2017 Annual Report

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Working Together for a Safer New Brunswick
Table of Contents
From the Minister of Justice and Public
How the RCMP responds to calls for service
CORE Policing – Criminal Operations
Saint-Léonard Detachment opening
Representing the RCMP – at home and away
RCMP Specialized Policing Services in New Brunswick
Connecting with New Brunswickers
Protecting our most vulnerable
Aboriginal and Community Policing
Connect with us
Follow us for public safety news, crime prevention tips, and to help us solve crimes.
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Part of your community
Every day, the RCMP in New Brunswick works hard, not only to solve crime, but to prevent it. From conducting checkstops to curb unsafe driving practices, leading investigations to help reduce the illegal drugs available on our streets, or simply reaching out to at-risk young people, we are committed to making a positive difference. While police have a vital role to play, our success rests heavily on strong partnerships within the communities we serve, with other law enforcement agencies and with our partners. Working together, we can achieve our collective goal in New Brunswick: to keep our beautiful province and its people safe and secure.
Tle'k Kwutanminaq
Te'sikiskik, Sikniktikewa'kikewaq Nuji-kla'qa'lua'tijik atikneta'jik, panuijkatmnew aqq naqa'tunew o'pla'tekemk. Nuji-kla'qa'lua'tijik jiko'taqatijik aqq enqa'la'tijik wenik kulaman ma' kepaqsayjimkuti'k, nikana'tu'tij tel-panuijkatmumk tel-piskwa'q wini-mpisun ntui'skasiktn wutank aqq apoqnmua'tijik nutqo'ltijik ta'n kitnma'tilijik, ketu' apoqntmek wula'siktn ta'n telo'ltimk. Nuji-kla'qa'lua'tijik keknue'k ta'n tel-lukuti'tij katu kulaman wul-pmiatew koqoey, nuta'tij apoqnmasuti wejiaq wutanl ta'n etl-lukutijik, pilue'l nuji-kla'qa'lua'timkl aqq wunaqapemuaq. Maw-lukuti'k, kisa'tesnu ta'n koqoey nuta'q maliaptasin Sikniktik: kulaman ne'kaw wla'sitew teli-anko'tmumkl aqq teli-westawikl wutanl aqq wulkaqnitew wikimk Sikniktik.
Wiciyawtomuhpon Ewikultiyeq
Ehtahsi Kiskahk, Nuci tqonkehcik yut nkitahkomikumon New Brunswick, sikoluhkhotuwok, kat tehpu 'kiluwapotomuniya memhuwi wapololuhkhotimok kenoq ona 'toqeci 'kolamatomuniya wapololuhkhotimok. 'Cipotuk tan tuci 'cuwi 'conelawa yuhut wosami kakawoqittucik, 'qeci nikani wewisiniya mesq petankuwetasikil wiwoneskahsuwikol awtik, kosona tehpu 'qeci 'qolopehlaniya yukt ewasisuwici mace wapolitahasulticik, nekayiw tehc wolluhkhotipon. Woli kcicihtasu nuci tqonkehcik ehcuwoluhkatomuhtit, ntahcuwapeman tena psiw etoluhkeweq naka psiw witoluhkemeq qaskuwiktaqiyil. Mawoluhkhotimok, komac ksahsonuwiw, 'kisihc mawi wicuhketomonen 'sankewawsuwakon yut nkitahkomikumon New Brunswick.
From the Public Safety Minister

Hon. Denis Landry
Minister of Justice and Public Safety
All across the province, Mounties are woven into the fabric of almost every community as they provide policing services to seven out of ten New Brunswickers calling for assistance.
Over the past year, the RCMP in partnership with other levels of government and indigenous communities, invested in the enhancement of its Community Program Officers (CPOs) program by adding four dedicated CPOs and an analyst to provide services to indigenous persons across New Brunswick. This program has shown great success in reducing harm and creating safer communities in other areas throughout the province through collaborative efforts in crime prevention and community policing which I can only envisage the same in providing greater support to our indigenous communities.
I would like thank the RCMP for its continued support in advancing initiatives in alignment with the provincial crime prevention strategy by targeting vulnerable youth, chronic repeat offenders, and domestic and intimate partner violence. The RCMP's intervention and diversion program alongside with the Justice and Public Safety extrajudicial sanctions program have played a large role in the reduction of youth involved in the justice system, including youths sentenced to custody. These programs brought on average less than ten youths sentenced to the New Brunswick Youth Centre.
I wish to also recognize the role the RCMP has played and is still playing in support of the province's involvement on two important initiatives. One, being the sexual crimes reviews which enabled us to gain a better understanding of and work towards providing proper support to victims and survivors of sexual violence, and the second, being the work leading to the upcoming legalization of cannabis where New Brunswick's law enforcement officers are building their capacity of Drug Recognition Experts and their ability to perform effective standardized field sobriety tests in order to keep our roads safe.
Making New Brunswick a safe place to live, work and raise a family is a priority for the Department of Justice and Public Safety and the RCMP continues to play a critical role in achieving that goal.
I would like to thank the members of the RCMP for their hard work and dedication and I look forward to our continued collaboration in advancing future programs and initiatives to enhance the safety of all New Brunswickers.
From the Commanding Officer

