Peace Regional detachment Alberta

2 Locations
During an emergency, dial
Contact information
5002 50th Ave
Grimshaw AB T0H 1W0 Canada
Grimshaw AB T0H 1W0 Canada
Telephone: 780-624-6677 - Administration
Telephone: 780-624-6611 - Non-emergency
Fax: 780-624-6650
Provided language(s): English only
Your nearest bilingual detachment is
Mailing address
9200 99th St, Bag 500Peace River AB T8S 2A4
Hours of operation
- General services
- This detachment is currently closed. Please contact Peace River detachment for assistance.
Services available
- Criminal records check
- General information
- Non emergency complaints
- Police certificate
- Report a crime
- Vulnerable sector check
Peace River
During an emergency, dial
Contact information
9200 99th St
Peace River AB T8S 2A4 Canada
Peace River AB T8S 2A4 Canada
Telephone: 780-624-6677 - Administration
Telephone: 780-624-6611 - Non-emergency
Fax: 780-624-6650
Provided language(s): English only
Your nearest bilingual detachment is
Mailing address
P.O. Box 5009200 99th St, Bag 500
Peace River AB T8S 2A4
Hours of operation
- Services généraux
- Monday to Friday
8 am to 4 pm
Services available
- Criminal records check
- General information
- Non emergency complaints
- Police certificate
- Report a crime
- Vulnerable sector check
Please be advised: Information is subject to change without notice.
- Date modified: