Week 6: Experience Depot

OC spray

Cadets lined up learning how to use OC spray

OC stands for oleoresin capsicum and it is the active compound in what is known as pepper spray. Cadets learn about OC spray policies and strategies on how and when to use it.

Part of this training includes exposing cadets to OC spray. There is a specialized room at Depot for this where a controlled amount of OC spray is released into the air. It is not a pleasant experience, but it gives cadets a personal understanding of the effects.

I have learned that OC spray is an effective tool to keep myself safe.

Police Defensive Tactics: Test 1

In week 6, cadets take their first test in Police Defensive Tactics. This is a scenario-based test reflecting a realistic police encounter. Cadets must react to the situation using the basic public safety and police skills learned to date.

Depot spotlight
Information Technology Support Services

Computers and IT equipment

Depot's ITSS provides solutions, support and maintenance for computers, software and more.

Due to the pandemic, operations have changed to match evolving health measures. Like many can relate to, that means remote working. Here at Depot, that meant remote training, too.

After the initial training disruption, returning cadets isolated for 2 weeks. To keep training on track, the IT unit set up computers in the cadets' rooms for online lectures.

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