A/Commr. Larry Tremblay, M.O.M
New Brunswick RCMP Commanding Officer
Everything we do as the RCMP in New Brunswick comes back to serving our communities. It's a message that our employees take to heart every time they are out on patrol, when they take a phone call from the public, and when they work behind the scenes on our many files and investigations.
New Brunswickers enjoy a good quality of life in our beautiful province but we are still impacted by illegal activities, from organized crime and illegal opioids, to impaired driving, theft and mischief. As the world of policing evolves, there is still the imperative of remaining fiscally responsible. Our employees are rising to the challenge of making smarter, more efficient use of our available resources, always with the ultimate goal of keeping our communities safe.
Whether it's harnessing the power of social media to find a missing person, using intelligence-based policing to target crime trends or collaborating with law enforcement partners to target crime across jurisdictions, we are constantly combining our skills in new ways to solve and prevent crime. We also continue to work collaboratively with our partners and stakeholders to ensure our citizens have the information they need to reduce their risk of becoming victims of crime.
As I travel around New Brunswick, I am reminded again and again how integral our police officers and employees are to the communities where they live and work. I am especially gratified when I see how warmly our police officers are welcomed and appreciated by New Brunswickers, a feeling that is genuinely returned. For us, it is not only a duty to serve and protect this province, but an honour and a pleasure.
Once again, I commend all our employees for their continued pride and commitment to this province. These pages show our dedication to not only protect the citizens of New Brunswick, but to build and support the communities where we live and serve.Your RCMP – At a Glance
The New Brunswick RCMP is one of the 75 largest employers in New Brunswick, operating from 41 detachments and offices across the province.*
- 37.8% female NB RCMP employees, including 157 regular members.
- 73% of NB RCMP employees are bilingual.
- 6.8% of NB RCMP Regular Members are First Nations.**
50.1% of New Brunswick RCMP employees were born in New Brunswick
* Excludes commissionaires, auxiliaries, and employees of the Canadian Firearms Program.
** as per RCMP Employment Equity Representation Report.
Every Regular Member has:
- A 26-week basic training program.
- Six months with a field coach.
- Regular physical fitness test.
- Annual pistol and carbine qualifications.
- Mental health training, and access to mental health resources.
- Regular training on the latest police technology and tactics.
- Regular first aid qualification.
- Career support and development, including Supervisor Development Program.
Every day, a Regular Member could be required for:
- OPERATIONS, including investigations and follow-ups, curfew checks, scene security, crime prevention, and assistance to other agencies.
- TRAFFIC, including checkpoints, traffic patrols, and operations targeting impaired drivers and contraband.
- COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT, including school visits, community presentations, partner meetings and special events.
- COURT, including attending trials, serving documents, and meetings with Crown and other parties
- ADMINISTRATION, including training, file management, court paperwork, taking statements and conducting interviews, supervision and coaching.
How the RCMP responds to calls for service
Whether urgent or non-urgent, every call for service to the RCMP is important. Just like a hospital, the RCMP must triage calls to ensure the most serious incidents are dealt with first and that resources are allocated to the highest priorities. Members of the public can help this service function efficiently by using the appropriate channel to make their complaint or report.
Examples of urgent calls:
- Incidents involving serious injury or death
- Serious crimes in progress
- Incidents where someone's life is in danger
Examples of non-urgent calls:
- Minor vehicle crashes with no injuries
- Information-only files
- Lost items
- Computer hacking, identity theft or telephone fraud
In 2017, the NB RCMP responded to 120,516 occurrences.

Text description
How urgent and non-urgent calls are processed
If your call is urgent
Step 1: Call 911
Step 2: Your call will be answered by a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP)
Step 3: You call will be assessed and if relevant to the RCMP, it will be passed to our RCMP Operational Communications Centre (OCC)
Step 4: Your call will be triaged and identified as urgent or non-urgent.
If your call is deemed urgent
Step 1: A police officer will be dispatched
Step 2: An investigation will occur if required
Non-Urgent calls
Step 1: Walk into a detachment during business hours or call 1-888-506-RCMP
Step 2: Your call will be triaged and identified as urgent or non-urgent.
Step 3: If you call is non-urgent, your call will be assessed to determine if a police officer will be required for follow-up. If not, it will be dispatched to the Alternate Response Unit.
CORE Policing – Criminal Operations

Chief Superintendent Ross White
CORE Policing Officer - Criminal Operations
In 2017, the RCMP saw a nine per cent increase in the number of calls for service. These included many complex investigations, requiring the New Brunswick RCMP to carefully manage its resources in order to provide the best service possible to our communities.
Every role within the New Brunswick RCMP is critical, and we remain committed to ensuring the necessary support behind the scenes is always there. To this end, we have introduced many innovative solutions to maximize our resources, including:
Crime Reduction Units
A proactive approach to crime reduction can result in safer communities and a decrease in calls for service. Crime Reduction Units (CRU) rely on intelligence to target crime trends and prolific offenders, while focusing on crime prevention and the diversion of offenders from the criminal system.
Alternate Response Unit
The Alternate Response Unit (ARU) handles calls for service that do not require immediate in-person follow-up from a police officer but require RCMP attention nonetheless. In 2017, close to 16% of calls were handled by the Alternate Response Unit, allowing timely response to non-urgent occurrences while freeing up police officers to respond to other calls.
Strategic Shift Management
Careful planning allows us to ensure more police coverage in our communities during busy times. This includes the use of various strategies and programs to alleviate staffing pressures caused by vacations, parental leave, or sick leave without affecting quality of service.
Major Investigations
Full-patch member of Hells Angels MC Nomads arrested
In August 2017, the RCMP arrested 48-year-old Robin Moulton of Fredericton, a full-patch member of the Hells Angels MC Nomads. Moulton and an associate, 40-year-old Marie Antonette Bugay of Fredericton, were charged with multiple firearms and drug offences following the seizure of a high power rifle with a silencer, a loaded handgun and a quantity of drugs from several locations in Woodstock and Fredericton. Court proceedings are scheduled for 2019.
Fentanyl at Esgenoôpetitj First Nation
In April 2017, a pill seized by the RCMP from Esgenoôpetitj First Nation was found to contain fentanyl. The drug is believed to be linked to several overdoses in the area. Two men were arrested following a thorough investigation. In December 2017, Jesse Joe, 35, of Fredericton, was sentenced to 66 months in prison after being found guilty of multiple offences, including trafficking fentanyl. A second man was also charged in connection with the investigation, and court proceedings are expected to continue in 2018.
Unfounded sexual assaults review
In 2017, the New Brunswick RCMP took part in a national review of RCMP sexual assault files classified as unfounded.
Year | Total files reviewed | Scored as unfounded prior to review | Scored as unfounded following review |
2011-2015 | 3,397 | 958 | 631 |
2016 | 724 | 200 | 91 |
The New Brunswick RCMP is taking action to strengthen police training and awareness, investigative accountability, victim support and public education and communications. We are committed to working collaboratively with stakeholders, as well as reviewing sexual offences annually.
Saint-Léonard Detachment opening

On August 8, 2017, the New Brunswick RCMP officially opened the new West District RCMP Saint-Léonard Detachment. This state-of-the-art facility replaces three aging facilities in Saint-Léonard, Grand Falls and Rivière-Verte. The new detachment houses 55 full-time employees, including police officers and civilians, and serves a population of approximately 16,000 residents. This is the first new RCMP detachment to open in New Brunswick since 2004.
Representing the RCMP – at home and away
Going the extra mile for our communities
Every year, our police officers and employees go above and beyond the call of duty to give back to our communities and to make a difference to the people we serve.
Vimy Ridge Memorial Ceremonies
Two New Brunswick RCMP members took part in the 100th anniversary memorial ceremonies for the battle of Vimy Ridge, a defining moment for the Canadian military during the First World War. The ceremonies were especially poignant for Cpl. Ian Grasman and Cst. Simon Jones, as both their grandfathers fought in the historic battle.
Mentoring Award for Hampton Operations Sgt.

