance. Seventeen-year-old Brayden Thibault was last seen on Fredericton's north side on July 31, 2017. He has not been heard from since. The video remains on the NB RCMP's Facebook page, where it has been viewed more than 60,000 times.
The RCMP's Major Crime Unit (MCU) continues to investigate Brayden's case, to determine his movements on the days before he went missing, and who he may have been with at the time. MCU investigators consider his disappearance to be suspicious.
Brayden Thibault is described as five foot eight inches (172 centimetres) tall, weighing approximately 160 pounds (72 kilograms), with brown hair and brown eyes. He has a tattoo on his left arm that reads, "Trust your struggles."
Tips help locate teen exchange students
In November 2018, two 17-year-old Vietnamese exchange students who were reported missing by their host families in Moncton were located safely in Toronto, in part due to information being shared through the NB RCMP's social media accounts.
Steering at-risk youth on a positive path
For the past 10 years, the New Brunswick RCMP has operated a Youth Intervention and Diversion Program for at-risk youth who are between 12 and 17, to help divert chargeable youth from the criminal justice system. The program is led by Community Program Officers (CPOs), including those in Indigenous communities (CPOIs), who screen for mental health needs and assess risk factors. They help develop intervention plans to help the youth find a more positive path, and reduce the risk of future offences.
Seventeen-year-old Sarah (*not her real name) first came to the attention of police at age 14, when she was experiencing suicidal ideation. From 2015 to 2018, police responded to 19 calls for service for Sarah, including missing person, and Mental Health Act-related complaints. During this time, she was also the victim of a sex crime and witnessed a family member's suicide. Sarah was arrested in 2018, when her file was diverted to a CPO, and the New Brunswick RCMP's Youth Intervention and Diversion team. Sarah was deemed at high risk to re-offend and be victimized. Her CPO worked with community service providers to address Sarah's risk factors and mental health needs, and create an intervention plan. She is now back in school, seeking employment, and reports that her mental health needs are supported.
Mock crash drives home impaired driving risks
The Caraquet RCMP Detachment joined with the Caraquet Fire Department and Ambulance New Brunswick, among other community partners, to demonstrate the tragic consequences of an impaired driving crash. It was the seventh year enacting a mock crash for Grade 12 students from across the Acadian Peninsula to drive home what can happen if they choose to get behind the wheel impaired. The students saw what police, firefighters and paramedics encounter when responding to a fatal or serious crash. About 300 students from Caraquet, Tracadie, Shippagan, Neguac and Bathurst schools joined other community members at the mock crash.
Camp helps students hone leadership

More than 100 Grade 7 and 8 students from Fundy Middle and High School in St. George and Marshview Middle School in Sackville, N.B., got a taste of leadership and community engagement as part of the Cops and Kids: Community Leaders Program, in Tatamagouche, N.S. Tim Horton Children's Camp hosted the Community Leadership Camp event, which ran in October 2018. It was the first camp experience for many of the junior attendees, who also participated in team and relationship building, conflict resolution and goal-setting. The students chose the group project of cleaning up the streets in their communities over the months following the event. The students then had an opportunity to reconvene at the camp in March 2019, to collectively reflect on what they learned.
Pairing police with community kids

For the second year in a row, four Sussex-area children, aged nine to 11, got to "Shop with a Cop" for Christmas gifts for their families in December. The program sees kids paired with a police officer for a day, as a way to connect members of the RCMP with young community members. After the shopping excursion, the children wrapped their gifts at the detachment.
Protecting our most vulnerable
2018 ICE investigations by the numbers
- 169 Number of new investigations
- 68 Number of assistance files to RCMP detachments and municipal agencies
- 35 Judicial authorizations executed
- 29 Number of charges
- 8 Child victims identified
The Internet Child Exploitation Unit
The Internet Child Exploitation Unit (ICE) is an integrated provincial team with trained investigators from the RCMP and municipal partners, including the Saint John Police and Kennebecasis Regional Police forces. The unit leads Internet child exploitation investigations in New Brunswick, and assists other police forces, by providing its technical resources and expertise. ICE members have specific training for investigations involving information technology, online service providers and child exploitation. The ICE unit works both proactively and reactively, to seek out child predators where they are known to go online, to acquire and distribute images of child sex abuse.
A digital world without borders
As online child exploitation is a crime in a digital world without borders, the RCMP's ICE unit collaborates nationally and globally. Members of ICE send leads to foreign agencies for follow-up, netting intelligence that can be used to locate predators and victims. Once such lead in 2018 helped identify and rescue a young child who was being actively abused in New Brunswick, and the case is now before the courts.
Making communities safer together
The New Brunswick ICE Unit strives to provide a safe community by:
- Working alongside the RCMP's Integrated Technological Crime Unit, to locate and assist child victims of sexual abuse, identify those responsible, capture electronic evidence and press criminal charges.
- Assisting detachments by providing investigative and technical support when dealing with social media and the creation of judicial authorizations.
- Conducting proactive undercover and peer-to-peer investigations.
Mobile crisis units a helpful resource to police
The New Brunswick RCMP is committed to ensuring our vulnerable citizens are kept safe. In 2018, there were 4,494 Mental Health Act-related calls for service to the RCMP province-wide. We are always working towards finding new solutions to resolve these calls and serve our citizens in the most effective way, using policing and other available resources.
Mental health act calls
4,494 (2018)
4,067 (2017)
The RCMP works together with Mobile Mental Health Crisis Units in the communities where they exist. These units are staffed by Vitalité and Horizon Health employees, including social workers, who respond to calls for and by citizens in mental health crisis. In recent years, mobile units have launched in the Greater Moncton region and in communities in the RCMP's Northeast and West districts. We have partnered with the units on calls in the Codiac region, as well as Campbellton, Tracadie, Woodstock, Oromocto and Saint-Léonard.
Services offered by the units include evaluating suicide risk and mental state of clients, follow-up with vulnerable citizens with prior contact with the RCMP and helping facilitate mental health evaluations at the hospital. Members of the mobile units visit with clients in their homes, at RCMP detachments and in public places.
This partnership allows the RCMP to provide Mobile Mental Health Crisis Units a police support for dangerous calls or with high-risk clients, with children under 14 without parents present, and with transportation to hospital, if medical intervention is deemed necessary.
Since their inception, interventions facilitated by the units have helped divert hundreds of vulnerable citizens from hospital ERs and direct them to other resources. This has freed up RCMP members who might have spent hours waiting with clients in the ER and allowed them to attend other calls.
Though in its relative infancy in N.B., the mobile crisis unit model has seen some success, and the RCMP will continue to seek similar outreach resources to help us better serve our citizens.
Community and Indigenous Policing
Recognizing future leaders in today's youth

