2020 Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee Annual Report - K Division


January 22, 2019
  • Discovering K video was launched on the lnfoweb to inform employees of the existence and purpose of the committee.
    • Any feedback was requested and welcome, however zero response was received
  • The Wellness Unit Manager attended to seven detachments between Central Alberta District and Eastern Alberta District to discuss the Wellness Unit and resources available.
  • Members of Professional Responsibilities Unit and Division Wellness Unit presented during Supervisor Development Program (SDP) and Manager Development Program (MDP) training courses with a focus on responsibilities as managers.
March 5, 2019
  • The results from 2018 Public Service Employee Survey (PSES) indicate that a vast majority of employees will not start a formal process.
  • In some detachments, the structure in place deals with harassment at a municipal level and the information is not transferred to K Division for awareness or consultation.
  • K Division has only one Informal Conflict Management (ICM) Practitioner to train and help the entire division.
    • Staffing process initiated; position advertised
  • The Peer to Peer, Chaplain and Resiliency project information is available on the lnfoweb to help with wellness in the workplace.
  • Diversity and cultural awareness workshops presented throughout the year, which include discussions about employee engagement and respectful workplace.
    • Purpose was to obtain recommendations of potential avenues to reach out to membership and supervisors.
June 25, 2019
  • Strategy meeting with facilitator, Mary Day, Operations Strategy Branch, was organized to gain focus for the committee.
  • After discussion, facilitator recommended the following:
    • Present draft package to the Commanding Officer
    • Create a question-specific survey for all employees to obtain the information needed to set appropriate goals and measures
November 26, 2019
  • Committee met to review the draft strategy and further develop
  • Plan should focus on a divisional road map to ensure focus on all employees
  • Two priorities identified:
    • Empower employees and increasing trust


Find ways to empower employees through sharing of information and various educational platforms:

Strategy #1
Identify an inventory of tools, training and educational opportunities available to managers and employees at the local and divisional level (i.e. RCMP-specific training, Canada School of Public Service (CSPS), Agora, online lectures).
Strategy #2
In consultation with Training Branch, explore options for increased diversity and resolving conflict courses.
Strategy #3
Explore developing a collaborative restorative reconciliation process for individuals considering engaging in the harassment process.

Increase Trust in order to bring forward incidents of harassment and discrimination:

Strategy #1
  • Through brief discussions during courses such as diversity workshop, SDP and MDP, during which we ask employees to identify areas to improve trust between employees and supervisors and managers.
  • Make results of committee and discussions available to employees on the lnfoweb.
Strategy #2
  • Identify further avenues for the committee to advocate for increased education on harassment and discrimination.

Current status

  • Developing a proposal for the implementation of the proposed third strategy
    • Intention is to create a culture where informal resolution is sought as the first step
  • Awaiting results of discussions from diversity courses
  • To continue with the PSES review and identify further courses to hold discussions

Next step

Develop measures through the PSES and tracking of employees who have developed soft skills through training (i.e., Resolving Conflict Effectively).


  • Work on developing the strategies, to have meaningful measures and impact
  • To increase focus on self-development, awareness and supervisor training
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