In November, Sgt. Dustine Rodier was honoured by Atlantic Women in Law Enforcement with its 2017 Mentoring Award. The RCMP Operations Sgt. for Hampton was recognized for her work supporting and assisting women in law enforcement. The 2018 Atlantic Women in Law Enforcement conference will be held November 6-9 in Moncton.
Celebrating with Pride in Caraquet

On July 13, 2017, the New Brunswick RCMP hoisted the rainbow flag at our Caraquet Detachment in honour of the first Rendez-vous de la fierté Acadie Love, a celebration of inclusion, solidarity and sensitivity toward the LGBT community. The RCMP works to foster a workplace that supports and embraces diversity for all employees and the public we serve. We are proud to be an ally of the LGBT community.
Nijmegen Four Day March

Every year, more than 40,000 people from around the world test their physical and mental strength by participating in the Four Days March around Nijmegen, Netherlands. The march includes walking more than 160 kilometres in just four days. In 2017, the New Brunswick RCMP's Sgt. Peter Vail became the first RCMP member in history to complete it twice.
West District

In October 2017, Cst. Anthony Leighton responded to a home in Blacks Harbour where two little girls' tricycles had been stolen. After completing his report, he went out and purchased two new bicycles for the girls out of his own money. "I joined the RCMP because I love people, I love our communities," he said. "I believe one good contribution in our community leads to another."
Southeast District

In July 2017, a young woman from Quebec was driving home from Fundy National Park when her GPS led her badly astray. She found herself stuck in the mud on a remote trail, and called for help. Cpl. Donnie Robertson, Cst. Jeff Agnew and Cst. Jeff Dow (not pictured) of the Southeast District RCMP walked more than a kilometre through the woods to find her. When a tow truck was unable to reach the scene, they arranged for an RCMP SUV to drive in and pull the stranded car free. "There was no road, not even a marked trail, really - she was so grateful that we had found her before dark," says Cpl. Robertson. "It means a lot to know you're there and able to help when someone needs you."
Northeast District

In November 2017, Cst. Stephane Dugas of the Campbellton RCMP was on patrol after a snowstorm when he saw a man in a wheelchair shoveling his driveway. As he often does for residents in the area, Cst. Dugas stopped and grabbed a shovel to help. A passing motorist snapped a photo that went viral. "We are there to make a difference," says Cst. Dugas. "Little things like this make a difference."
Codiac Regional RCMP

In July 2017, Insp. Luc Breton of the Codiac Regional RCMP made a dream come true for a six-year-old boy from Massachusetts who always wanted to meet a real Canadian Mountie. Insp. Breton went out of his way to make the day special for little William Radue. "I wanted him to see the Mountie he's always admired," says Insp. Breton, "so I came out in my red serge and called, 'Sergeant William, report for duty!' He jumped right up and saluted me, and I saluted him back. For him to see us as heroes, that's just priceless."

In January 2017, a dedicated group at the New Brunswick RCMP Headquarters undertook organizing Diversity Week activities for employees. They set up many educational activities to help their colleagues learn more about the diverse communities we serve, including a panel discussion with new immigrants to talk about their relationships with law enforcement. The committee also raised money that was donated to Fredericton's Community Kitchens.
RCMP Specialized Policing Services in New Brunswick
Advanced techniques for solving crime
- Police Dog Services (PDS)
- Forensic Identification Services (FIS)
- Crowd Control/Special Tactical Operations (STO)
- Forensic Collision Reconstructionist Team (FCRT)
- Emergency Response Team (ERT)
- Incident Commander
- Crisis Negotiator
- Marine Operations
- Underwater Recovery Team (URT)
- Tactical Traffic Enforcement Unit (TTEU)
- Innovation and Crime Reduction Unit (ICRU)
- Aboriginal and Community Policing
- Truth Verification Unit
- Major Crime Unit
- Explosives Disposal Unit
- Integrated Technological Crime Unit
- Internet Child Exploitation Unit
Police dog tracks suspect close to 4 kilometres
The New Brunswick RCMP welcomed new Police Dog Service animal Hamer to the force last summer, and he was quick to prove his worth. Following a break and enter in Lutes Mountain on August 12, 2017, Hamer tracked a suspect 3.64 kilometres, leading to a successful arrest. It was his second on-duty call with the RCMP. A 40-year-old man from Moncton pleaded guilty to a charge of break and enter and was sentenced to 12 months in prison.
UAV finds missing man in minutes
On November 7, 2017, RCMP received a report of a man who became lost in the woods in Honeydale, near St. Stephen. RCMP Air Services was called, and deployed an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), or drone. Within five minutes, the UAV located the missing man, allowing police to reach him and safely lead him out of the woods.
Working together to solve crime

In July 2017, a Fredericton woman was biking in the Rusagonis area when a man in a pickup truck exposed himself to her. She reported the incident to police, giving a partial licence plate number of the man's truck and a description of the man to RCMP forensic artist, Cst. Alexandre L'Heureux. The sketch was seen by Scott Smiley, a civilian member who manages the Behavioral Sciences Unit for the New Brunswick RCMP, who was able to identify a possible suspect. A 34-year-old man was arrested and charged with committing an indecent act. Court proceedings are continuing in 2018.
Illegal Tobacco
In 2017, the New Brunswick RCMP seized more than 1.8-million illegal cigarettes destined for sale. The production and sale of illegal cigarettes is not regulated, which can pose serious safety risks to buyers. Proceeds from the sale of illegal cigarettes also support criminal activity in our province, and divert as much as $13-million dollars a year away from provincial programs.
If you have information regarding the illegal use, sale, transportation, and distribution of illegal tobacco, contact your local police or Crime Stoppers.

In 2017, 63 New Brunswickers completed their RCMP training and became constables posted in Canada.
One of the most memorable people to apply to become an RCMP police officer in 2017 was Katelyn Ford, who wrote her RCMP entrance exam while in labour! She gave birth to a healthy baby girl less than five hours after completing her exam – and in case you're wondering, Katelyn passed!
If you think you have what it takes to be an RCMP member, please contact Cst. Isabelle Beaulieu at nbrecruiting@rcmp-grc.gc.ca. There's a uniform waiting with your name on it!
Traffic and Road Safety
In 2017, the New Brunswick RCMP responded to a total of 9,846 vehicle collisions, which resulted in 66 deaths, and another 1,565 people injured. The New Brunswick RCMP takes road safety seriously, and is committed to doing our part to help reduce the number of deaths and injuries.
Number of checkstops: 6,392
Number of vehicles checked 355,881
Traffic | 2017 |
Total number of fatal collisions | 62 |
Fatal off-road vehicle collisions | 9 |
Fatal motorcycle collisions | 11 |
Fatal pedestrian or cyclist collisions | 11 |
Other | 31 |
Total number of fatalities | 66 |
Involving off-road vehicles | 9 |
Involving pedestrians/cyclists | 11 |
Involving motorcycles | 11 |
Other | 35 |
Unrestrained (with seatbelts available) | 15 |
Possible or confirmed to have involve alcohol or drugs | 22 |
Other | 29 |
Total number of collision-related injuries | 1,565 |
Stopping impaired drivers in their tracks
Collisions involving impaired driving are entirely preventable. Those who choose to get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol or drugs are recklessly endangering the lives of all around them.
In late 2017, the New Brunswick government introduced new legislation to stop impaired drivers. Those who are caught driving with a blood alcohol limit between 0.05% and 0.08% automatically have their licence suspended for seven days. Those with a blood alcohol limit above 0.08%, or who refuse to provide a sample, lose their licences for 90 days and have their vehicles impounded for a minimum of 30 days.
Number of roadside suspensions issued: 288
Number of vehicles impounded: 60
Offences | 2017 |
Provincial Offence Procedure Act (POPA) offences | 19,673 |
Speeding | 8,506 |
Distracted Driving | 686 |
Failure to wear a seatbelt | 647 |
Other | 9,834 |
Traffic related Criminal Code Offences | |
Impaired operation related offences | 3,398 |
Impaired driving charges | 793 |
Dangerous operation of a motor vehicle | 189 |
Driving while suspended | 1,391 |
"Going on a bumble" is no joke