Youth is one of the five strategic priorities of the RCMP. By soliciting input from young people across Canada, National Youth Services provides frontline members with effective strategies for communicating with and engaging youth. Every year, the RCMP Youth Leadership Workshop brings together youth from across Canada for five days at the RCMP Academy (Depot Division) in Regina. During the workshops, participants identify and discuss youth crime and victimization issues.
In 2018, Darcy Augustine, a Grade 10 student from Metepenagiag Mi'kmaq Nation, was recognized by the New Brunswick RCMP's Northeast District Community Program Officer, Shelley Donahue, as a young leader. She escorted him to the February 2018 workshop, where Darcy identified youth boredom as a contributing factor to youth crime and created an action plan. Once back home, Darcy hosted game and movie nights for his peers, with the support of his CPO and Julian Augustine, a mentor he identified. Darcy's efforts were recognized by the local Community Inclusion Network, who awarded him a grant to assist with his crime prevention initiatives, and he was invited to return to a future Youth Leadership Workshop.
Sharing cultural traditions in Elsipogtog

Sergeant Bill Collier led and participated in a Youth Moose Hunt in October 2018, bringing together the Elsipogtog First Nation's elders and community members, including many young people. The weekend's events featured demonstrations on firearms safety and elders sharing their knowledge of cultural traditions with the community's youth. Organizers are exploring making it an annual event.
Newcomers learn local laws

In partnership with the Multicultural Association of Charlotte County and the local RCMP, Lisa Williams, Community Program Officer (CPO) in West District, hosts classes for immigrants and newcomers to Canada about the laws in New Brunswick. Rules of the road, dangers and consequences of distracted and impaired driving, bullying and child safety are among topics of discussion. Students from Syria, Mexico, the Philippines, Romania, Spain and Turkey have attended the classes.
Supporting our Indigenous communities
The New Brunswick RCMP provides policing services to 14 of the province's 15 First Nations communities. RCMP employees joined the Moose Hide Campaign in June 2018, in support of our Indigenous communities. The campaign is a grassroots movement of Indigenous and non- Indigenous men and boys who are taking a stand against violence towards women and children. By wearing the Moose Hide pin on the left breast pocket or lapel, employees demonstrate the RCMP's commitment to end violence against women and children.
First OFN bike rodeo the wheel deal

In June 2018, 40 children participated in the first annual Oromocto First Nation (OFN) Bike Rodeo. The event was in partnership with the RCMP and OFN agencies including Child and Family Services, Chief and Council, and Health. Bikes, helmets, an iPad Mini, Beats headphones and a PS4 were among prizes up for grabs at the rodeo's well-attended event.
Technology and the RCMP
Emerging technology improves communication and boosts public safety
Being at the front end of new emerging technology is vital but challenging, especially for government agencies. The integration of technology bolsters our intelligence and analytical capability.
During this past year, we have seen one of our most important projects come to fruition with the rollout of the New Brunswick Trunked Mobile Radio system. The enhanced radio system helps ensure public safety for all New Brunswickers, including RCMP members, partner police agencies and first responders. Using a network of cellular and radio towers, the new radios automatically connect to the strongest signal. This technology allows officers to stay in range with their colleagues. Police radios are also now encrypted – making it difficult for anyone except RCMP and other police partners to listen in on conversations, which can put both the public's and officers' safety at risk.
For the first time in New Brunswick, police can communicate with other first responders. This was instrumental during recent critical incidents, such as the tragic events of August 10, 2018, when two Fredericton Police Force constables and two civilians were killed by an active shooter.
To continue the RCMP's mandate to meet evolving business needs, the division has also adopted a "connected employee" approach. Smartphones are being distributed to all RCMP employees, to allow accessibility to the necessary tools to do their jobs, even when away from their work stations.
In 2019, we will continue to further improve officers' safety and connectivity. This will include, among adding other capabilities, a move to add GPS tracking to portable radios, to further enhance the RCMP's situational awareness and to ensure officer safety.
Federal Policing

