Week 21: Another achievement unlocked

Police defensive tactics: Test 3

A cadet comes up to an obstacle in training. Others can be seen watching.

Cadets take their last police defensive tactics test this week. To date, they have been practising their skills as individuals. After passing this test, cadets shift to working with troopmates in partner-based scenarios.

Drug investigations

Earlier in training, cadets learned about the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. This week, cadets build on this training. They learn how to handle and process these drugs safely. Additionally, cadets learn how to administer Naloxone nasal spray in case it is needed during a call for service.

Senior troop lecture

A cadet folds up a Canadian flag.

It is around this time in training where the cadets who graduate next experience an exciting milestone. They become the senior troop on base! Some changes come with this new role. The senior troop wears their felt hats and adds name tags to their duty shirts. They also get to switch their epaulettes, which will now have a red stripe.

The senior troop has special roles. They mentor other troops on base and act as the mess orderly, troop commander and flag party member. The senior troop raises and lowers the Canadian flag every day. This happens at sunrise and sunset, everyday, all year round.

Our senior troop helped guide us, and now it is our duty to look after, guide, and help our junior troops.

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