2019 Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee Annual Report - F Division


F Division quarter 1 Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee (GHAC) meeting was held in F Division Headquarters on May 1, 2018, and a quarter 3 meeting was held on November 7, 2018.


  • To promote transgender education and awareness to RCMP employees
  • To build a Diverse and Inclusive Public Service within the RCMP

Current status

  • Creation of a PowerPoint presentation 'Transgender 101' for delivery by employees wishing to educate colleagues and/or assist them in the process of transitioning in the workplace
  • Creation of a sub-committee, led by the Manager of F Division Public Service Human Resources, to work on initiatives to build a diverse and inclusive Public Service

Next steps

  • Transgender 101 presentation has been sent to the NGHAC Secretariat for review and input
  • Roll out of bias free training course, entitled "Finding the Right Fit using an Objective Eye," offered through the Canada School of Public Service
  • Creation of F Division Public Service orientation to the RCMP for newly hired public service employees


That, nationally, presentations such as 'Transgender 101', be made available to employees wishing to use to assist transgender employees in coming out to their units/peers.

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