Week 26: The final week

Commanding Officer’s inspection

The Sergeant Major inspects a Sam Browne.

The final week of training has arrived. It is a busy week, which includes the Commanding Officer's inspection. The CO visits the troop's dorm and speaks with the cadets. This is an opportunity for cadets to share feedback about the training experience.

The Sergeant Major and a Drill instructor also attend this inspection to ensure each cadet's kit is ready for the field.

Regimental Dinner

An empty table setting with a Stetson and over-turned drinking glasses.

The last week of training includes special traditions. On Thursday, cadets take part in their first RCMP Regimental Dinner. Everyone comes together to sing the national anthem and make toasts to the Queen, to the RCMP and to the Fallen.

Honouring those who lost their lives in in the line of duty is of utmost importance to the RCMP. During the Regimental Dinner, a place is set and left empty to represent a fallen member.

This formal evening is a welcome into the Force. It's a chance for the graduates to enjoy a meal with senior staff and their instructors as comrades. It's also a time to celebrate their achievements.

Did you Know?

The meal reflects the meals on the March West. Bison is often served, but cream and butter are not as they turned sour during the March. Tinned peaches are served at dessert as it was the only fruit that didn’t go bad.

Singing O Canada in my red serge really made me feel as though I was about to become part of something bigger.

Commanding Officer’s sendoff

On the last Friday of training, cadets meet with the Commanding Officer of Depot. This is an informal discussion, only attended by the CO and the senior troop. The discussion focuses on accountability and the importance of community as cadets prepare to go to their postings. It is also an opportunity for cadets to share feedback about the training experience.

Troop photo

Behind the scenes of a photographer setting up a graduation photo of cadets in red serge.

This week, the cadets will take their official photographs. This includes a troop photo with the Commanding Officer, Sergeant Major and the troop’s instructors.

The cadets also have individual photos taken. These will serve as the cadets' official file photos for their careers in the RCMP.

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