Denis Roy
Criminal Operations
Officer-Federal Policing
The RCMP's Federal Policing Program in New Brunswick is comprehensive and operates under a mandate to enforce federal laws, secure Canada's borders between ports of entry, collect criminal intelligence, and ensure the safety of critical infrastructure, internationally-protected persons and other designated persons.
Members of the Federal Policing Program are committed to investigating serious and organized crime (including Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs), and national and transnational security threats.
This includes international law enforcement capacity-building, supporting Canadian international peace operations and advancing police operations through the RCMP's enhanced visibility, reach and influence abroad.
Federal Policing is evolving to meet new challenges, while continuing to provide high-quality services to ensure the safety and security of Canada and its citizens, and contributing to myriad law enforcement activities at a global level. In 2018, Federal Policing focused on three priorities: Serious and organized crime, intelligence, and border integrity.
"Federal Policing is evolving to meet new challenges, while continuing to provide high-quality services to ensure the safety and security of Canada and its citizens."
Superintendent Denis Roy, Criminal Operations Officer-Federal Policing
Federal Policing Services:
The Federal Policing Program provides unique law enforcement service, including a focus on national security, protective policing, combatting serious and organized crime, financial crime and the new challenges presented by cybercrime – all supported by subject matter experts, strategic policy, financial and human resources personnel. Its reach includes:
Federal Operations (Serious and Organized Crime)
- Synthetic Drug Operations
- Border Enforcement
- National Security Operations
Federal Operations Support Services
- VIP Protective Service
- Source Witness Protection
- Explosives Disposal Unit
- Major Case Management
- Undercover Operations
- Special "I"
- Integrated Technological Crime Unit
Intelligence Services
- Coastal Watch
- Criminal Intelligence Service
- Divisional Criminal Analysis Section
- Intelex
Federal Policing Advisory and Co-ordination
- Legal Application Support
- Strategic and Financial Analysis
- Training Co-ordination
Serious and Organized Crime
Organized crime impacts all areas of New Brunswick and every level of policing in Canada. Combatting transnational organized crime is a primary focus of the Federal Policing Program. Serious and organized crime encompasses a range of illicit activities which often carry an impact and scope felt nationally and internationally. The primary organized crime threat to New Brunswick and Atlantic Canada is from Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs, specifically the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club. Its positioning in New Brunswick is thought to be strategic on behalf of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club Nomads N.B. chapter, to exert control over the Atlantic corridor and to exploit ports, highways, and borders for criminal enterprise.
In October 2018, Robin Moulton, a full-patch member of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club Nomads N.B. chapter was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in prison for possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking, and possession of a drug press. Marie Antonette Bugay, an associate of Moulton, was sentenced to 30 months in jail for possession of a loaded firearm without a licence, possession of cocaine, and possession of proceeds obtained by crime.
Border Integrity
The RCMP's Federal Policing Program in New Brunswick is committed to maintaining secure borders and international waterways between the U.S. and Canada. Numerous cross-border land and marine investigations are conducted annually, often involving contraband, irregular migration and cases of human smuggling. The province of New Brunswick is the gateway to the Atlantic Region and corridor for travel to Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador, with one of the highest number of border crossing points.
Codiac Regional RCMP