"Going on a bumble" is a colloquial phrase in Carleton County that means impaired driving. In 2017, seven Carleton County residents shared their powerful reasons why "going on a bumble" is no joke in a video released by the New Brunswick RCMP. Many have first-hand experiences of the tragic consequences of drinking and driving, including a witness to a fatal crash and parents of a young girl killed in a crash with an impaired driver.
To see the full video, go to the New Brunswick RCMP's YouTube channel.
Connecting with New Brunswickers
The power of social media
Every day, the New Brunswick RCMP connects with tens of thousands of New Brunswickers through our Facebook and Twitter social media channels. These connections have become invaluable, allowing our audiences to help us solve crime, locate missing persons and share important information about public safety.
Bank robbery suspect identified
Our audience was instrumental in helping solve a series of bank robberies that occurred in the Moncton area in August and September 2017. When an image of the suspect was shared in October, it only took three days to have a person identified, arrested and charged. Terry Dean Leger, 50, of Moncton pleaded guilty to four counts of robbery with threats of violence and one count of attempted robbery, and was sentenced to nine years in prison.
The Pepsi machine

In December 2017, the New Brunswick RCMP shared the story of an abandoned Pepsi dispensing machine found in a farmer's field near Drummond in September. The post immediately went viral, reaching more than 30-thousand accounts on Twitter in just a few hours. The rightful owner was located before the end of the day.
In 2017, our social media audiences helped us locate dozens of missing persons, most within a single day. In one case, we located a missing person within 1 hour of posting!
How you can help
Connect with the New Brunswick RCMP:
- www.rcmp.ca/nb
- Facebook.com/rcmpnb
- Twitter: @RCMPNB
Share posts from New Brunswick RCMP channels.
Contact us, your local police or Crime Stoppers if you have information that could help ongoing investigations.Protecting our most vulnerable
10 children rescued from child exploitation
In 2017, the New Brunswick RCMP's Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) unit led 188 new investigations, as well as providing assistance with 71 other national and international investigations. As a result, there were 13 arrests and 24 charges laid. Ten children, including six New Brunswickers, were identified and rescued in 2017.
Multiple investigations lead to same suspect
In 2017, investigators were able to link 26 different investigations to a single suspect believed to be luring children online. In November 2017, a 45-year-old Moncton man was arrested, and several electronic devices were seized. The investigation is continuing.
International investigation leads to charges in US and Canada
In August 2017, a 50-year-old New Brunswick man was arrested in the United States while attempting to meet with a youth who had been lured online. The New Brunswick RCMP ICE unit assisted American authorities with a search of the man's home in St. Stephen. Based on evidence seized at the home, further charges of luring a child, possessing child pornography and transmitting child pornography were laid in New Brunswick. The accused is currently being held in the United States pending legal proceedings there.
Protecting victims of domestic violence
In April 2017, two St. George RCMP members were able to stop a vicious domestic assault in progress while responding to a call at a home in Pennfield. Even with their intervention, a woman in the home was taken to hospital with serious injuries. A 66-year-old man was charged with attempted murder and aggravated assault, and court proceedings are continuing. In 2018, Cst. Natalie Arsenault and Cst. Patrick Quinn received Commanding Officer's Commendations for their actions.
The New Brunswick RCMP continues to work closely with the Province of New Brunswick and other partners to promote the Love Shouldn't Hurt campaign, which provides resources and information to those confronting intimate partner and domestic violence.
RCMP boot camp for students
In 2017, students at North and South Esk Regional High School got a first-hand look at what it takes to be an RCMP police officer, thanks to Cst. James Sherwood and Cst. Cory Matchett. Students participated in a week-long "boot camp," learning everything from investigational techniques and road safety to fitness and self-defence. The activities gave students a better understanding of the New Brunswick RCMP as well as important skills that will stay with them no matter their future career choices. A similar camp is planned for 2018.
Honours for Outdoor Grit

A unique summer program for at-risk youth was twice honoured in 2017. Outdoor Grit is a collaboration between the RCMP and several community partners that takes teens from the Greater Moncton Area on a four-day excursion at Fundy National Park. Participants learn wilderness skills, as well as communications, peer mentoring, counseling and team building.
In 2017, founders of the program, including the Codiac Regional RCMP's Community Program Officer Richard Babineau, were presented with the YMCA Peace Medal and the IODE RCMP Community Service Award.
Driving home the risks of impaired driving
For the past six years, Cst. Ray Gautreau of the New Brunswick RCMP's Tactical Traffic Enforcement Unit has made it his passion to show young people and their families the devastating consequences of impaired driving. Each year, Cst. Gautreau works with community partners in Caraquet to create realistic crash simulations for students during graduation season. In 2017, these simulations were opened to the general public for the first time to spread the important message of sober driving to all.
The Northeast District Caraquet RCMP detachment has not responded to any collisions involving youth and alcohol during graduation season since the simulations began in 2012.
Cops 'N Kids Youth Leadership Camp

In October 2017, 67 children ages 12 to 14 from the Sackville, Tantramar and Cumberland County, Nova Scotia area attended the Cops 'N Kids Youth Leadership camp in Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia. Organized by the Sackville Community Policing Officer Jean-François LeBlanc, Cst. Travise Dow and the Cumberland Restorative Justice Society, the camp gave youth an opportunity to attend an outdoor focused camp, as well as developing important leadership skills and learning to give back to their communities. At the end of camp, students organized fundraisers at their schools to raise money for toiletry kits for people in emergency situations, a project that is continuing in 2018.
Aboriginal and Community Policing
Community Program Officers for Indigenous Communities
In 2017, the New Brunswick RCMP introduced the Community Program Officer for Indigenous Communities (CPOI) program. The program is designed to reduce crime within First Nations communities by responding to priority crime issues, assessing early risk factors among vulnerable populations such as at-risk youth, and fostering preventative initiatives.
Elsipogtog PowWow

