Vol. 79, No. 4News notes

Male police officer approaches vehicle during traffic stop.

RCMP featured in FBI training video

Executing a Canadian arrest warrant is straight forward in Canada, but not in the United States. In a new FBI training video, the RCMP helps explain to U.S. police how to apprehend a person wanted in Canada. Credit: Federal Bureau of Investigation


Representing the RCMP in a training video for the Federal Bureau of Investigation was a first for Insp. Peter Trottier.

"Having spent a number of years at both Depot and the Canadian Police College, I've had many opportunities to speak in front of audiences," says Trottier. "As we were filming, it dawned on me that the audience here wasn't simply the FBI but potentially all of law enforcement in the U.S."

The video will be used to educate U.S. police officers on Foreign Fugitive Files. Specifically, it will show officers how to query the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) — a police database — and what to do if they get a hit on someone with an outstanding Canadian arrest warrant.

"The Foreign Fugitive File is one of the more unique files within NCIC, in that our law enforcement agencies don't populate or contribute records to this file," says Stephen Fischer, FBI spokesperson.

The Foreign Fugitive Files are populated and maintained strictly by the RCMP and INTERPOL. They contain information on persons wanted in connection with offences committed outside the United States.

"Not only does the RCMP enter the information into NCIC on behalf of all other Canadian law enforcement agencies, but in the event of a hit, we act as the liaison between the U.S. and the arresting agency in Canada," says Krista Bowman, in charge of the RCMP's NCIC unit.

In one scenario in the video, a car is pulled over and the police officer runs an NCIC check on an expired Ontario driver's licence.

The person comes back with a hit on the Foreign Fugitive File as wanted in Canada for fraud.

Trottier is interviewed about the RCMP, how it collects and enters information for NCIC, and the steps that police must take to initiate the extradition process.

Once the warrant is confirmed, the process of obtaining a U.S. extradition warrant is initiated.

The database, which connects U.S. law enforcement with partners around the world, is an important tool for the FBI and RCMP.

"It provides vital information for the safety and efficiency of the United States law enforcement personnel," says Fischer. "It also assists Canada in locating and extraditing, if applicable, wanted persons."

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