District Commander
Superintendent Tom Critchlow
The Codiac Regional RCMP is the largest detachment in New Brunswick, providing policing services to Moncton, Dieppe and Riverview.
From the Officer in Charge of Codiac, Superintendent Tom Critchlow
I am pleased and confident to report the Codiac Regional RCMP continues to work hard to deliver exceptional service to the citizens of Moncton, Dieppe and Riverview. Our members and employees are proud of our tradition of policing, working towards the RCMP's goals of preserving the peace and upholding the law, while working for and with the Codiac region's citizens and community partners.
The Codiac Regional RCMP will continue to work with our partners to protect our most vulnerable citizens. This includes collaborating with mobile crisis outreach services through the province's health networks, to help link those in need of mental health and addictions services, thus reducing police hours spent in emergency rooms.
Through our Community Policing Units, we will continue liaising with schools and co-ordinating with the Department of Social Development, to keep open the lines of communication and support for people with developmental challenges. We will also work to protect our aging citizens from becoming targets of scams, by offering anti-fraud presentations to members of the elderly population.
A core value that guides us in proudly serving our communities is recognizing our employees' dedication and valuable contributions, and ensuring a healthy, respectful and safe workplace. The Codiac Regional RCMP's approach to crime reduction and law enforcement is proactive, accountable, innovative and progressive, with a commitment to making the communities we serve – and live in – safer.
Major Investigations
In April 2018, the Major Crime Unit, with the assistance of the Codiac Regional RCMP, arrested and charged Rejean Gautreau with the murder of Naomi Bartlette. Gautreau was being interviewed as a suspect in a string of robberies, and confessed to all four for which he was being questioned. After confessing to those crimes, he also confessed to second-degree murder in the death of his fiancée.
Crime Reduction And Prevention
In May 2018, Codiac Regional RCMP investigated a robbery at a Scotiabank. During the investigation a suspect was identified, and it was later discovered he had been pulled over the night after the robbery, while driving a U-Haul. The rented vehicle was soon located by police parked at the casino, where the suspect was found gambling the stolen cash. The man had also purchased a ticket for a flight to Toronto for that evening. He received a six-year prison sentence for the robbery.
In response to local residents' complaints about prostitution, the Codiac Regional RCMP conducted three operations in 2018, to send a message to those attempting to solicit sexual services. As a result, 19 men were caught and fined for communicating for sexual services.
In September 2018, the Codiac Regional RCMP Crime Reduction Unit executed a search warrant under the Controlled Drugs and Substance Act at a home in Moncton. A search resulted in five firearms being seized, including four long-barrel guns and a handgun, three which were loaded. More than 30 grams of cocaine, cannabis, a hash oil extractor, and contraband cigarettes were also seized. A 28-year-old Moncton man was charged and sentenced in February to more than two years' prison time. A 34-year-old woman faces 13 drug and weapons-related charges and will appear in court in 2019.
Road Safety
As part of our commitment to road safety, Codiac Regional RCMP identified the most common infraction as having an expired motor vehicle registration in Dieppe, Riverview and Moncton. Drivers were also ticketed for not having a current vehicle inspection sticker, speeding, driving without a licence, and not having insurance. In 2018, nearly 1,400 tickets were issued in the tri-community area for the violations.
Five checkstops in November 2018 saw Codiac Regional RCMP members issuing tickets to 25 drivers and warnings to nine others, for failing to slow down and move over for emergency vehicles stopped with their lights flashing. More than 1,000 vehicles were checked in total.
Our Communities

From May to September, thousands of children earned "positive tickets" for wearing helmets while riding their bicycles. They were entered into a draw for prizes including two new bikes, awarded to a pair of lucky junior cyclists after the campaign. The Tri-Community volunteers and Codiac Regional RCMP Insp. Luc Breton presented the winners of this year's Positive Ticketing Program with their new rides at My Bike Shop.

The Tri-Community Codiac RCMP volunteers played Santa to the Greater Moncton SPCA, with a gift of an underused cargo van, netting the SPCA another vehicle to help shuttle animals to adoption events. The Tri-Community Codiac RCMP Volunteers' also donated to Harvest House, House of Nazareth, and the Mobile Mental Health Crisis Team, the Salvus Clinic and YMCA ReConnect in 2018.
Northeast District

District Commander
Superintendent Shelly Dupont
From the District Commander, Superintendent Shelly Dupont
Over the past year, I have had the pleasure to meet many community and Indigenous leaders and citizens in the Northeast District. I have enjoyed participating in several organized community events and exploring this beautiful province, and I look forward to continued work with our communities, towards the important work of making New Brunswick safer.
In 2018, the calls for service in the Northeast District have remained stable. Due to the proactive patrols, prevention and awareness activities, I am pleased to report our area has seen a 1.6 per cent reduction in property crime in 2018.
The Northeast District RCMP undertook several key investigations in 2018, including the homicide investigation in which Gilles Moreau, 56, was charged with first-degree murder in the death of his common-law spouse. Moreau pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in April 2019 and was sentenced in June to life in prison.
The Northeast District supported the Fredericton Police Force on another homicide investigation. Investigators located a crime scene in the RCMP's Northeast District that led to the identification of a suspect, and to another crime scene, in Fredericton Police Force jurisdiction. Other significant investigations in 2018 include defusing dangerous situations involving armed and barricaded persons, and responding to reports of armed robberies.
The Northeast District Crime Reduction Team (CRU) is focused on criminal analysis-led investigations that target crime trends and active criminals. The team has been very successful in apprehending several active criminals charged with a variety of crimes.
I would be remiss if I did not recognize the staff members and their supportive families of our Northeast District team, who support us as we work hard to serve our communities. I am proud of all of our RCMP employees and grateful for their service.
Major Investigations
In January 2018, the Neguac Detachment received a report of a home invasion by two masked men on the Esgenoôpetitj First Nation. A 23-year-old man suffered a serious, but non-life-threatening gunshot wound. Police arrested three men in Esgenoôpetitj, N.B., on January 25 and 26, 2018. Three 22-year-old men have each been charged with robbery with a firearm. All three men pleaded guilty and were sentenced in March and April 2018.
Members from the Bathurst RCMP Detachment responded to a complaint in April 2018 of a man making serious threats by telephone. When police arrived, he refused to leave the home, barricading himself inside. Given the nature of the threats made, the RCMP's Emergency Response Team, the Explosives Disposal Unit and Police Dog Services were deployed. After more than eight hours, the RCMP gained entry and arrested the man without incident. A 49-year-old man was charged with uttering threats. His trial is scheduled for August 2019.
Crime Reduction And Prevention