Photo courtesy Vienna Sanipass
In September 2017, members from the Southeast District RCMP Elsipogtog Detachment attended the annual Elsipogtog Powwow. The three day event showcases First Nations culture through ceremonies, dance, food and drumming.
Esgenoôpetitj drug awareness sessions
Following the seizure of a pill containing fentanyl at Esgenoôpetitj First Nation, the New Brunswick RCMP and its partners offered educational sessions to the community. More than 200 people attended the sessions, learning the risks of opioids such as fentanyl and how to administer naloxone, which can temporarily reverse overdoses so the affected person can receive further medical treatment. Students at local schools also received presentations about drugs and drug abuse.
The RCMP continues to work to combat the spread of illegal opioids in our province. If you have information about illegal opioids, please contact your local police or Crime Stoppers.
Spreading Christmas cheer on Tobique First Nation

In December 2017, members of the West District Tobique First Nation Detachment raised money to help a deserving family in the community have a merry Christmas. Members helped select presents for the children and made a special delivery on behalf of Santa Claus.
Kids, Cops and Computers

In 2017, the RCMP Foundation partnered with Microsoft Canada and teachers at Elsipogtog School to present 28 students with their very own laptops. The students were also given lessons on computer safety and responsible use of social media.
Federal Policing

Dan Nowlan
Federal Policing Officer
The RCMP's Federal Program in New Brunswick is a multi-faceted, multidisciplinary program strategically focused on three main objectives – Border Integrity, Serious and Organized Crime (including Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs) and Intelligence.
New Brunswick's geography makes it a hub for Atlantic Canada, including multiple border points, access to ports and the only land access to the other Maritime provinces. This makes it essential for the New Brunswick RCMP to collaborate with local, national and international partners to ensure the safety and security of all.
Serious and Organized Crime
New Brunswick's location has generated interest from serious and organized crime groups, including Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs. The RCMP's Federal Serious and Organized Crime (FSOC) program in New Brunswick continues to carefully monitor the existence and growth of Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs in the province. This includes ongoing intelligence gathering and enforcement action, as well as collaboration with other law enforcement agencies and increased public information about the threats posed by Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs.
Among the examples of this work was the arrest and subsequent charges against Robin Moulton, a full-patch member of the Hells Angels Nomads N.B chapter (see page 8), which was the result of an RCMP-led joint force operation in partnership with the Canada Border Services Agency, Saint John Police Force, Fredericton Police Force, Kennebecasis Regional Police Force and Edmundston Police.
Border Security
The RCMP actively works with law enforcement counterparts across the country and internationally to ensure the integrity and security of New Brunswick's border points. In support of this priority, the New Brunswick RCMP's FSOC program is a participant in the Integrated Border Enforcement Team along with partners from Canada Border Services Agency, the US Department of Homeland Security Investigations, US Customs and Border Protection-Office of Border Patrol and the US Coast Guard.
The RCMP's border enforcement in New Brunswick is supported by both air and water through programs such as the Integrated Cross-Border Maritime Law Enforcement Operations (ICMLEO), with both marine and air members in Canada and the United States.
The New Brunswick RCMP has a robust intelligence program dedicated to examining and assessing threats to public safety, as well as sharing intelligence and developing partnerships with other law enforcement agencies. We are dedicated to intelligence-led policing and operations that contribute to safer communities across jurisdictions and borders.
One example of these successful collaborations includes the recent sentences in connection with an international drug smuggling investigation. In October 2017, a Dieppe man and woman were found guilty of conspiracy to import cocaine into Canada. Luc LeBlanc, 44, and Michelle LeBlanc, 39, were charged in 2015 following an RCMP investigation into the importation of drugs dating back to 2012. The investigation was conducted as part of an international partnership with authorities in the United States. In 2018, Michelle LeBlanc was sentenced to 5 years in prison and Luc LeBlanc was sentenced to 14 years in prison.
Codiac Regional RCMP

District Commander
Superintendent Tom Critchlow
The Codiac Regional RCMP is the largest detachment in New Brunswick, providing policing services to Moncton, Dieppe and Riverview.
From the Officer in Charge of Codiac, Superintendent Tom Critchlow
As someone with many connections in this area, I am pleased to return as the Officer in Charge of the Codiac Regional RCMP. I know many of the men and women who provide your policing service, and the outstanding efforts they make to provide safe communities for all. It is my pleasure to join them in our efforts towards public safety.
I am committed to ensuring we continue to provide the best police service to all our communities, and I look forward to working with the municipal councils of Moncton, Dieppe and Riverview and all our partners towards our common goals.
Major Investigations
In January 2017, a man and a woman were charged with second-degree murder in the death of Rodney Perry, 47, of Moncton. Court proceedings will continue in 2018.
Also in January, 15 people were charged following an investigation and operation targeting street-level drug trafficking in the Greater Moncton area. Charges included trafficking a number of different drugs, including cocaine, methamphetamine, hydromorphone and marijuana.
In 2017, a second person was sentenced to life in prison for the 2015 death of 18-year-old Baylee Wylie. Tyler Noel, 20, pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and arson. Devin Morningstar, 19, was convicted of first-degree murder in 2016 and was also sentenced to life in prison. A third person accused, Marissa Shephard, was found guilty of first-degree murder in May, 2018.
Crime Reduction and Prevention
In 2017, the Codiac Regional RCMP continued its efforts to actively stop "johns" from attempting to buy services from sex trade workers in public places. A total of 26 men, ranging in age from 19 to 74, were arrested for communication for a sexual service in three separate operations in the Moncton area.
In September 2017, the Codiac Regional RCMP responded to a report of a home invasion, where two people had been threatened, assaulted and robbed by two suspects carrying long-barrel guns. With assistance from the public, the suspects were quickly identified and two men were charged with 18 and 19 offences, respectively. A 32-year-old man pleaded guilty and was sentenced to eight years in prison. Court proceedings are continuing against the second accused.
Our Communities
In 2017, the Codiac Regional RCMP embarked on a number of initiatives to help citizens of the Greater Moncton area protect themselves against crime. In December, with the assistance of the Tri-Community Codiac RCMP Volunteers, the Codiac RCMP visited local shopping centres to hand out pamphlets reminding shoppers to place valuables out of sight, lock their vehicle doors and park in well-lit areas.
Codiac RCMP employees also participated in numerous community events, including the 20th annual Guns and Hoses Blood Challenge in December, a friendly challenge between the RCMP and Moncton Fire Department over which group could have more blood donors. This year, the Codiac Regional RCMP took home bragging rights.
Road Safety
In 2017, the Codiac Regional RCMP held numerous road safety initiatives, public awareness campaigns and enforcement actions. A single-day traffic blitz in July 2017 targeting those who were driving more than 25 km/h over the speed limit, resulted in approximately 7,500 vehicles checked and 30 tickets issued for speeding. Throughout the year, our police officers also conducted several operations targeting impaired driving, "Move Over" law violations, distracted driving and seatbelt infractions.
Our Priorities
The Codiac Regional RCMP is committed to delivering the best possible service to the communities of Moncton, Dieppe and Riverview while remaining cost-effective and accountable. We continue to focus on reducing property crime, making our roads safer and being innovative to solve and prevent crime in our region.
We encourage all citizens to report information relating to crimes and offenders to police or Crime Stoppers as we continue to work together for safer communities.Northeast District

