
Data - Wabasca Rural Detachment

Second Quarter Data 2024

Changes in key property crime indicator offence counts for the periods January to June 2023 and January to June 2024 in Wabasca Rural Detachment.
Break and enter Theft of motor vehicle Theft over and under $5,000 Possession of stolen goods
January - June 2023 19 14 32 7
January - June 2024 23 19 19 8
Year to date percentage change 21% 36% -41% 14%

First Quarter Data 2024

Changes in key property crime indicator offence counts for the periods January to March 2023 and January to March 2024 in Wabasca Rural Detachment.
Break and enter Theft of motor vehicle Theft over and under $5,000 Possession of stolen goods
January - March 2023 8 6 21 4
January - March 2024 5 4 8 3
Year to date percentage change -38% -33% -62% -25%

Fourth Quarter Data 2023

Changes in key property crime indicator offence counts for the periods January to December 2022 and January to December 2023 in Wabasca Rural Detachment.
Break and enter Theft of motor vehicle Theft over and under $5,000 Possession of stolen goods
January - December 2022 43 36 45 13
January - December 2023 45 40 55 22
Year to date percentage change 5% 11% 22% 69%
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