The District saw several successful seizures in 2018, working toward the goal of making the communities we serve even safer. In March, the Northeast Crime Reduction Unit, along with policing partners from the Miramichi Police Force, executed two drug search warrants, in Miramichi and Lower Newcastle. Police seized quantities of what are believed to be prescription pills, methamphetamine tablets and crystal meth. Firearms, drug paraphernalia and cash were also seized. A 38-year-old man, 36-year-old woman and a 34-year-old woman were arrested. The two men were sentenced in January and March 2019 and the woman will return to court in October 2019.
In May 2018, while conducting a search for a missing person in Belledune, an RCMP's Police Dog Services team were led to an unlocked garage. While looking inside for the missing person, who was later located safe, the PDS team discovered a significant quantity of marijuana. More than 10,000 grams of marijuana was seized, preventing it from reaching the streets.
In June, the Northeast District's Crime Reduction Unit executed a search warrant at a home in Sunny Corner, N.B. A man and a woman, both 36, were arrested at the home. During the search, the members seized a quantity of suspected crystal meth, firearms, drug paraphernalia and an undisclosed amount of cash. The trial for the two accused is slated for July 2019.
Road Safety
In May 2018, in conjunction with Northeast District and other policing partners, the RCMP's Tactical Traffic Enforcement Unit conducted a traffic operation in the Chaleur region, focusing on unsafe driving behaviours and criminal activity. The operation resulted in 138 tickets for violations, including not wearing a seatbelt and distracted driving. Seven drivers were arrested, two for driving while prohibited and five for driving while suspended. Ten unsafe vehicles were towed and a number of tickets were issued for illegal inspection stickers. In the execution of a search warrant, a quantity of drugs, contraband tobacco and alcohol were seized.
Our Communities

Superintendent Shelly Dupont and Constable Corey Gallant represented the Northeast District RCMP at the 15th-annual Pabineau First Nation Pow-wow in July 2018. The annual cultural event honouring the Mi'kmaq heritage is considered a sacred social event for traditional Indigenous families. The Northeast District RCMP has been an avid, long-standing supporter of the community celebration.
Southeast District

District Commander
Superintendent Costa Dimopoulas
From the District Commander, Superintendent Costa Dimopoulos
This past year we achieved a significant increase in traffic enforcement by proactively focusing on high-risk traffic corridors throughout the Southeast District. Our frontline members, while enforcing the Highway Traffic Act, targeted impaired and distracted driving as well as speeding in 2018.
We also engaged in an education strategy designed to make drivers aware of the Move Over Law, which requires motorists to move over to the left and slow down when passing an emergency vehicle stopped on the side of the road with emergency lights flashing. As a result of checkstops in November and December 2018, traffic tickets and 33 warnings were given out.
The Southeast District's Crime Reduction Unit demonstrated measurable results in 2018, through numerous arrests, seizures and prosecutions, and we will continue to target our most prolific criminal offenders in our communities.
We are committed to delivering high-quality, co-ordinated policing to the communities we serve in the Southeast District, through evidence-based, intelligence-led frontline and specialized services. We work toward these goals using a strategic crime reduction plan that includes reducing criminal activity, enhanced road safety initiatives, and forging relationships with members of our Indigenous communities.In keeping with the national RCMP culture, we strive to maintain an environment conducive to creativity and innovation, and an organizational framework that supports our employees' wellness and engagement. I continue to be amazed and proud of the dedicated employees throughout the Southeast District who provide their service to the public and support to our frontline Regular Members, as we work together towards the goal of a safer New Brunswick.
Major Investigations
In February 2018, the Southeast District responded to a complaint of a possible hit and run involving a pedestrian. The victim was 22-year-old Brady Francis, from the Elsipogtog First Nation, who died at the scene after being struck by a vehicle as he walked home that evening. The suspect's vehicle was located the next day, and 56-year-old Maurice Johnson of Saint-Charles, N.B, was arrested and charged with failure to stop at the scene of an accident involving bodily harm or death. This continues to be a high-profile case that directly affects the Elsipogtog First Nation community and the Southeast District. Court proceedings in the case will continue in 2019.
In December 2018, two men from Nova Scotia were arrested after a high-speed chase on the Trans-Canada Highway from the Nova Scotia border to Painsec, N.B., near Dieppe. During the pursuit, police deployed a spike belt on the Trans-Canada Highway and a police service dog was involved to apprehend the men, who had fled from their vehicle on foot. A 42-year-old man and a 36-year-old man from Riverview faced multiple charges related to the incident, including fleeing from police, weapons charges, and possession of property valued over $5,000 obtained by crime. The 36-year-old accused was sentenced to a two-year prison term and the 42-year-old will appear in court on September 5, 2019 for sentencing. The pair will also face charges in Nova Scotia stemming from the crime spree.
Crime Reduction And Prevention
The Southeast District prioritized offender management compliance checks, or curfews, and increased enforcement on executing arrest warrants in 2018. The District also saw a significant property crime decrease as a result of our offender management program and enforcement.
In November, Jessy Levesque and Paul Saucier were arrested by the RCMP's Crime Reduction Unit in Shediac, for a series of break-and-enters and other offences in the Southeast District. They were charged in relation to the alleged break-ins and thefts, as well as drug possession charges. The accused entered guilty pleas and on April 2, 2019, and both men were sentenced to four years' incarceration.
Road Safety
In February 2018, Constables Ryan Bastarache and David Hanson attended a single-vehicle crash, and discovered two people inside a van which was dangling over a steep embankment with fast-moving water below. As the passenger tried to exit the car, he fell down the ravine into the water, and was carried downstream. They were able to find him and pull him up to safety, keeping him safe and warm in the police vehicle until an ambulance arrived. The members also helped the driver get safely out of the vehicle, by using a stretcher from the ambulance.
Our Communities
As part of the Southeast District's ongoing commitment to the Indigenous communities that we serve and support, in July 2018, the RCMP's Commissioner Brenda Lucki visited the community of the Elsipogtog First Nation. While there, she was given the prestigious honour of attending the Sundance Grounds, accompanied by the New Brunswick RCMP's Commanding Officer, Assistant Commissioner Larry Tremblay, and Sergeant Bill Collier from the Elsipogtog First Nation RCMP.
West District