District Commander
Superintendent Shelly Dupont
Northeast District Detachments and Offices: Saint- Quentin, Campbellton, Bathurst, Lamèque, Caraquet, Tracadie, Neguac, Sunny Corner, Blackville and Doaktown.
From the District Commander, Superintendent Shelly Dupont
It has been a great pleasure for me to join the New Brunswick RCMP in the Northeast District.
The reports concerning the warmth, dedication and hard work of J Division employees preceded my arrival. I have not been disappointed. I would like to thank our employees and our communities for the warm welcome you have shown me.
Since arriving in October, our District has been confronted with several significant investigations, including two double homicides. The professionalism and compassion of those involved in these difficult investigations cannot be understated. I am proud of and grateful to our RCMP employees and their families for their tireless work and commitment to public safety.
Major Investigations
In October 2017, RCMP responded to a double homicide in Saint-Quentin, where a 67-year-old man and a 36-year-old woman had been killed. Our investigators continue to work diligently with the New Brunswick RCMP Major Crime Unit to find those responsible for this terrible crime and bring them to justice.
In November, members were confronted with a second double homicide after responding to a house fire in Six Roads on the Acadian Peninsula. The bodies of a man and a woman were discovered in the house, and another man was found injured nearby. A 19-year-old man was arrested near the scene and is charged with first-degree murder, attempted murder and arson causing bodily harm. Court proceedings are expected to continue in 2018.
In March 2017, four people were charged in connection with the 2016 theft of a transport truck from Caraquet carrying approximately $1-million dollars' worth of frozen lobster. Court proceedings are expected to continue in 2018. It is believed the incident is connected to a larger crime ring targeting cargo shipments in Quebec and New Brunswick, and we continue to work with several jurisdictions on this investigation.
Crime Reduction and Prevention
In 2017, the Northeast Crime Reduction Unit began an investigation into an organized group that was targeting local businesses with large purchases made over the phone with stolen credit card numbers. With assistance from the Bathurst Police Force, Beresford, Nigadoo, Petit-Rocher and Pointe-Verte (BNPP) Police Force, Miramichi Police Force and Sûreté du Québec, seven individuals were arrested in connection with 70 different files in December 2017. Court proceedings are expected to continue in 2018.
In July 2017, the Northeast District RCMP issued a public warning following the theft of lethal drugs from the Restigouche County SPCA in Dalhousie. The RCMP was able to promptly spread the word about the extreme danger of these drugs, urging those who had stolen the drugs to not use them. There were no reports of any incidents related to the drugs following the warning.
Our Communities
Many of our police officers and employees are deeply rooted in our communities, and show their support in diverse ways. In August, members in Caraquet joined a local family to celebrate National Acadian Day on their much decorated lawn!
In 2017, Cpl. Marc André Thériault from the Saint-Quentin detachment joined two students at Polyvalente Alexandre J. Savoie to put together a video about the dangers of alcohol consumption, which went on to win a provincial competition.
Pedestrian and cycling safety was also a highlight of 2017, with our Community Program Officer Patrice Ferron offering a workshop for families at the Acadian Peninsula Family Resource Centre. Many of our police officers also participated in activities to promote safe cycling, including giving out many "positive tickets" for good cycling habits in Tracadie and Caraquet.
Road Safety
The Northeast District RCMP conducted approximately 1,764 separate checkstops in 2017, checking vehicles for seatbelt infractions, impaired driving and distracted driving.
Our Priorities
The Northeast District RCMP continues to prioritize crime reduction and prevention in our communities. This includes focusing on crime "hot spots," and prolific offenders, using intelligence-based analysis and investigation. We will also continue to enforce safe driving practices to prevent serious collisions.
We remain committed to working with our communities and partners to keep our communities safe, including finding innovative solutions to prevent and solve crime.
Southeast District

District Commander
Superintendent Costa Dimopoulas
Southeast District Detachments and Offices: Rogersville, Richibucto, Elsipogtog, Bouctouche, Shediac, Sackville, Irishtown, Riverview, Sussex, Hampton and Grand Bay-Westfield.
From the District Commander, Superintendent Costa Dimopoulos
This past year, we have seen a significant increase in the seizure of drugs and stolen property in the New Brunswick RCMP's Southeast District. Our strategically placed Crime Reduction Units were also successful in arresting some of our most prolific offenders.
I am very proud of the work being done by our frontline uniformed officers, supervisors and analysts in the areas of traffic enforcement, property crimes and violent crimes. We are also privileged to have a team of dedicated employees throughout the District who work behind the scenes to provide the necessary support as we work towards our collective goal of a safer New Brunswick.
Major Investigations
In June 2017, the Southeast District RCMP responded to a complaint of a domestic dispute at Fundy National Park. Further investigation led to the discovery of an illegal drug production set-up, as well as a stolen vehicle, identification cards, credit cards and other items. A man and a woman were arrested and later charged with the production of methamphetamine and six counts of possession of stolen property. Court proceedings are continuing in 2018.
In September 2017, our District had the sad task of investigating the death of an RCMP police officer from Nova Scotia, Cst. Francis Deschênes, who was struck and killed while assisting a motorist near Memramcook. Our investigators showed true professionalism during this difficult investigation. In December, a 31-year-old American man pleaded guilty to driving with undue care and attention.
In December 2017, a search warrant at a home in Boudreau-Ouest led to the seizure of approximately 39-thousand tablets of what is believed to be methamphetamine, as well as other drugs, a conducted energy weapon, a crossbow and a large amount of money. A man and a woman were charged, and court proceedings are expected to continue in 2018.
Crime Reduction and Prevention
One of our many successes in 2017 stemmed from the arrest of a suspect in connection with a stolen vehicle in Saint-Antoine in November. Our investigators were able to link the suspect to a series of thefts and other crimes across Kent County. A 42-year-old man was subsequently charged with 25 different offences relating to a number of ongoing investigations, and the matter is now before the courts.
In 2017, police received several complaints of fraudulent use of credit cards at businesses in Saint John, Grand Bay-Westfield, Oromocto and Sussex. In September, the Sussex RCMP Detachment arrested and charged two people in connection with the investigation. A 40-year-old man from Alberta was sentenced to two and a half years in prison. Court proceedings are continuing against the woman.
During the summer of 2017, the Southeast District RCMP investigated several thefts targeting ATM machines at area businesses. Following a thorough investigation, police arrested two men at homes in Monteagle and Salisbury in October. Both men were charged with numerous offences, and court proceedings will continue in 2018.
Our Communities
Southeast District RCMP employees participated in many different community events throughout our district in 2017. One of the highlights was a friendly hockey game between local youths in Richibucto and members of the Elsipogtog and Richibucto RCMP detachments. Our employees are now working to make the game an annual event.
Our employees also organized several initiatives in support of the Law Enforcement Torch Run, which raises money for the Special Olympics. Some of our members and employees also volunteered with the games, helping with the opening ceremonies and medal presentations among many other tasks.
Road Safety
In 2017, the Southeast District RCMP conducted regular checkstops to target impaired and distracted driving offences, as well as enforcement of the "Move Over" law. These enforcement activities also resulted in seizures of illegal cigarettes and drugs.
The most memorable traffic operation of the year took place in Shediac, when our enforcement team encountered a woman in advanced labour. The members started the delivery process while waiting for paramedics to arrive. The woman was taken to hospital, and we were pleased to hear that a healthy baby girl was born a short time later.
Our Priorities
The Southeast District RCMP and our communities each play an integral role in reducing crime and fostering public safety. We will continue to engage and collaborate with our communities to identify key issues that impact the safety and security of our citizens so we can use our policing resources for the greatest impact. We remain committed to reducing crime and improving road safety by working collaboratively with our partners and the wider public to create a safe and secure place for all.West District
Detachments are located in Clair, Saint-Léonard,Tobique First Nation, Perth-Andover, Woodstock, Nackawic, Keswick, New Maryland, Oromocto, Stanley, Minto, Chipman, McAdam, St. George, St. Stephen, Saint Andrews, Grand Manan, Campobello Island and Deer Island.