District Commander
Superintendent Lucie Dubois
From the District Commander, Superintendent Lucie Dubois
Our members responded to more than 32,000 calls for service in 2018, while also training and learning enforcement for legislation enacted in 2018, including tougher impaired driving laws. Excellence in policing has remained a focus of the West District RCMP, as is respecting and supporting the health and safety of all employees.
Working closely with our partners and communities, we will continue to bolster efforts to improve road safety, reduce and prevent crime, and help and defend our most vulnerable citizens. We are also grateful for the opportunities to continue working together with our partners on the Road to Reconciliation with our Indigenous communities.
Our West District RCMP employees work hard and diligently to deliver on their mandates, from frontline service, to crime reduction, attending court and those in support and administrative roles providing assistance to investigations. I would like to thank our employees and members of our communities for their hard work, support and dedication to public safety.
Major Investigations
In June 2018, the Saint-Léonard RCMP responded to a call at a Saint-André motel, where they found evidence someone had given birth and might be in need of medical help. A search was launched and a man and a woman were located in an Edmundston motel, along with the newborn. The infant was taken into care by the Department of Social Development and is doing well. A 30-year-old man from Ontario pleaded guilty to two counts of failing to provide the necessities of life, while charges were dropped against a 26-year-old Ontario woman.
In July 2018, St. George RCMP were called to a wooded area off Route 785, after a report of an armed person who had fled from a stolen vehicle. The RCMP's Emergency Response Team (ERT), Police Dog Services (PDS), the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Team, and provincial conservation officers helped bring the incident to a close without incident. A 21-year-old Pennfield man was charged with uttering threats, possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose, assault with a weapon and two counts of motor vehicle theft.
In October 2018, Woodstock RCMP members responded to a complaint of a suspicious vehicle at the Canada-U.S. border in Belleville, N.B. Two men inside refused to communicate with Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) or police. About six hours later, two men were taken into custody by U.S. Customs and Border Protection. In addition to Homeland Security and CBSA, the RCMP's Emergency Response Team, Major Crime Unit, Crime Reduction Unit, Federal Serious and Organized Crime Unit, Forensic Identification Services and Explosives Disposal Unit were engaged. Two men from Nova Scotia, a 21-year-old and a 22-year-old, were charged with committing a hoax related to terrorist activity and sentenced to time served for obstruction.
Crime Reduction And Prevention
St. Stephen and McAdam RCMP Detachments made it a priority in 2018 to ensure suspects with court-ordered curfews or house arrest were being checked on by police. Members conducted more than 500 checks throughout the year. As a result, more crime suspects are abiding by curfews, helping make the communities safer.
During New Brunswick's flood in 2018, three men committed break and enters into homes in the affected area of Maugerville. Constable Warren Vogan of the Oromocto RCMP, along with our policing partners, located and arrested the men. Two 29-year-olds, Brandon Hatchard from Perth-Andover, and Travis Hunt from Maugerville, and 25-year-old Chance Leslie from Middle Hainesville, were found guilty and each was sentenced to several months in jail.
Road Safety
St. Stephen and McAdam RCMP members ticketed 26 drivers for distracted driving in checkstops in May 2018. The day after the Cannabis Act came into inception in October, members of the Oromocto RCMP conducted an operation, during which they checked 600 vehicles, to educate drivers about the dangers of driving while impaired. The West District also conducted, along with the RCMP's Tactical Traffic Enforcement Unit, a campaign to educate drivers about the Move Over Law. A total of 2,528 vehicles were checked and a number of tickets and warnings issued in the district.
Our Communities

In July 2018, RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki attended the town of St. Stephen and was given a tour from Mayor Allan MacEachern. Commissioner Lucki was impressed with the relationship between the RCMP and the town, which she cited while on patrol with St. Stephen members.

A group of St. George RCMP members and employees brought their own version of "Whoville" to town in December, when they used their own time and materials to create costumes and build Grinch-meets-police-themed float for the annual Christmas parade.
West District RCMP members from Keswick were called to an elderly lady's residence in December after her family was concerned when they were unable to reach her. The two members who attended the call found that her phone had been disconnected, so they took the time to help her sort it out with her service provider. Before leaving, they shovelled off her front step and walkway, which were full of snow.
Division Overview
Statistics reflected are subject to change based on the results of ongoing investigations, closure of files and other factors.
J Division RCMP Calls for Service | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | % change from 2017 to 2018 |
Total | 110,420 | 120,516 | 123,497 | 2.4% |
Crimes Against Persons | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | % change from 2017 to 2018 |
Homicide investigations | 8 | 9 | 7 Footnote 3 | -22.2% |
Number of homicide victims | 8 | 10 | 7 Footnote 4 | -30% |
Robbery, extortion | 158 | 146 | 158 | 8.22% |
Sexual assault | 441 | 490 | 519 | 5.92% |
Sexual interference, exploitation, luring over the Internet | 218 | 192 | 194 | 1.04% |
Other sexual offences (including Procuring, Obtaining Sexual Services for Consideration) | 163 | 243 | 129 | -46.9% |
Assault | 5,020 | 5,022 | 4,953 | -1.37% |
Kidnapping, hostage, abduction | 93 | 103 | 116 | 12.6% |
Criminal harassment, intimidation | 2,683 | 2,707 | 1,916 | -29.2% |
Uttering threats | 2,870 | 2,763 | 2,633 | -4.71% |
Child exploitation related offences | 129 | 186 | 157 | -15.59% |
Total | 11,783 | 11,861 | 10,782 | -9.09% |
Property Crime | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | % change from 2017 to 2018 |
Break and enter | 3,220 | 3,686 | 3,413 | -7.41% |
Theft of motor vehicle | 1,002 | 1,173 | 1,254 | 6.91% |
Theft over $5,000 | 198 | 223 | 206 | -7.62% |
Theft $5,000 and under | 6,892 | 6,897 | 7,065 | 2.44% |
Possession of property obtained by crime | 266 | 312 | 331 | 6.09% |
Fraud Footnote 5 | 2,094 | 2,490 | 3,094 | 24.26% |
Arson | 380 | 332 | 305 | -8.13% |
Mischief Footnote 6 | 5,799 | 5,970 | 5,694 | -4.62% |
Total | 19,851 | 21,083 | 21,362 | 1.32% |
Other Criminal Code Offences | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | % change from 2017 to 2018 |
Failures/breaches of probation | 2,410 | 2,690 | 2,669 | -0.78% |
Offensive weapons | 386 | 390 | 341 | -12.56% |
Other | 3,213 | 3,776 | 3,753 | -0.6% |
Total | 6,009 | 6,856 | 6,763 | -1.32% |
Drug Offences | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | % change from 2017 to 2018 |
Import, export | 3 | 3 | 9 | 200% |
Trafficking | 782 | 845 | 700 | -17.16 |
Production | 266 | 214 | 150 | -29.91% |
Possession | 1,104 | 1,052 | 907 | -13.78 |
Total | 2,155 | 2,114 | 1,766 | -16.46% |
Contraband tobacco | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 |
# of illegal cigarettes seized | 1,765,352 | 1,853,721 | 942,677 |
Other Federal Statute Offences | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | % change from 2017 to 2018 |
Total | 376 | 343 | 269 | -21.57% |
Provincial Statute Offences | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | % change from 2017 to 2018 |
Total | 1,397 | 1,190 | 1,051 | -11.68% |
Traffic | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | % change from 2017 to 2018 |
Number of checkstops | 5,054 | 6,392 | 5,590 | -12.55% |
Number of vehicles checked | 258,530 | 355,881 | 364,055 | 2.3% |
Roadside suspensions | 316 | 288 | 334 | 15.97% |
Vehicles impounded Footnote 7 | n/a | 60 | 461 | 668% |
Provincial Offence Procedure Act (POPA) offences (Total Traffic Tickets given) | 23,130 | 19,673 | 18,430 | -6.32% |
Speeding | 11,858 | 8,506 | 6,723 | -20.78% |
Distracted driving | 645 | 686 | 622 | -9.33% |