District Commander
Superintendent Lucie Dubois
From the District Commander, Superintendent Lucie Dubois
An increase in calls for service resulted in another busy and challenging year for West District RCMP. We continued our efforts to improve road safety, reduce and prevent crime through intelligence-led policing, as well as building strong and positive relations with our partners and local communities.
I am proud to say our employees have continued to serve their communities with the exemplary level of engagement and dedication we have come to rely on. We continue to leverage the strengths found in the diversity of our District, and I look forward to what we will accomplish together next.
Major Investigations
In January 2017, police investigated a shooting in Lincoln, near Fredericton, where 34-year-old Robert John Smith, also known as Bobby Martin, was killed. A man and a woman were arrested shortly after. In March 2018, Joe-Anna Hachey pleaded guilty to manslaughter. Court proceedings against a second accused are continuing in the fall of 2018.
In July 2017, the West District RCMP and the New Brunswick Major Crime Unit investigated two homicides of men in the Minto area. Ronald Richard, 50, was found dead near his home in Hardwood Ridge. Daren Jones of Maquapit Lake was reported missing in July; his remains were found in Nova Scotia in December 2017 and his death was determined to be a homicide. Both of these cases remain under active investigation.
Crime Reduction and Prevention
In October 2017, members of the West District RCMP responded to a report of a break and enter at a gun shop in McAdam, arriving promptly enough to disrupt the crime in progress. The suspects fled the scene with ammunition and a gun case. Police were able to track and arrest one of the suspects with assistance from the RCMP Police Dog Services. Court proceedings and the investigation are continuing.
In May 2017, police received reports of a string of break and enters targeting vehicles and sheds in the Saint-Léonard area. Investigators were able to identify a suspect by working with the Edmundston Police Force, and a man was arrested in Rivière-Verte a short time later. An Ontario man was charged with numerous offences, including possession of stolen goods over $5,000. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to time served and two years' probation.
In November 2017, police appealed to the public to help locate a man wanted on a warrant for numerous charges, including possession of stolen property over $5,000, flight from police, driving while prohibited and dangerous operation of a motor vehicle. With tips from the public, police were able to apprehend the suspect. A 25-year-old man pleaded guilty to 16 charges in January 2018 and was sentenced to 36 months in prison.
Our Communities
West District employees were actively engaged in community events throughout the year, including Halloween patrols in St. Stephen, Candy Cane checkstops in St. George, and hockey games with youth in Perth-Andover and Tobique.
In September 2017, the West District RCMP responded to a report of a lost hiker with medical issues in the St. George area. A wide-scale search effort was launched with assistance from RCMP Police Dog Services and the RCMP drone, as well as Charlotte County Ground Search and Rescue and the St. George Volunteer Fire Department. The woman was safely located the next day. In December, the West District held a ceremony thanking all the community volunteers for their outstanding efforts.
Road Safety
Road safety remains a key priority for the West District RCMP, and our police officers actively worked towards this goal with many traffic enforcement initiatives throughout the year. A stop-sign initiative in St. Stephen and McAdam in October was especially effective, as police saw a noticeable improvement in driver behavior as the campaign progressed.
Our Priorities
The West District RCMP will continue contributing to safer communities with a renewed focus on reducing and preventing crime, taking full advantage of the expertise of our dedicated frontline police officers, analysts and staff. This includes working closely with our partners to improve outcomes for vulnerable people, and to enhance our service to victims of sexual assaults and intimate partner violence. We are also committed to raising awareness and enforcement of at-risk driving habits such as impaired driving, distracted driving and seatbelt infractions. Together, we will build and maintain positive relations with the public and communities.
Division Overview
Statistics reflected are subject to change based on the results of ongoing investigations, closure of files and other factors.
Crimes Against Persons | 2016 | 2017 | % change from 2016 to 2017 |
Homicide | 8 | 9 | 12.5% |
Robbery, extortion | 158 | 146 | -7.59% |
Sexual assault | 441 | 490 | 11.11% |
Sexual interference, exploitation, luring over the Internet | 218 | 192 | -11.93% |
Other sexual offences (including Procuring, Obtaining Sexual Services for Consideration) | 163 | 243 | 49.08% |
Assault | 5,020 | 5,022 | 0.04% |
Kidnapping, hostage, abduction | 93 | 103 | 10.75% |
Criminal harassment, intimidation | 2,683 | 2,707 | .89% |
Uttering threats | 2,870 | 2,763 | -3.73% |
Child exploitation related offences | 129 | 186 | 44.19% |
Total | 11,783 | 11,861 | 0.66% |
Property Crime | 2016 | 2017 | % change from 2016 to 2017 |
Break and enter | 3,220 | 3,686 | 14.47% |
Theft of motor vehicle | 1,002 | 1,173 | 17.07% |
Theft over $5,000 | 198 | 223 | 12.63% |
Theft $5,000 and under | 6,892 | 6,897 | 0.07% |
Possession of property obtained by crime | 266 | 312 | 17.29% |
Fraud 1 | 2,094 | 2,490 | 18.91% |
Arson | 380 | 332 | -12.63% |
Mischief 2 | 5,799 | 5,970 | 2.95% |
Total | 19,851 | 21,083 | 6.21% |
Other Criminal Code Offences | 2016 | 2017 | % change from 2016 to 2017 |
Total | 6,009 | 6,856 | 14.10% |
Drug Offences | 2016 | 2017 | % change from 2016 to 2017 |
Import, export | 3 | 3 | 0 |
Trafficking | 782 | 845 | 8.06% |
Production | 266 | 214 | -19.55% |
Possession | 1,104 | 1,052 | -4.71% |
Total | 2,155 | 2,114 | -1.90% |
Other Federal Statute Offences | 2016 | 2017 | % change from 2016 to 2017 |