Failure to wear a seatbelt | 859 | 641 | 807 | 25.9% |
Ellen's Law | n/a | 16 | 13 | -18.75% |
Move Over Law | n/a | 95 | 127 | 33.68% |
Other Footnote 8 | 9,768 | 9,834 | 10,138 | 3.09% |
Impaired operation related offences | 3,567 | 3,398 | 3,213 | -5.44% |
Impaired driving charges | 890 | 793 | 874 | 10.21% |
Dangerous operation of a motor vehicle | 201 | 189 | 270 | 42.86% |
Driving while disqualified, prohibited or suspended | 1,375 | 1,391 | 1,503 | 8.05% |
Total number of vehicle collisions | 9,273 | 9,846 | 9,898 | 0.5% |
Total number of fatal collisions | 58 | 62 | 60 | -3.23% |
Fatal off-road vehicle collisions | 5 | 9 | 8 | -11.1% |
Fatal motorcycle collisions | 6 | 11 | 7 | -36.36% |
Fatal pedestrian or cyclist collisions | 9 | 11 | 6 | -45.45% |
Other | 38 | 31 | 39 | 25.8% |
Fatalities | 64 | 66 | 67 | 1.5% |
Unrestrained (with seatbelts available) | 20 | 15 | 19 | 26.67% |
Involving alcohol or drugs | 18 | 22 | 19 | -13.64% |
Other | 27 | 29 | 29 | 0% |
Involving off-road vehicles | 5 | 9 | 8 | 11% |
Involving pedestrians/cyclists | 9 | 11 | 6 | -45.45% |
Involving motorcycles | 6 | 11 | 7 | -36.36% |
Other | 44 | 35 | 46 | 31.43% |
Total number of collision-related injuries | 1,590 | 1,565 | 1,446 | -7.6% |
Other Police Activities | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | % change from 2017 to 2018 |
Breach of peace | 101 | 103 | 240 | 133% |
False alarm Footnote 9 | 3,212 | 7,804 | 10,212 | 30.86% |
False, abandoned 911 call | 5,599 | 5,290 | 5,024 | -5.03% |
Mental Health Act | 3,783 | 4,067 | 4,494 | 10.5% |
Assistance to other agencies/police forces | 3,134 | 3,423 | 4,318 | 26.15% |
Persons reported missing | 1,287 | 1,149 | 1,139 | -0.9% |
Total | 17,116 | 21,836 | 25,427 | 16.4% |
Salaries, Operational and Maintenance Costs | 2017 | 2018 |
Contract and Indigenous Policing | ||
Provincial policing | $89,410,894 | $89,992,292 |
Municipal policing | $26,346,391 | $24,353,023 |
Indigenous policing | $2,703,884 | $2,972,160 |
Other | ||
Federal policing | $19,045,654 | $18,597,992 |
Specialized policing services | $5,231,861 | $4,586,525 |
Other policing and support | $6,827,558 | $6,979,077 |
Total | $149,566,242 | $147,481,069 |
Capital Funds, Infrastructure, and Construction | 2017 | 2018 |
Contract and Indigenous policing | ||
Provincial policing | $5,666,254 | $4,461,427 |
Municipal policing | $113,121 | $630,127 |
Indigenous policing | $54,553 | $0 |
Other | ||
Federal policing | $879,145 | $944,193 |
Specialized policing services | $353,324 | $18,791 |
Other policing and support | $10,099 | $169,891 |
Total | $7,076,496 | $6,224,429 |
Total Expenditures - 2017 - $156,642,738
Total Expeditures - 2018 - $153,705,498
RCMP Established Positions | RM | CM | PS |
Provincial Policing | 511 | 56 | 145 |
Municipal Policing (excluding Codiac) | 52 | 1 | 0 |
Codiac Regional RCMP | 143 | 0 | 0 |
Federal Policing (federally funded) | 118 | 29 | 40 |
First Nations policing | 19 | 0 | 11 |
Divisional and regional administration | 13 | 16 | 79 |
Total | 856 | 102 | 275 |
Total RCMP Established Positions - 1,233
Our Commitment
The New Brunswick RCMP offers a continued commitment to providing the most efficient, effective and modern police force possible. Community policing is at the core of our culture. As a leader in law enforcement and the provincial police force of choice, we also focus on strategic foresight to develop and advance a range of policing capabilities and expertise to deliver state-of-the-art specialized policing to our province.
In the last year, we have consolidated our resources and governance structures to enhance our operational performance, expand access to our services and enhance interoperability to support other agencies.
Our strong partnerships with the communities we serve is an integral part of our operating environment, with the goal of providing added value in response to common concerns and challenges.
All RCMP policing professionals appreciate the vital role they play in keeping New Brunswick safe and secure. We remain committed to training and skills development, enhancing leadership capabilities and sourcing the most effective talent for our future.
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