Total | 376 | 343 | -8.78% |
Provincial Statute Offences | 2016 | 2017 | % change from 2016 to 2017 |
Total | 1,397 | 1,190 | -14.82% |
Traffic | 2016 | 2017 | % change from 2016 to 2017 |
Provincial Offence Procedure Act (POPA) offences (Total Traffic Tickets given) | 23,130 | 19,673 | -14.95% |
Speeding | 11,858 | 8,506 | -28.27% |
Distracted Driving | 645 | 686 | 6.36% |
Failure to wear a seatbelt | 859 | 641 | -25.38% |
Other 3 | 9,768 | 9,860 | 0.94% |
Traffic related Criminal Code Offences | |||
Impaired driving charges | 890 | 793 | -10.90% |
Dangerous operation of a motor vehicle | 201 | 189 | -5.97% |
Driving while suspended | 1,375 | 1,391 | 1.16% |
Total number of vehicle collisions | 9,273 | 9,846 | 6.18% |
Total number of fatal collisions | 58 | 62 | 6.9% |
Fatal off-road vehicle collisions | 5 | 9 | 80% |
Fatal motorcycle collisions | 6 | 11 | 83.33% |
Fatal pedestrian or cyclist collisions | 9 | 11 | 22.22% |
Other | 38 | 31 | -18.42% |
Fatalities | 64 | 66 | 3.13% |
Unrestrained (with seatbelts available) | 20 | 15 | -25% |
Involving alcohol or drugs | 17 | 22 | 29.41% |
Other | 27 | 29 | 7.40% |
Agency Defined Activities | 2016 | 2017 | % change from 2016 to 2017 |
Breach of peace | 101 | 103 | 1.98% |
False alarm 4 | 3,212 | 7,804 | 142.96% |
False, abandoned 911 call | 5,599 | 5,290 | 5.52% |
Persons reported missing | 1,287 | 1,149 | 10.72% |
1 An increase between 2016 and 2017 is due to changes in coding for calls for service.
2 Mischief may include a number of different offences, including damage to/or obstruct enjoyment of property, mischief related to data (virus, trojan horses, etc), mischief to cultural of religious property and mischief - causing danger to life.
3 Other POPA offences may include- No current inspection certificate, failure to provide proof of insurance, vehicle not insured, failure to produce license, failure to stop at stop sign, expired registration, "Move Over"
4 An increase between 2016 and 2017 is due to changes in coding for calls for service.
RCMP Established Positions
RCMP Personnel | Regular Members | Civilian Members | Public Service Employees |
Provincial Policing | 513 | 55 | 142 |
Municipal Policing (excluding Codiac) | 53 | 1 | 0 |
Codiac Regional RCMP | 141 | 5 | 0 |
Federal Policing (federally funded) | 134 | 24 | 34 |
First Nations Policing | 19 | 0 | 3 |
Divisional and Regional Administration | 23 | 33 | 79 |
Total | 883 | 118 | 258 |
Financial Expenditures
Salaries, Operational and Maintenance Costs | 2016 | 2017 |
Federal and International Operations | 20,803,816 | $21,403,978 |
Community, Contract and Aboriginal Policing | ||
Provincial / Territorial Policing | 83,205,174 | $89,389,979 |
Municipal Policing | 24,643,068 | $26,346,391 |
Aboriginal Policing | 2,366,353 | $2,703,884 |
Internal Services | 9,816,604 | $10,121,530 |
Total | 140,835,015 | $149,965,762 |
Capital Funds, Infrastructure, and Construction | 2016 | 2017 |
Federal and International Operations | 2,605,510 | $1,232,469 |
Community, Contract and Aboriginal Policing | ||
Provincial / Territorial Policing | 8,443,560 | $5,666,254 |
Municipal Policing | 1,552,076 | $113,121 |
Aboriginal Policing | 322,325 | $54,553 |
Internal Services | 245,375 | $10,099 |
Total | 13,168,846 | $7,076,496 |
Total Expenditures - 2016 - 154,003,861
Total Expeditures - 2017 - $157,042,258
New Brunswick Population: 747,101 (2016 Census)
- RCMP Provincial Policing: 371,895
- RCMP Municipal Agreements: 146,813
- RCMP First Nations Community Policing: 4,088
- Policed by other police departments: 224,305
Area Policed : 71,353 km2
- RCMP Provincial Policing: 69,858 km2
- RCMP Municipal Agreements: 443 km2
- RCMP First Nations Community Policing: 37 km2
- Policed by other police departments: 1,015 km2
Our Commitment
Public safety is a shared commitment between the New Brunswick RCMP, the communities we police, and the citizens of New Brunswick. As we move forward in 2018, we remain dedicated to working with our partners to ensure everyone has the tools and resources needed to keep our province safe and secure. Reducing property crime, improving road safety and combatting harmful illegal activities such as drugs remain priorities as we continue to work together for a safer New Brunswick.
The New Brunswick RCMP continues to use innovation and the introduction of new technologies to help our police officers respond more efficiently. We are committed to open and transparent communication with the communities we serve to ensure we are providing the best policing service possible with the resources we have.
Our organization is built on the hard work of our employees, and their relationships with the public we serve. Our employees do much more than contribute to public safety - they help their communities thrive and grow, adding to the quality of life we enjoy in this province. We are committed to making sure they have the resources and support needed for the challenging work they undertake each and every day.
In Memoriam

Remembering our fellow officer, Constable Francis (Frank) Deschênes, 1982-2017
On September 12, 2017, at approximately 6 p.m. we lost one of our own. Cst. Francis (Frank) Deschênes was killed while on duty with Northwest Traffic Services-Amherst, Nova Scotia. Cst. Deschênes was stopped and providing assistance to motorists on Highway #2 in Memramcook, N.B. at the time of the fatal crash.
That evening, many lives changed. Frank's wife lost her husband, his parents lost their son, his brother lost his only brother, his in-laws lost their son-in-law, and thousands of RCMP employees and police officers across the country lost one of our own.
Frank served his country and was committed to something much larger than himself of which there is nothing more honourable. Everyone who knew Frank described him as the guy who did the right thing when no one was watching and that is exactly what Frank was doing when he lost his life.
When you think of a Mountie, Frank epitomizes that image. He put on his uniform with pride, lived our core values through his actions and served others unselfishly with integrity and respect.
Regimental #51654, rest peacefully in your final place of honour.
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